Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

Ended on the 7 February 2019

(1) Strategic Site Allocations

Strategic Development

6.1 The Plan identifies a number of strategic sites and/or locations (where neighbourhood plans are anticipated to be prepared) for development in the period up to 2035. These sites will deliver a significant amount of development across the plan period.

6.2 The strategic sites/locations have been identified following a comprehensive selection process. This took account of sites promoted through the call for sites exercises and in response to the consultation on the Issues and Options for the Local Plan Review. Those sites promoted within and surrounding settlements that are considered to be capable of accommodating additional sustainable development were taken forward for further scrutiny, taking account of the vision and objectives set out in pages 24-29 of this Plan.

6.3 The selection process as described above, helped to identify the broad locations that offered particularly suitable locations for development which have subsequently been tested in detail through Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulation Assessment, Transport Assessment, Infrastructure Delivery Plan and Landscape Study. The content of responses to earlier stages of consultation has also been taken into account.

Design Strategies

6.4 A design strategy will be required to support proposals for strategic scale development.

6.5 The strategic development locations will be planned and designed to be of a high standard as sustainable development, well integrated with existing settlements and neighbourhoods. The strategic developments also offer opportunities to expand and enhance local infrastructure and facilities for the wider plan area. To achieve these objectives, development will be planned in a coordinated way through a comprehensive master-planning process, including the preparation of a design and access statement.

6.6 In broad terms, the masterplans and design and access statements will describe and map the overall vision and concept for each proposed strategic development location. They will be based upon a clear understanding of place, informed by the available evidence of the natural and historic environment and provide a clear and cohesive framework for development. They will also set out the intended implementation and phasing of development, identifying responsibilities for delivery and sources of funding.

(28) Policy S32: Design Strategies for Strategic and Major Development Sites

Proposals for housing allocations and major development sites must be accompanied by a site-wide design strategy that includes the following:

  1. A Masterplan which should:
    1. identify the vision for the development, setting out a clear description of the type of place that could be created whilst building on the overall aims for the plan area
    2. demonstrate a coherent and robust framework for development that clearly sets out: land uses proposed including amount, scale and density, movement and access arrangements and Green Infrastructure provision
    3. show how the design requirements of the scheme work within the vision and demonstrate how the vision will be achieved
    4. integrate with the surrounding built, historic and natural environments, in particular maximising existing and potential movement connections and accessibility to encourage walking, cycling and use of public transport
    5. provide community facilities and other amenities to meet the needs of all the community, including access to education and training facilities, health care, community leisure and recreation facilities as appropriate
    6. define a hierarchy of routes and the integration of suitable infrastructure, including, for example, SuDS within the public realm
    7. contain a Green Infrastructure framework to ensure that public and private open space standards are met, relate well to each other and to existing areas and that the new spaces are safe, convenient, accessible and functional, and
    8. contain an indicative layout which illustrates a legible urban structure based on strategic urban design principles and identifies key elements of townscape such as main frontages, edges, landmark buildings and key building groups and character areas.
  1. An accompanying Design and Access Statement, which should explain:
    1. the steps taken to appraise the context of the proposed development, and how the design of the development takes that context into account to create or reinforce local distinctiveness to achieve a positive sense of place and identity
    2. the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the proposed development and how these principles will be used to inform subsequent phases or development parcels and the mechanism for delivering the Vision at more detailed stages, for example through design coding
    3. how sustainability and environmental matters will be addressed including the efficient use of resources both during construction and when the development is complete
    4. the delivery phasing and implementation strategies to be in place to ensure thetimely delivery of infrastructure and services to the development when they are needed by new residents, and that new developments are built out in a logical manner
    5. how the mix of housing types and tenures is integrated and supports a range of household sizes, ages and incomes to meet identified housing need, and
    6. how consultation with the existing community has been incorporated.

The Council will expect development proposals to have explored, in association with local communities, the scope for community land trusts to be used to secure the long term ownership and management of affordable housing, public open space and other community facilities (including small scale retail) to be provided as part of the development.

Chichester City

(6) West of Chichester

6.7 The West of Chichester development location is bounded by Centurion Way to the east, the railway line to the south and Old Broyle Road to the north. The total site area is about 115 hectares. The site has the potential to deliver a large strategic development of 1,600 dwellings, to be delivered in two phases. The 2015 adopted Local Plan assumed that 1,250 dwellings could come forward in the period up to 2029, with the remaining 350 dwellings delivered after 2029.

6.8 The site has a number of advantages, which offer considerable potential for development as a sustainable urban extension of Chichester City. It is on the western edge of the Chichester City settlement boundary and is around 2km from the city centre. It therefore offers good accessibility to the city by sustainable modes of travel, as well as providing direct road access to the city without the need to use or cross the A27.

6.9 The allocation is covered by a two-phase Framework Plan approved by Planning Committee in April 2016 which expects the site to be developed in two phases. An outline application for phase one was permitted in April 2018, to deliver 750 dwellings, a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sq.m B1a Use Class), primary school, informal and formal open space (including a country park) and playing pitches. The initial phase of built development focuses on the north of the site, accessed off Old Broyle Road.

6.10 Phase two would extend development southward with potential to eventually deliver up to 1,600 dwellings on the site. The agreed framework for phase two provides for up to 850 dwellings, informal and formal open space (including a further area of country park), playing pitches for Bishop Luffa School, new southern access linking the site to Westgate and 6 hectares of employment space.

6.11 The development will form a new neighbourhood and is expected to maximise the potential for integration with existing land uses and communities on the western side of the city. This will involve opportunities to enhance and broaden the range of facilities that serve the wider local community, including good off-site access (development to deliver walking and cycling links) to existing local facilities, the city centre and key facilities elsewhere in the city.

6.12 The site does not present any major issues of flood risk. There are no significant long distance views into the site from the South Downs National Park. However, there are views of the Chichester Cathedral spire from parts of the site. Development will need to have particular regard to certain natural and historic features including: the Brandy Hole Copse Local Nature Reserve directly adjacent to the north of the site; the Chichester Entrenchments Scheduled Ancient Monument immediately to the north and extending into the site (mostly within a well wooded area containing traces of ancient woodland) and an archaeological priority area embracing a non-designated linear feature crossing the southern part of the site. A further major consideration is the potential for increased recreational disturbance impacts on birds at Chichester Harbour; particularly at Fishbourne Channel, which is less than 1km from the southern edge of the site. The scheme will have to demonstrate satisfactory mitigation in order for development to proceed.

6.13 As for other locations around the city, development of the site is currently constrained by the environmental restrictions on Apuldram Waste Water Treatment Works. The development will be reliant on additional wastewater capacity, which would be provided by a sewerage undertaker. The permitted outline application for phase one of the development includes delivery of the connection to Tangmere Waste Water Treatment Works, following its recent upgrade.

6.14 A number of specific issues need to be taken into account in delivering the development. These include:

  • Protecting priority views of Chichester Cathedral spire and creating opportunities for new views;
  • Protecting Chichester Entrenchments Scheduled Ancient Monument and other non-designated heritage assets and their settings;
  • Protecting and potentially enhancing the Brandy Hole Copse Local Nature Reserve, surviving fragments of ancient woodland, and their setting;
  • Maximising the potential for sustainable travel links with the city, Fishbourne and the South Downs National Park, through improved public transport, cycling and pedestrian routes;
  • Providing adequate mitigation for potential off-site traffic impacts, including improved access to the A27 and improvements to the local highway network as identified through a detailed Transport Assessment that will be required in support of any planning application for the site;
  • Reducing and mitigating potential impacts of recreational disturbance on the Chichester Harbour SAC/SPA/Ramsar. Acceptable mitigation measures will need to be agreed with the Council in consultation with Natural England. Measures are likely to include provision of a high proportion of on-site natural greenspace and could involve off-site measures to control and manage dog walkers visiting Chichester Harbour;
  • Taking into consideration the existing biodiversity value of the site, particularly the important ecological corridor linking Chichester Harbour to the South Downs National Park.
  • Account should be taken of the West Sussex County Council Minerals Safeguarding Area and associated guidance

(34) Policy AL1: Land West of Chichester

Land at West of Chichester, as defined on the policies map, is allocated for mixed use development, comprising:

  1. 1,600 dwellings;
  1. 6 hectares of employment land (suitable for B1 Business uses);
  1. A neighbourhood centre / community hub, incorporating local shops, a community centre, small offices and a primary school; and
  1. Open space and green infrastructure, including a Country Park

Taking into account the site-specific requirements, development should:

  1. Be planned as a sustainable urban extension of Chichester City, that is well integrated with neighbouring areas of the city, and provides good access to the city centre and key facilities in the city;
  1. Landscaped to protect priority views of Chichester Cathedral spire;
  1. Keep land north of the B2178 in open use, free from built development, to protect the natural history interest of both Brandy Hole Copse, and the setting of the Chichester Entrenchments Scheduled Monument;
  1. Conserve, enhance and better reveal the significance of the Chichester Entrenchments Scheduled Monument and other non-designated heritage assets and their settings and to record and advance understanding of the significance of any heritage assets to be harmed or lost;
  1. Promote increased biodiversity, and protect and enhance the setting of Brand Hole Copse Local Nature Reserve and areas of Ancient Woodland;
  1. Provide an appropriate landscaping buffer on the western boundary of the site, which could form a continuation of the existing planting already present. Appropriate provision should also be made for key landscaping of Centurion Way, where necessary to contribute to green infrastructure;
  1. Subject to detailed transport assessment, provide road access to the north from Old Broyle Road and to the south from Westgate;
  1. Provide or fund mitigation for potential off-site traffic impacts through a package of measures in conformity with the Chichester City Transport Strategy (see Policy S14), including improved access to the A27 and road improvements to the St Paul's Road / Sherborne Road junction;
  1. Make provision for regular bus services linking the site with Chichester City centre, and new and improved cycle and pedestrian routes linking the site with the city, Fishbourne and the South Downs National Park;
  1. Be planned with special regard to the need to mitigate potential impacts of recreational disturbance on the Chichester Harbour SAC/SPA/Ramsar including contributing to any strategic access management issues;
  1. Protect and enhance the existing biodiversity and important ecological corridor linking Chichester Harbour and the South Downs National Park. Any development will need to:
    1. Provide multi-functional green infrastructure both across the site and linking development to the surrounding countryside and Chichester City;
    2. Provide buffer zones to sensitive habitats such as ancient woodland.

Development is dependent on the provision of infrastructure for adequate wastewater conveyance and treatment to meet strict environmental standards.

Development of the site should be phased so that the neighbourhood centre / community hub and Country Park are delivered at an early stage of development.

Proposals for the development should have regard to the West Sussex County Council Minerals Safeguarding Area and associated guidance.

(3) Land at Shopwyke (Oving Parish)

6.15 The proposed development location comprises land previously used as an aggregate and minerals extraction and processing plant. It lies to the east of Chichester City and the A27 Bypass in Oving parish. The A27 defines the north and west boundary with Coach Road and Shopwhyke Road forming the eastern and southern boundaries. The total site area is nearly 40 hectares.

6.16 The site has a generally low level of landscape sensitivity and is not prominent when viewed from within the South Downs National Park. However, there are views of Chichester Cathedral spire from parts of the site which should be protected.

6.17 There are no water courses on site. However, roads around the Portfield roundabout are subject to flooding during heavy rain, which is due to a fluctuating water table in the underlying gravels. The Chichester flood relief channel, which has helped reduce flooding in the area passes to the east of the site. The use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems and other flood mitigation measures should be designed into the scheme.

6.18 Following agreement of reserved matters on the original Shopwyke Lakes planning application, a more detailed layout enabled an increase in the density of the site, allowing an additional 85 dwellings, bringing the potential number of dwellings on the site to 585. The site has the potential to deliver a development of around 585 dwellings within a parkland setting, together with employment uses and supporting amenities including flexible community space, a new neighbourhood centre with local retail facilities and a small enterprise hub.

6.19 Although the site is physically separated from the city by the A27 Bypass, the development is planned as an extension to the city, forming a new neighbourhood. This will involve opportunities to provide new facilities to serve the wider local community with good off-site access, particularly by walking and cycling to existing local facilities and facilities in the city.

6.20 A number of specific issues need to be taken into account in delivering the
development. These include:

  • Protecting existing views of Chichester Cathedral spire, and creating new public viewpoints;
  • Shielding residential properties from noise on the A27, through, for example, the sensitive use of acoustic screening;
  • Creating a new parkland setting through planting, including maintenance and
    enhancement of perimeter landscaping to screen development ;
  • Utilising the existing lake at the eastern end of the site to create a variety of habitats and focussing green infrastructure connections;
  • Respecting the setting of the listed barn at Greenway Farm and the cluster of grade II listed buildings associated with the grade 2* listed Shopwhyke Hall to the east;
  • Providing adequate mitigation for potential off-site traffic impacts on the A27, in particular the Portfield and Oving Road junctions;
  • Maximising the potential for sustainable travel links to the city and towards Westhampnett, Tangmere and the National Park, through improved public transport, and cycling and pedestrian routes. This should include an enhanced bus route across the A27 to the city centre, an improved cycle and pedestrian crossing at the A27/Oving Road junction, and a new footbridge connection across the A27 via Coach Road to Westhampnett village;
  • Providing off-site green links with the National Park and Chichester City and contributing to strategic green infrastructure in conjunction with other planned development to the north east of Chichester City and Tangmere; and
  • Account taken of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area.

(16)Policy AL2: Land at Shopwyke (Oving Parish)

Land at Shopwyke, as defined on the policies map, is allocated for mixed use development, comprising:

  1. Approximately 585 dwellings;
  1. At least 4 hectares of employment land (suitable for B1 and/or B2 Business uses);
  1. A neighbourhood centre / community hub, incorporating local shops to provide for small scale retail uses to meet primarily day to day convenience retail needs and a community centre; and
  1. Open space and green infrastructure, with the enhancement of the existing lakes for biodiversity improvements and safer access.

Taking into account the site-specific requirements, proposals for the site should:

  1. Be planned as a sustainable urban extension of Chichester City, that is well integrated with neighbourhoods on the east side of the city, providing good access to the city centre and key facilities;
  1. Explore opportunities for provision of integrated green infrastructure in conjunction with the other strategic sites to the north east of the city and Tangmere;
  1. Protect existing views of Chichester Cathedral spire and conserve and enhance the historic significance of the listed barn at Greenway Farm and the cluster of buildings associated with the grade II* listed Shopwhyke Hall, which should be analysed at an early stage of the masterplan;
  1. Provide new and improved road access to the site from the A27. Development will be required to provide or fund mitigation for potential off-site traffic impacts through a package of measures in conformity with the Chichester City Transport Strategy (Policy 13), including improved access to the A27 and changes to the A27 Oving Road and Portfield junctions;
  1. Make provision for foot/cycle bridge across the A27 south of Portfield Roundabout, and foot/cycle bridge across A27 to Coach Road.
  1. Make provision for regular bus services linking the site with Chichester City centre, and new and improved cycle and pedestrian routes linking the site with the city, Westhampnett, Oving, Tangmere, and the South Downs National Park;
  1. Be planned to integrate with other proposed development within the site; and
  1. Be planned with special regard to the need to mitigate potential impacts of recreational disturbance on the Chichester Harbour SAC/SPA/Ramsar including contributing to any strategic access management issues.

Development of the site should be phased so that bridges providing access out of the site, the neighbourhood centre / community hub, open space and green infrastructure are delivered at an early stage of development.

Development will be dependent on the provision of infrastructure for adequate wastewater conveyance and treatment to meet strict environmental standards.

Proposals for the development should have regard to the West Sussex County Council Minerals Safeguarding Area and associated guidance.

(4) East of Chichester (Oving Parish)

6.21 The East of Chichester development location is planned as an extension of Chichester City, south of the Shopwyke strategic development location, forming a new neighbourhood. It is bounded by the A27 to the west, the railway line to the south and Shopwhyke Road (B2144) to the north. The area in which the site is located is characterised by features including a flat landform, large productive arable farmland and gravel workings. The southern part of the site is former gravel working that was subsequently landfilled. The total area of the site is about 35 ha.

6.22 The site is identified for 600 dwellings, however, there may be potential to deliver a large strategic development of 1000 dwellings, subject to further evidence, including the testing of additional growth on the local highway network. The site should be master planned as a whole, and delivered through a phased development over a ten year period. Although the site is physically separated from the city by the A27 Chichester Bypass, the development should form a planned extension to the city, forming a new neighbourhood. This will involve opportunities to provide new facilities to serve the wider local community with good off-site access, particularly by walking and cycling to existing local facilities and facilities in the city.

6.23 The land in the south of the site accommodates a restored landfill site. As landfilling ceased some time ago and evidence is available to demonstrate that there is no significant risk to human health, the site is considered to be available for development within an estimated time frame of 5-15 years. This timescale will be more accurately defined through the undertaking of further site investigation work, with the intention that this will inform the preparation of a phasing strategy across the wider strategic site to include adjoining land under separate ownership to the north.

6.24 Permission has been permitted for 100 dwellings (APP/L3815/W/16/3165228) to the north of the site which provides a vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access point to the site. A second access point is directly onto Shopwhyke Road. The site is also located opposite one of the access points for the Shopwyke SDL, which will enable additional vehicular access north and west onto the A27, and additional pedestrian/ cycle links utilising the approved footbridge across the A27 to the city centre.

6.25 The site has a generally low level of landscape sensitivity and is not prominent when viewed from within the South Downs National Park. However, there are views of the Chichester Cathedral spire from the site, which should be protected.

6.26 The site lies within a Minerals Safeguarding Area. The developer will be required to undertake a Minerals Resource Assessment to assess if the site, on the northern area of the site, contains a viable minerals resource that would require extraction prior to development.

6.27 The emerging Infrastructure Delivery Plan findings identify the infrastructure requirements needed for the development. This includes the identification of new open space, early years and education places (if required), new cycle and footpath provision and other community facilities. Key findings for East of Chichester include the potential need to accommodate a new primary school within the area to address future needs. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan will be updated during the course of the Plan preparation.

6.28 A number of specific issues need to be taken into account in planning the development and site layout at this location. These include:

  • Development of the site to take account of the landfill restoration;
  • Protecting priority views of Chichester Cathedral spire and creating opportunities for new views;
  • Maximising the potential for sustainable travel links with the city, Shopwyke Lakes and South Downs National Park, through improved public transport, cycling and pedestrian routes;
  • Shielding residential properties from noise on the A27, through for example the sensitive use of acoustic screening;
  • Creating a new parkland setting through planting, including maintenance and enhancement of perimeter landscaping to screen development and reduce noise;
  • Reducing and mitigating potential impacts of recreational disturbance on Chichester Harbour
  • Account taken of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area.

(23) Policy AL3: Land East of Chichester

Approximately 35 hectares of land at East of Chichester is allocated for a phased residential led development of a minimum of 600 dwellings, a neighbourhood centre / community hub (incorporating early years, primary school, local shops, a community centre and flexible space for employment/small-scale leisure use) along with open space and green infrastructure.

Development in this location will be expected to address the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Provision of a high quality form of development to be masterplanned as a sustainable urban extension of Chichester City, that is well integrated with neighbouring areas on the east side of the city and to the north of the site, providing good access to the city centre and key facilities and to sustainable forms of transport;
  1. A range of types, sizes and tenures of residential accommodation to include specific provision to meet specialised housing needs including accommodation for older people;
  1. Existing ground conditions on the southern part of the site should be investigated;
  1. Provision of suitable access points from Shopwhyke Road and contributions to off-site highway improvements, which will include promoting sustainable transport options;
  1. Provision of on-site public open space and play areas in accordance with Policy DM34;
  1. Provision of appropriate landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of development;
  1. Opportunities for the provision of integrated green infrastructure with the other strategic sites to the north east of the city, Tangmere and the wider countryside are explored;
  1. Existing views of Chichester Cathedral spire are to be protected;
  1. Provision of infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most up to date Infrastructure Delivery Plan;
  1. Be planned with special regard to the need to mitigate potential impacts on the Chichester Harbour SAC/SPA/Ramsar including contributing to any strategic access management issues, and potential for loss of functionally linked supporting habitat

Proposals will need to demonstrate that sufficient capacity will be available within the sewer network, including waste water treatment works, to accommodate the proposed development in accordance with Policy S31.

Development proposals should address the provisions of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area

(5) Westhampnett/North East Chichester

6.29 Located to the north east of Chichester City, and extending to Westhampnett village in the east and close to Goodwood Motor Racing Circuit/Aerodrome in the north, this allocation comprises two sites which were previously identified in the adopted Local Plan as being within a broad strategic development location.

6.30 Constraints include the River Lavant floodplain which affects the western part of the allocation and the potential noise impacts from the Goodwood Motor Circuit/Aerodrome which is addressed in Policy S15.

6.31 The location also has a number of advantages for development. It is located close to the A27 and potential employment opportunities, including Rolls Royce, Goodwood Estate and retail and industrial businesses on the eastern side of Chichester. It is considered that, through good design and improved access routes, it will be possible to develop sustainable extension linked to Westhampnett village and the city.

6.32 The 2015 adopted Local Plan allocated 500 dwellings in this broad strategic location. An outline application for phase one was permitted in June 2016, to deliver 300 dwellings, open space, a community facility and children's play space. The initial phase of built development focuses on the southern site, accessed off Stane Street and Madgwick Lane.

6.33 Phase two relates to the western site, between Summersdale and the River Lavant. The site has the potential to deliver up to 200 dwellings along with greenspace including pedestrian and cycle links adjacent to the River Lavant towards Fordwater Road. Vehicular access will be developed through phase 4 of the Graylingwell Park development to the west of the site. Where planning permission has been granted, areas that are no longer required for development are shown as removed from the SDL area on the map in the separate document accompanying this plan.

6.34 The development is expected to provide improved access and transport links to the city, particularly by sustainable forms of travel such as public transport, cycling and walking.

6.35 A number of specific issues need to be taken into account in planning development at this location. These include:

  • The proximity of the site to the Goodwood Motor Circuit and Airfield requires careful consideration in considering the extent of the developable area of the sites in relation to potential noise impacts (see Policy S16)
  • Landscape sensitivity, particularly in terms of views towards and from within the South Downs National Park to the north. The site lies within 1km of the National Park boundary and is open to views from Goodwood and The Trundle to the north;
  • The need to ensure that the layout and development of the site respects the setting of the Graylingwell Hospital Conservation Area and the various listed buildings within and in close proximity to the site, and protects important views of Chichester Cathedral spire;
  • The River Lavant floodplain offers the opportunity to plan for green infrastructure that will serve both the new development and the wider area, including Westhampnett and Chichester city as a whole. This area could be planned as a new linear greenspace with public access, linking northwards to the South Downs National Park, with potential to provide links to the city and towards Tangmere;
  • The need to adopt a comprehensive approach to flood risk management on the site. It is essential that surface water drainage for the site is considered at an early stage of masterplanning;
  • Maximising the potential for sustainable travel links with the city, through improved public transport, cycling and pedestrian routes, including bus and cycle routes linking the development with the Graylingwell area. There is also potential for improved bus, cycle and walking routes to Tangmere and the National Park; and
  • Provision of adequate mitigation for potential off-site traffic impacts on the A27 and roads into the city centre.

6.36 Development of the land west of the River Lavant will need to be integrated with recent development to the immediate west of the site, particularly in terms of green infrastructure and linked transport and access improvements on the eastern side of the city.

(28) Policy AL4: Land at Westhampnett/North East Chichester

Land to the west of Westhampnett and north-east of Chichester city is allocated for mixed development, comprising:

  1. 500 homes;
  1. Community facilities;
  1. Open space and green infrastructure, including a linear greenspace with public access along the Lavant Valley.

Taking into account the site-specific requirements, proposals for the site should:

  1. Development will be directed towards the settlement of Westhampnett, to the south of Madgwick Lane, and to the eastern edge of Chichester, but away from the floodplain of the River Lavant;
  1. Development should be well integrated with the village of Westhampnett and neighbouring residential areas in Chichester City and should be planned to provide good access to existing facilities;
  1. Development should provide or contribute to improved local community facilities;
  1. Provision should be made for green links to the South Downs National Park and Chichester City. Opportunities should be explored for provision of integrated green infrastructure in conjunction with the other strategic sites to the east of the city, including Tangmere;
  1. Development should be designed with special regard to the landscape sensitivity of the site (especially to views towards and from within the South Downs National Park), and to reduce the impact of noise associated with the Goodwood Motor Circuit/Aerodrome. Major new structural planting will be required to soften the impact of development on views from the north and around the Motor Circuit;
  1. Development should be designed with special regard to the Graylingwell Hospital Conservation Area, the buildings of the former 'pauper lunatic asylum' and the Grade II registered park and garden in which they sit, and to other listed buildings in the vicinity of the site and their settings. Important views of Chichester Cathedral spire from the area should be protected;
  1. Adoption of a comprehensive approach to flood risk management on the site, including consideration of surface water drainage as part of the masterplanning process;
  1. Road access to the site will be determined as part of the masterplanning process, depending on the location(s) for proposed development. Development will be required to provide or fund mitigation for potential off-site traffic impacts through a package of measures in conformity with the Chichester City Transport Strategy (see Policy S14);
  1. Provision should be made for regular bus services linking the site with Chichester city centre, and new and improved cycle and pedestrian routes linking the site with Chichester City, the South Downs National Park and other strategic developments to the east of Chichester City including Tangmere. This could include exploring the potential for a bus only route linking the development with the Graylingwell area; and
  1. Development in the Airfield Flight Safety Zone should be strictly controlled and limited to that which can be justified as causing no hazard to the operational needs of the Airfield.

Development will be dependent on the provision of infrastructure for adequate wastewater conveyance and treatment to meet strict environmental standards.

(1) Southern Gateway

6.37 Southern Gateway is an area on the southern side of Chichester City, immediately south of the historic walled core, and forming a key access route into and out of the city. It currently comprises a mixture of buildings and uses including bus station and depot, public car park, former law courts, former high school buildings, a Royal Mail Delivery Office and former playing field. The site also includes Chichester Railway Station. The majority of the buildings within the site do not make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the area, albeit that there are several key buildings that are potentially worthy of retention including the former law courts. The total site area is approximately 12 hectares.

6.38 The area has been identified as suitable for comprehensive regeneration with the aim being to make it a more attractive and welcoming gateway for the city, providing new housing, business and retail space and leisure and tourism facilities. Opportunities will be identified to improve transport links with a focus on cycling, walking and public transport and the removal of non-essential traffic from the area. There is also scope for significant public space enhancements and new landscaping.

6.39 The site immediately adjoins the River Lavant, before it discharges into the Fishbourne Channel in Chichester Harbour. This river is heavily modified, most recently in 2003 to reduce the risk of flooding for Chichester City and the surrounding area. Part of the site lies within flood zones 2 and 3.

6.40 Wastewater from the site currently drains to the Apuldram Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTW). These works are subject to environmental constraints which restrict its capacity to accommodate future development. Development proposals will need to demonstrate the efficient use of water resources, with no net increase in flow to Apuldrum WwTW, or make suitable alternative provision.

6.41 The site currently accommodates an all-weather playing pitch which has previously been accessible for public use. If this playing pitch is redeveloped, suitable re-provision should be made in accordance with Policy DM34 of this Local Plan Review.

6.42 Whilst the site lies within an identified Minerals Safeguarding Area, it is within the Chichester City settlement boundary and is previously developed. Whilst the advice of West Sussex County Council should be formally sought prior to an application, there is currently not expected to be a need to undertake a Minerals Resource Assessment to assess viable minerals resource that would require extraction prior to development.

6.43 A masterplan which provides detailed guidance on the expectations for development in this area was adopted by the Council in December 2017.

(41) Policy AL5: Southern Gateway

Approximately 12 hectares of land in the area known as Southern Gateway, as shown on the policies map, is allocated for a comprehensive mixed-use development of a minimum of 350 dwellings, approximately 21,600 sq.m of mixed commercial space (including 9,300 sq.m of employment floorspace in Use Class B1(a and b)) as well as retail and leisure uses.

Development proposals will need to demonstrate a comprehensive and co-ordinated approach to the regeneration of this area, addressing the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Provision of an appropriate mix of uses that reinforce and complement this edge of city centre location, including a significant proportion of retail, residential, employment, community/civic uses, and other main town centre uses;
  1. Proposals should include a high quality distinctive design response appropriate to this gateway location which establishes a clear hierarchy of streets and spaces, active frontages of buildings which front streets and spaces with clearly defined building lines;
  1. Respect for the historic context and make a positive contribution towards protecting and enhancing the local character and special heritage of the area and important historic views, especially those from the Canal Basin towards Chichester Cathedral;
  1. Enhance the public realm, particularly connectivity to the railway station, Canal Basin and city centre via South Street, Market Avenue and Chichester Gate for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users;
  1. Provision of open space in accordance with Policy DM34, including retention of the existing playing pitch unless suitable re-provision is provided;
  1. Improve pedestrian and cycle access;
  1. Include proposals which accommodate buses and coaches, restrict vehicular traffic using the Stockbridge Road level crossing. Appropriate car parking should be provided and proposals should include any on or off-site mitigation measures identified through the Transport Assessment;
  1. Provision of a waste water management plan which demonstrates no net increase in flow to Apuldram Waste Water Treatment Works would result from this development, unless suitable alternative provision is agreed;
  1. Include an archaeological assessment to define the extent and significance of any archaeological remains and reflect these in the proposals, as appropriate;
  1. Include a Flood Risk Assessment to demonstrate how the development responds to the flood risk on the site; suitable mitigation measures identified and committed to;
  1. Be planned with special regard to the need to mitigate potential impacts of recreational disturbance on the Chichester Harbour SAC/SPA/Ramsar including contributing to any strategic access management issues;

Proposals for the development should have regard to the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area.

(4) Apuldram and Donnington Parishes

6.44 Apuldram & Donnington parishes are located to the immediate south-west of Chichester City, comprising the settlements of Stockbridge, Apuldram and Donnington. The parishes rely on Chichester City for most of their everyday facilities, albeit that the A27 represents a barrier which limits accessibility, with only one public right of way providing a continuous link, alongside the Chichester canal. There are a number of road links running north-south through the site which provide access to the wider Manhood Peninsula. The Apuldram Waste Water Treatment Works is located within Apuldram parish.

6.45 Chichester Harbour AONB is within the western part of Apuldram parish. The coast within the vicinity of the parish is also designated as an Special Protection Area (SPA), Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

6.46 The area south-west of Chichester, south of the A27, was identified in the 2013 Chichester Employment Land Review for its potential for employment development on the basis of its potential relationship to the existing Terminus Road employment area, proximity to the city centre/railway station and linkage to south Hampshire and beyond through the A27, M27 and A3.

6.47 The impacts of development (including landscape, flooding and transport) in this location, along with the commercial attractiveness of the site, will need to be tested further as this Local Plan Review is prepared. However, based on an initial assessment of the area so far, it is considered that there is potential to deliver significant development in this area which addresses the constraints of the site and its wider environment.

6.48 The mixture of uses within the site will similarly need to be refined as further information and evidence becomes available. The current estimated potential of the site up to 2035 is considered to be at least 100 dwellings, 33ha of employment land for B class uses and a significant proportion of new open space.

6.49 In combination with the above, the transport assessment discussed in pages 79-83 has identified the need for a new link road to be provided between the A27 Fishbourne roundabout the Birdham Road to mitigate the in-combination impact of the development planned for in this Plan.

(194) Policy AL6: Land South-West of Chichester (Apuldram and Donnington Parishes)

Approximately 85 hectares of land is allocated at land south-west of Chichester, as defined on the policies map, for an employment-led development to include approximately 33 hectares of employment land (suitable for B1b/B1c/B2 and B8 uses) and a minimum of 100 dwellings along with a new link road connecting the A27/A259 Fishbourne roundabout and A286 Birdham Road.

Provision will also be made for sustainable transport facilities (if required) and a neighbourhood centre / community hub (incorporating local shops and flexible space for employment/small-scale leisure use).

Publicly accessible local and strategic open space and green infrastructure, to include a managed country park, will also be provided.

Development proposals will need to address the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Be provided as a high quality form of development planned as a sustainable urban extension of Chichester City, that is well integrated with neighbourhoods on the southern side of the city, providing good access to the city centre and key facilities;
  1. Development of the site should be phased so that the link road and a significant element of the employment provision are delivered at an early stage of development;
  1. Protect existing views of Chichester Cathedral spire and the setting of the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty which should be analysed at an early stage of the masterplan;
  1. Necessary highway improvements to adequately mitigate the likely impacts on the highway network;
  1. Make provision for regular bus services linking the site with Chichester City centre, and new and improved cycle and pedestrian routes linking the site with the city, Stockbridge, Fishbourne and settlements to the south;
  1. Provide mitigation to ensure the protection of the adjacent SPA, SAC, SSSI and Ramsar at Chichester Harbour; and
  1. Provision of on-site public open space and play areas;

Proposals will need to demonstrate that sufficient capacity will be available within the sewer network, including waste water treatment works, to accommodate the proposed development.

Development proposals should address the provisions of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area.

(11) Bosham

6.50 Bosham is predominantly located within the Chichester Harbour AONB, south of the A259 and extending southwards into the Bosham Peninsula. A further area of development lies north of the A259 and the AONB along the East-West corridor, south of the railway line, and approximately 4 kilometres west of Chichester City. The area benefits from a railway station and good bus links between Havant and Chichester.

6.51 The Local Plan Review identifies Bosham as being capable of accommodating further sustainable growth to enhance and develop its role as a Service Village. The village is host to a good range of facilities and services, including a primary school, community facilities, local shops and a GP surgery

6.52 The Local Plan Review sets the requirement of around 250 dwellings for Bosham, to be provided over the Plan period. The preferred strategy for accommodating this requirement in the parish is through the allocation of a strategic site to the east of Bosham at Highgrove Farm.

6.53 The proposed site is bounded to the south by the A259, to the north by the railway line, and to the west by the built up area of Bosham. To the east of the site are farm buildings and open countryside. The site comprises approximately 13 hectares of flat, open agricultural land. The site is relatively free from physical constraints, although there are landscape sensitivities associated with the openness of the site and the views into the site from surrounding areas.

6.54 Two hectares of land at Highgrove Farm was allocated for residential development of 50 dwellings in the Site Allocations Development Plan Document. A planning application (reference 17/03148/FUL) for the full 50 dwellings was submitted to the Council in October 2017, and is currently awaiting determination. Development on the remaining part of Highgrove Farm will need to take account of and seek to integrate with the existing allocation.

6.55 The emerging Infrastructure Delivery Plan findings identify the potential infrastructure requirements needed for the development. This includes the identification of new open space, early year and education places (if required), new cycle and footpath provision and other community facilities. Key findings for Bosham include the potential need to accommodate a new primary school within the parish to address future needs. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan will be updated during the course of the Plan preparation.

6.56 There are a number of specific issues that need to be taken into consideration when planning the development and site layout at Highgrove Farm. These include:

  • Potential landscape sensitivities, particularly in terms of the open nature of the site and external views from surrounding areas especially the Chichester Harbour AONB and the South Downs National Park;
  • Integration with the existing allocation and development to the west;
  • Consideration of the potential impact of development in terms of recreational disturbance on the Chichester Harbour SPA/SAC/Ramsar;
  • Relocation of the existing primary school in Bosham onto the site to facilitate expansion of pupil capacity;
  • Protecting existing properties along Brooks Lane, in terms of visual amenity and overlooking;
  • Provision of community facilities and open space and playing pitch;
  • Establishment of a safe access onto the site from the A259;
  • Maximising the potential for sustainable travel links with Chichester City and settlements along the East-West corridor;
  • Account taken of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area.

(82) Policy AL7: Highgrove Farm, Bosham

Approximately 13 hectares of land at Highgrove Farm, Bosham, as defined on the policies map, is allocated for a residential-led development of a minimum of 250 dwellings and a two-form entry primary school.

Development in this location will be expected to address the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Provision of a high quality form of development to be masterplanned as a sustainable extension of Bosham, including a high-quality gateway feature into Bosham from the east, that is well integrated with the existing settlement providing good access to facilities and sustainable forms of transport;
  1. A of a range of types, sizes and tenures of residential accommodation to meet housing needs including accommodation for older people;
  1. Provision of a satisfactory means of access from the A259;
  1. Provision of on-site public open space and play areas;
  1. Provision of landscaping and screening to minimise the impact of development on Bosham, and the setting of the Chichester Harbour AONB and South Downs National Park, including views to and from the wider and surrounding area;
  1. Provision of buffer landscaping to the north, south and east of the new development;
  1. Retention and protection of existing watercourse on the site, which should be incorporated into a landscape management plan for the site;
  1. Opportunities are taken for the expansion and provision of green infrastructure into the wider countryside including between settlements and facilities;
  1. Demonstration that development would not have an adverse impact on the Chichester Harbour SAC/SPA/Ramsar site by reason of recreational disturbance;
  1. Provision of infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most up to date Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

Proposals will need to demonstrate that sufficient capacity will be available within the sewer network, including waste water treatment works, to accommodate the proposed development.

Development proposals should address the provisions of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area.

(2) East Wittering

6.57 East Wittering & Bracklesham Parish is located on the coast of the Manhood Peninsula and comprises the settlements of Bracklesham and East Wittering. The parish accommodates a range of everyday facilities, including a central shopping area at The Parade. It also has a primary school and doctors' surgery. There are relatively few employment opportunities, with the most significant concentration being at Hilton Park on Church Farm Lane. The parish provides a valued tourism destination, including the provision of accommodation in the form of caravan and camping areas. One of the most significant issues affecting the parish is its accessibility to larger settlements such as Chichester. There is significant traffic congestion at peak times on roads between East Wittering and Chichester. Whilst there are reasonable daytime bus services during the week, these reduce significantly in the evening and at weekends.

6.58 Chichester Harbour AONB lies to the west of the parish, with the Medmerry reserve to the east, along with the Solent Maritime Special Area of Conservation and the Bracklesham Bay and Selsey Beach Sites of Special Scientific Interest. The site also lies within the 5.6km zone of influence of the Chichester Harbour Special Protection Area and 3.5km zone of Pagham Harbour Special Protection Area.

6.59 East Wittering and Bracklesham villages are collectively identified as a settlement hub where there is potential for some additional development growth. The Local Plan Review sets the requirement for new sites to be identified capable of accommodating around 350 dwellings for the parish over the Plan period.

6.60 The emerging Infrastructure Delivery Plan findings identify the potential infrastructure requirements needed for the development. This includes the identification of new open space, early year and education places (if required), new cycle and footpath provision and other community facilities. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan will be updated during the course of the Plan preparation.

6.61 There are a number of specific issues that need to be taken into account in planning for development at East Wittering. These include:

  • Development should be located and designed to protect the village setting, minimise impact of the built form on the surrounding landscape and be well integrated with the existing built up area;
  • Any development proposals should take account of the potential impact on existing environmental constraints including the recreational disturbance on nearby SPA/SAC/Ramsar sites;
  • Maximising the potential for sustainable travel links through improved public transport, cycling and pedestrian routes, to the village, community facilities and beyond;
  • Providing adequate mitigation for potential off-site traffic impacts upon the highway network.

(40) Policy AL8: East Wittering Parish

Land will be allocated for development in the East Wittering Neighbourhood Plan for a minimum 350 dwellings including any amendments to the settlement boundary. Development will be expected to address the following requirements:

  1. Provision of a high quality form of development to be masterplanned as a sustainable extension(s) of East Wittering and be well integrated with the existing settlement providing good access to facilities and sustainable forms of transport;
  1. A range of types, sizes and tenures of residential accommodation to include specific provision to meet specialised housing needs including accommodation for older people;
  1. Provision of suitable means of access to the site(s) and securing necessary off-site improvements (including highways) to promote sustainable transport options;
  1. Provision of on-site public open space and play areas;
  1. Detailed consideration of the impact of development on the surrounding landscape and the setting of the settlements of East Wittering and Bracklesham along with a detailed landscape management plan;
  1. Opportunities are taken for the expansion and provision of green infrastructure into the wider countryside including between settlements and facilities;
  1. Demonstration that development would not, with mitigation if required, have an adverse impact on the Pagham Harbour SPA/Ramsar and the Medmerry realignment by reason of recreational disturbance or loss of functionally linked supporting habitat;
  1. Provision of infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most up to date Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

Demonstration that sufficient capacity will be available within the sewer network, including waste water treatment works, to accommodate the proposed development.

(20) Fishbourne

6.62 Fishbourne is located to the west of Chichester, along the A259 and south of the A27, with easy access to Chichester City and the Manhood Peninsula. The village benefits from a railway station linking along the south coast to Portsmouth and Brighton, and a good bus service. Chichester Harbour is located to the south of the village, with its associated Ramsar, SPA, SAC and AONB designations. The South Downs National Park is located approximately 2 kilometres to the north of the village.

6.63 Fishbourne has been designated a Service Village in the Local Plan Review, offering a reasonable range of facilities and services, including a primary school, a community centre, and two pubs. In order to sustain these facilities, and promote the vitality of the village, the Local Plan Review identifies Fishbourne as being capable of accommodating further growth. The Local Plan Review sets the requirement for 250 new dwellings to be provided at Fishbourne over the Plan period.

6.64 The emerging Infrastructure Delivery Plan findings identify the potential infrastructure requirements needed for the development. This includes the identification of potential amounts of new open space, early year and education places (if required), new cycle and footpath provision and other community facilities. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan will be updated during the course of the Plan preparation.

6.65 There are a number of specific issues that need to be taken into account in planning for development at Fishbourne. These include:

  • Potential landscape sensitivities, including protecting views to the South Downs National Park and Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and their settings and creating opportunities for new views;
  • Protecting the separate distinct identity of Fishbourne in relationship to surrounding settlements, including Chichester City;
  • Consideration of the potential impact of development in terms of recreational disturbance on the Chichester Harbour SPA/SAC/Ramsar site;
  • Maximising the potential for sustainable travel links with Chichester City and settlements along the East-West corridor;
  • Protecting residential properties from noise exposure from the A27;
  • Protecting the heritage assets of Fishbourne and their setting;
  • Account taken of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area.

(93) Policy AL9: Fishbourne Parish

Land will be allocated for development in the revised Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan for a minimum of 250 dwellings. Development will be expected to address the following requirements:

  1. Provision of a high quality development to be masterplanned as a sustainable extension(s) of the existing built up area of Fishbourne and be well integrated with the existing settlement providing good access to facilities and sustainable forms of transport;
  1. A range of types, sizes and tenures of residential accommodation to include specific provision to meet specialised housing needs including accommodation for older people;
  1. Provision of suitable means of access to the site(s) and securing necessary off-site improvements (including highways) to promote sustainable transport options;
  1. Provision of on-site public open space and play areas;
  1. Detailed consideration of the impact of development on the surrounding landscape, including the South Downs National Park and Chichester Harbour AONB and their settings. Development should be designed to protect long-distance views to the South Downs National Park;
  1. Opportunities for the expansion and provision of green infrastructure into the wider countryside including between settlements and facilities;
  1. Demonstration that development would not have an adverse impact on the nature conservation interest of identified sites and habitats;
  1. Provide mitigation to ensure the protection of the SPA, SAC and Ramsar site at Chichester Harbour as a result of water quality issues relating to runoff into a designated site, and loss of functionally linked supporting habitat;
  1. Provision of infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most up to date Infrastructure Delivery Plan;
  1. Provisions of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area;
  1. Ensure sufficient capacity within the relevant Wastewater Treatment Works before the delivery of development as required.

(8) Chidham and Hambrook

6.66 The Parish of Chidham and Hambrook is located to the west of Chichester City along the east-west corridor. It lies on the A259 Emsworth to Chichester road and also benefits from a station on the West Coastway railway line, linking Chichester with Portsmouth/Southampton. There are also bus services serving the village along the A259. The Local Plan Review defines Hambrook/Nutbourne as a 'service village' with limited facilities. The village has been identified as a suitable location for strategic development as its location supports sustainable transport links and provides the opportunity to develop improved community facilities.

6.67 The parish is located close to Chichester Harbour and consideration must be given to the potential impact of development in terms of disturbance on the Chichester Harbour SPA/SAC/Ramsar, particularly for the area to the south of the A259 which also falls within the AONB.

6.68 The Local Plan Review sets the requirement for approximately 500 dwellings to come forward in the parish over the Plan period, together with improved community facilities including recreation, open space, allotments and a convenience store. Opportunities will also be sought to relocate Chidham Primary School to allow for expansion and increase the provision of school places in the area. Chidham and Hambrook Parish Council are preparing a neighbourhood plan for the parish which will identify potential development site(s) and the Council will work closely with the Parish Council in the neighbourhood planning process.

6.69 The emerging Infrastructure Delivery Plan findings identify the potential infrastructure requirements needed for the development. This includes the identification of new open space, early year and education places (if required), new cycle and footpath provision and other community facilities. Key findings for Chidham and Hambrook include the potential need to relocate and expand the primary school within the parish to address future needs. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan will be updated during the course of the Plan preparation.

6.70 There are a number of specific issues that need to be taken into account in planning development for the area. These should be considered and included in the overall masterplanning that will be required for the area, these include:

  • Potential landscape sensitivities, including protecting views to the South Downs National Park and Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and their settings and creating opportunities for new views;
  • Local community aspirations for new facilities serving the village, including local convenience shopping and enhanced community, recreation and relocated and expanded primary education facilities to land north of the A259;
  • Consideration of the potential impact of development in terms of recreational disturbance on the Chichester Harbour SPA/SAC/Ramsar site;
  • Maximising the potential for sustainable travel links with Chichester City and settlements along the East-West corridor;
  • Protecting residential properties from noise exposure from the A27;
  • Respecting the setting of historic trees and hedgerows, providing sufficient space between them and new development;
  • Creating new areas of open space and green infrastructure through planting, including maintenance and enhancement of perimeter landscaping to screen development and reduce noise;
  • Account taken of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area.

(50) Policy AL10: Chidham and Hambrook Parish

Land will be allocated for development in the revised Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan for a minimum of 500 dwellings, a two form entry primary school and supporting facilities and infrastructure. Development will be expected to address the following requirements:

  1. Provision of a high quality development to be masterplanned as a sustainable extension(s) of the existing built up area of Chidham and Hambrook and be well integrated with the existing settlements providing good access to facilities and sustainable forms of transport;
  1. A range of types, sizes and tenures of residential accommodation to include specific provision to meet specialised housing needs including accommodation for older people
  1. Provision of suitable means of access to the site(s) and securing necessary off-site improvements (including highways) to promote sustainable transport options;
  1. Provision of on-site public open space and play areas in accordance with Policy DM34;
  1. Detailed consideration of the impact of development on the surrounding landscape, including the South Downs National Park and Chichester Harbour AONB and their settings. Development should be designed to protect long-distance views to the South Downs National Park;
  1. Opportunities for the expansion and provision of green infrastructure into the wider countryside including between settlements and facilities;
  1. Provision of a site for local convenience shopping with opportunities explored to provide flexible space for employment/small-scale leisure use;
  1. Demonstration that development would not have an adverse impact on the nature conservation interest of identified sites and habitats;
  1. Provide mitigation to ensure the protection of the SPA, SAC and Ramsar site at Chichester Harbour as a result of water quality issues relating to runoff into a designated site, and loss of functionally linked supporting habitat;
  1. Demonstration that sufficient capacity will be available within the sewer network, including waste water treatment works, to accommodate the proposed development;
  1. Provision of infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most up to date Infrastructure Delivery Plan;
  1. Provisions of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area.

(18) Hunston

6.71 The village of Hunston is located to the south east of Chichester City. The main road access from the city to Hunston is via the B2145 Selsey Road accessed from the A27.

6.72 Hunston has a small range of local facilities including a post office, convenience shop, pub, church and village hall, with bus routes located along the main B2145. Parts of Hunston lie within a conservation area and the village also has a designated Site of Nature Conservation Interest and Ancient Woodland at Hunston Copse.

6.73 The Local Plan Review identifies Hunston as a "Service Village" in its Settlement Hierarchy and the village is identified as a focus for strategic development during the plan period. The Local Plan Review sets a requirement of around 200 dwellings for Hunston to deliver over the plan period together with improved community facilities.

6.74 Hunston Parish Council is preparing a neighbourhood plan for their parish which will identify potential development sites to accommodate the housing requirement.

6.75 The Council will work closely with the Parish Council in their neighbourhood planning process.

6.76 The emerging Infrastructure Delivery Plan findings identify the potential infrastructure requirements needed for the development. This includes the identification of potential amounts of new open space, early year and education places (if required), new cycle and footpath provision and other community facilities. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan will be updated during the course of the Plan preparation.

6.77 A number of specific matters need to be taken into account in planning development for Hunston. These should be considered and included in the overall masterplanning that will be required for the area and comprise of the following issues:

  • Protecting existing views and particularly those of Chichester Cathedral spire and Hunston Copse whilst also creating new public viewpoints;
  • Protecting the setting of the village whilst respecting neighbouring properties and maintaining any perimeter landscaping to screen development;
  • Respecting the setting of listed buildings and the Hunston conservation area;
  • Providing adequate mitigation for potential off-site traffic impacts upon the B2145 Selsey Road as identified in a transport assessment accompanying any planning application for potential sites;
  • Development should be located and designed to minimise impact on the surrounding landscape, protecting and enhancing any designated and non-designated sites and their setting. Particular regard should be made to the designated Site of Nature Conservation Interest and Ancient Woodland known as Hunston Copse;
  • Reducing and providing adequate mitigation impacts for existing biodiversity species and their habitats which are native to the areas of Hunston. Design will need to apply appropriate protection/enhancement of all identified species and habitats;
  • Any development proposals should take account of environmental constraints and provide appropriate mitigation measures.
  • Account should be taken of the West Sussex County Council Minerals Safeguarding Area and associated guidance.

6.78 The emerging Infrastructure Delivery Plan findings should be incorporated into development proposals, in particular, social facilities and green infrastructure as well as walking and cycle paths to local facilities so that new developments are well connected to the existing village.

(143) Policy AL11: Hunston Parish

Land will be allocated for development in the Hunston Neighbourhood Plan for a minimum of 200 dwellings, including any amendments to the settlement boundary. Development will be expected to address the following requirements:

  1. Provision of a high quality development to be masterplanned as a sustainable extension(s) of the existing built up area of Hunston and be well integrated with the existing settlement providing good access to facilities and sustainable forms of transport;
  1. A range of types, sizes and tenures of residential accommodation to include specific provision to meet specialised housing needs including accommodation for older people;
  1. Provision of suitable means of access to the site(s) and securing necessary off-site improvements (including highways) to promote sustainable transport options;
  1. Provision of on-site public open space and play areas;
  1. Detailed consideration of the impact of development on the surrounding landscape;
  1. Opportunities for the expansion and provision of green infrastructure into the wider countryside including between settlements and facilities;
  1. Demonstration that development would not have an adverse impact on the nature conservation interest of identified sites and habitats;
  1. Be planned with special regard to the need to mitigate potential impacts of recreational disturbance on the Chichester Harbour SAC/SPA/Ramsar and Pagham Harbour SPA and Ramsar site and the Medmerry realignment including contributing to any strategic access management issues, loss of functionally linked supporting habitat, and water quality issues relating to runoff from a designated site;
  1. Demonstration that sufficient capacity will be available within the sewer network, including waste water treatment works, to accommodate the proposed development;
  1. Provision of infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most up to date Infrastructure Delivery Plan;
  1. Provisions of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area.

(2) Selsey

6.79 Selsey is the largest settlement on the Manhood Peninsula and the second largest in the plan area after Chichester City. It is a defined 'settlement hub' located at the southern end of the Manhood Peninsula (Selsey Bill). The town centre provides a reasonable range of shops and the town also has a range of other facilities, including a secondary school and leisure centre.

6.80 The town's economy is focused around tourism, particularly linked to the major caravan park to the west of the town. Other significant employment is provided by agriculture/horticulture, food production, and a small manufacturing sector. There is some remaining undeveloped land (approximately 1.2 hectares) on the existing employment allocation at Ellis Square, off Manor Road.

6.81 Selsey's location imposes significant constraints on potential expansion. Large areas of the town and its surroundings are at risk of coastal flooding. There are also issues relating to environmental impacts on Pagham Harbour to the north of the town and the Medmerry Realignment to the west. The detailed requirements for new development in relation to potential disturbance of birds in Pagham Harbour SPA are set out in Policy DM30. In addition, transport accessibility is a major issue. The B2145 is the only road connecting the town to the north and the only public transport is a bus service link with Chichester City, with limited service frequency in the evenings and at weekends.

6.82 The Local Plan Review sets the requirement of a minimum of 250 dwellings at Selsey. This allocation reflects the physical, environmental and accessibility constraints affecting the town.

6.83 The preferred strategy for accommodating this requirement is through the allocation of a single site, located north of the settlement at land north of Park Farm. This is situated on the northern edge of the settlement boundary with Park Lane forming the southern boundary and Rectory Lane the boundary to the west. The Nature's Way Foods site is located between the site and B2145.

6.84 The emerging Infrastructure Delivery Plan findings identify the potential infrastructure requirements needed for the development. This includes the identification of new open space, early year and education places (if required), new cycle and footpath provision and other community facilities. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan will be updated during the course of the Plan preparation.

6.85 A number of specific issues need to be taken in to account in planning the development and site layout at North of Park Farm. These include:

  • Potential landscape sensitivities, including protecting views to Pagham Harbour and creating opportunities for new views;
  • Development should be located and designed to minimise impact on the surrounding landscape, paying particular regard to the setting of the Pagham Harbour SPA/Ramsar site and Medmerry;
  • Maximising the potential for sustainable travel links through improved public transport, cycling and pedestrian routes;
  • Avoiding development that exacerbates issues relating to flooding and encroachment of the sea;
  • Protecting residential properties from noise exposure from surrounding uses;
  • Provision of north/south pedestrian links to the rest of Selsey through the new housing development to the south of Park Lane.

(29) Policy AL12: Land North of Park Farm, Selsey

Approximately 14 hectares of land North of Park Farm, Selsey, as defined on the policies map, is allocated for residential-led development of a minimum of 250 dwellings, including open space and/or green buffer landscaping to the west of the new development. Development in this location will be expected to address the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Provision of a high quality form of development to be masterplanned as a sustainable extension of Selsey and be well integrated with the existing settlement providing good access to facilities and sustainable forms of transport;
  1. A range of types, sizes and tenures of residential accommodation to meet specialised housing needs including accommodation for older people;
  1. Provision of a satisfactory means of access linking the site to the B2145 and secure necessary off-site improvements (including highways) to encourage sustainable modes of travel;
  1. Provision of pedestrian links between the site and new development south of Park Lane.
  1. Provision of on-site public open space and play areas;
  1. Detailed consideration of the impact of development on the surrounding landscape, including Pagham Harbour and its setting;
  1. Opportunities for the expansion and provision of green infrastructure into the wider countryside including between settlements and facilities;
  1. Demonstration that development would not have an adverse impact on the nature conservation interest of adjoining areas;
  1. Provide mitigation to ensure the protection of the SPA, SAC and Ramsar site at Pagham Harbour and the Medmerry realignment as a result of loss of supporting habitat;
  1. Enhancement of perimeter landscaping to screen development and reduce noise from surrounding uses;
  1. A flood risk assessment to demonstrate that the development has been designed and laid out to avoid areas at risk of flooding;
  1. Provision of infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most up to date Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

Development proposals will need to demonstrate that sufficient capacity will be available within the sewer network, including waste water treatment works, to accommodate the proposed development in accordance with Policy S31.

(8) Southbourne

6.86 Southbourne is the largest settlement in the west of the plan area and is a defined 'settlement hub'. It lies on the A259 Emsworth to Chichester road and also benefits from a station on the West Coastway rail line linking Chichester with Portsmouth / Southampton. Southbourne acts as a service centre for the surrounding villages, providing a variety of community services and facilities, including a library, doctor's surgery and a range of education facilities. It has been identified as a suitable location for strategic development during the Plan period.

6.87 Southbourne is located close to Chichester Harbour and any opportunities for development must give consideration to potential impact in terms of recreational disturbance on the Chichester Harbour SPA/SAC/Ramsar site, particularly for the area to the south of the A259 which also falls within the AONB. Although the village is less affected by other constraints, regard will need to be paid to landscape considerations, particularly the setting of the AONB and avoiding coalescence with neighbouring settlements along the A259.

6.88 It is recognised that it is important to sustain and enhance Southbourne's role as a settlement hub for the long term. There are opportunities for the parish to take a lead in securing new development and providing a range of housing, employment and services not only for the existing population but also to enable the village to grow and be resilient for the future.

6.89 The Local Plan Review sets the requirement of around 1,250 dwellings to be phased throughout the plan period, together with employment land and supporting uses (subject to further investigation of potential sites). This may include an up to two form entry primary school; expansion of the secondary school subject to further consideration and provision of community infrastructure potentially to include early years' childcare provision, community hall/centre and expansion of doctors' surgery. Southbourne Parish Council is preparing a revised neighbourhood plan for the parish which will identify potential development site(s) and the Council will work closely with the Parish Council in the neighbourhood planning process.

6.90 Currently there is good access to employment elsewhere (for example at Chichester City and Havant); however opportunities in Southbourne itself are very limited. Future development will include a mixed use form of development subject to further detailed work and consideration of sites. In addition there are a number of specific issues that need to be taken into account in planning development for the area. These should be considered and included in the overall masterplanning that will be required for the area, these include:

  • Phasing the development of the site(s);
  • Provision of an up to two form entry primary school;
  • Potential expansion of secondary school subject to further consideration;
  • Expansion and provision of community infrastructure potentially to included early years' childcare provision, community hall/centre and expansion of doctors' surgery;
  • Protecting views to the South Downs National Park and the Chichester Harbour AONB and their settings and creating opportunities for new views;
  • Maximising the potential for sustainable travel links through improved public transport, including consideration of opportunities to resolve the situation relating to the various existing or planned railway crossings as well as the inclusion of cycling and pedestrian routes;
  • Protecting residential properties from noise on the A27, through for example the sensitive use of acoustic screening;
  • Creating new areas of open space and green infrastructure through planting, including maintenance and enhancement of perimeter landscaping to screen development and reduce noise;
  • Reducing and mitigating potential impacts of recreational disturbance on the Chichester Harbour
  • Account should be taken of the West Sussex County Council Minerals Safeguarding Area and associated guidance.

(72) Policy AL13: Southbourne Parish

Land will be allocated for development in the revised Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan for a mixed use form of development to include a minimum of 1,250 dwellings, along with land to be allocated for employment and community uses subject to further examination of potential sites and including any amendments to the settlement boundary. Development will be expected to address the following requirements:

  1. Provision of a high quality form of development to be masterplanned as a sustainable extension(s) of Southbourne and be well integrated with the existing settlement providing good access to facilities and sustainable forms of transport;
  1. A range of types, sizes and tenures of residential accommodation to include specific provision to meet specialised housing needs including accommodation for older people;
  1. Provision of suitable means of access to the site(s) and securing necessary off-site improvements (including highways) to promote sustainable transport options;
  1. Opportunities as they arise to improve the situation relating to the various existing or planned railway crossings;
  1. Provision of an up to two form entry primary school;
  1. Potential expansion of secondary school subject to further consideration;
  1. Expansion and provision of community infrastructure potentially to include early years' childcare provision, community hall/centre and expansion of doctors' surgery plus flexible space for employment/small-scale leisure use;
  1. Provision of on-site public open space and play areas in accordance with Policy DM34;
  1. Detailed consideration of the impact of development on the surrounding landscape, including views towards the South Downs National Park and Chichester Harbour AONB and their settings, and any potential for coalescence between adjoining or nearby settlements along with a detailed landscape management plan;
  1. Opportunities for the expansion and provision of green infrastructure into the wider countryside including between settlements and facilities;
  1. Demonstration that development would not have an adverse impact on the nature conservation interest of identified sites and habitats;
  1. Provide mitigation to ensure the protection of the SPA, SAC and Ramsar site at Chichester Harbour including contributing to any strategic access management issues, loss of functionally linked supporting habitat and water quality issues relating to runoff into a European designated site;
  1. The protection of any other key views;
  1. Provision of infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most up to date Infrastructure Delivery Plan;
  1. Provisions of the West Sussex Minerals Plan, and associated guidance, in relation to the site being within a defined Minerals Safeguarding Area.
  1. Ensure sufficient capacity within the relevant Wastewater Treatment Works before the delivery of development as required.

(4) Tangmere

6.91 Tangmere is the largest village in the area to the east of Chichester City and has a range of local facilities, including small shops, primary school, GP surgery and village hall. It is a focus for employment with the Chichester Business Park located at City Fields Way immediately to the east of the village and a designated Horticultural Development Area to the south east. The village has good road accessibility via the A27; however the provision of public transport is limited.

6.92 The adopted Local Plan identifies Tangmere as being capable of accommodating further sustainable growth to enhance and develop its role as a settlement hub. It identifies the Tangmere Strategic Development Location for a development of 1000 dwellings. The Local Plan Review identifies potential for a further 300 to achieve an allocation of 1300 dwellings. Development will be achieved through a carefully planned expansion which will deliver a number of benefits for the existing community, including: a range of housing types; open space; social and community facilities; and improved public transport services. Tangmere currently has a relatively high proportion of social housing and it may be appropriate to diversify housing tenures, including by providing low cost or shared ownership options.

6.93 The strategic development location is mainly situated around the western and southern edges of the village and covers approximately 73 hectares. It will provide direct access to the A27 and is relatively unconstrained in physical terms. There are few identified issues in terms of flooding, although part of the land on the southern edge has high groundwater levels. However, regard will need to be paid to the open landscape of the area and views from the South Downs must be carefully protected.

6.94 It is estimated that the site has the potential to deliver around 1,300 dwellings during the Plan period; together with supporting community facilities, open space and recreation, and infrastructure. The primary access will be provided from the existing grade separated junction on the A27 to the west of the village with a connection to the Tangmere Straight. However, it is important to ensure that new development is well integrated with the existing village, both physically and in terms of the community. The key vision of the Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan (Made 2016) is a 'one village' approach. The NP provides design guidance to inform the masterplanning of the Tangmere SDL.

6.95 A number of specific issues need to be taken into account in planning the development and site layout at Tangmere. These include:

  • Local community aspirations for existing facilities serving the village, including a Village centre around a village main street, improved/expanded local convenience shopping and enhanced social, community, recreation, primary education and healthcare facilities;
  • Potential landscape sensitivities, particularly in terms of external views of the site into and from the surrounding area, including the National Park;
  • The potential to provide off-site green links with the National Park and Chichester City, and potential to develop strategic green infrastructure in conjunction with other planned development to the east of Chichester City;
  • The potential to develop off-site green links with existing and planned employment development at Tangmere (the Chichester Business Park and Horticultural Development Area);
  • Opportunities to provide substantially improved public transport services linking the village with Chichester City, to improve cycle routes to the city, and to provide better transport links to Barnham rail station and the 'Five Villages' area in Arun District;
  • Protecting priority views of Chichester Cathedral spire and heritage assets and creating opportunities for new public view points;
  • Conserving and enhancing the setting of the historic village (particularly the Conservation Area), the heritage of the World War II airfield, including provision for the expansion or relocation of the Tangmere Military Aviation Museum and the potential archaeological/heritage assets of the surrounding area;
  • Shielding residential properties from noise on the A27, through for example the use of acoustic screening;
  • The availability of minerals in the vicinity and the need to take account of the minerals safeguarding area.

(26) Policy AL14: Land West of Tangmere

Approximately 73 hectares of land to the west of Tangmere is allocated for residential led development of a minimum of 1,300 dwellings. Development in this location will be expected to address the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Be planned as an extension to Tangmere village, that is well integrated with the village and provides good access to existing facilities;
  1. A range of types, sizes and tenures of residential accommodation to include specific provision to meet specialised housing needs including accommodation for older people;
  1. Incorporate new or expanded community facilities (including a new village centre) providing local convenience shopping. Opportunities will be sought to deliver enhanced recreation, open space, primary education and healthcare facilities;
  1. Make provision for green links to the National Park and Chichester City. Opportunities should be explored for provision of integrated green infrastructure in conjunction with the other strategic sites to the east of the city;
  1. Protect existing views of Chichester Cathedral spire and reduce any impact on views from within the National Park;
  1. Subject to detailed transport assessment, provide primary road access to the site from the slip-road roundabout at the A27/A285 junction to the west of Tangmere providing a link with Tangmere Road. Development will be required to provide or fund mitigation for potential off-site traffic impacts through a package of measures in conformity with the Chichester City Transport Strategy (see Policy S14);
  1. Make provision for improved more direct and frequent bus services between Tangmere and Chichester City, and improved and additional cycle routes linking Tangmere with Chichester City, Shopwhyke and Westhampnett. Opportunities should also be explored for improving transport links with the 'Five Villages' area and Barnham rail station in Arun District; and
  1. Conserve and enhance the heritage and potential archaeological interest of the village, surrounding areas and World War II airfield, including the expansion or relocation of the Tangmere Military Aviation Museum.

Development will be dependent on the provision of infrastructure for adequate wastewater conveyance and treatment to meet strict environmental standards.

Proposals for development should have special regard to the defined County Minerals Safeguarding Area. Preparation of site plans will require liaison with West Sussex County Council at an early stage to ensure that potential mineral interests are fully considered in planning development.

Tangmere Strategic Employment Land

6.96 A total of around 2.4 hectares of land allocated for B1-B8 uses in the Chichester District Local Plan 1999 and Chichester District Local Plan Key Policies 2014-2029 remains undeveloped. High-speed broadband has recently become available in the area. Furthermore, the provision of a significant new residential development to the west of the village could further enhance the attractiveness of this site for employment uses within the commercial property market. Given that there is an existing business park immediately adjoining the allocation, the retention of the allocation would have the benefit of delivering a greater critical mass of potential floorspace at this existing business location and also enable commercial traffic movements to access the A27 directly from Meadow Way, rather than through residential areas. Therefore, this Plan continues to allocate the land for B1-B8 and similar employment generating uses.

(3) Policy AL15: Land at Chichester Business Park. Tangmere

2.4 hectares of employment land is allocated for B1-B8 and similar employment generating uses in the form of an extension to the Chichester Business Park to the east of Tangmere village, with access to the A27 via City Fields Way/Meadow Way.

The Council will work with development promoter(s) to improve high speed broadband access to the business park.

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