A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document - August 2023
Search representations
- Arun District Council
- B. Yond Homes Ltd
- Barratt David Wilson Homes
- Bloor Homes Southern
- CEG and the Landowners (D C Heaver and Eurequity IC Limited)
- Chichester and District Cycle Forum
- Church Commissioners for England
- Donnington Parish Council
- Earnley Parish Council
- East Wittering & Bracklesham Parish Council
- Environment Agency
- Fishbourne Parish Council
- Friends of the Old Ford to Hunston Canal
- Gleeson Strategic Land
- Hallam Land Management Limited
- Henry Adams LLP
- Historic England
- Langmead Family and The Church Commissioners for England
- lavant parish council
- Linden Downland Graylingwell LLP c/o Countryside Partnerships
- Metis Homes
- Obsidian Strategic AC Limited, DC Heaver and Eurequity IC Ltd
- Sidlesham Parish Council
- Suez (Sita UK)
- Surrey County Council
- Sustrans
- Wates Developments
- West Sussex County Council
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