A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document - August 2023
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A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document - August 2023
Representation ID: 6402
Received: 06/11/2023
Respondent: Arun District Council
- Requests clarification of scheme costs for cross boundary purposes i.e whether costs for improvements consider impact of developments within Arun District;
- Requests clarification of apportionment method towards funding shortfall if impact from strategic allocations within Arun not considered;
- Requests confirmation of ongoing requirement for Arun contributions for A27 Bognor Regis improvements, and delivery timescale within Chichester's Local Plan period; seeks National Highways' opinion advice on this matter;
- Requests clarification of intentions for Arun contributions to Whyke Road junction improvements; seeks National Highways' opinion on this matter.
Arun has the following observations to make, that
need to be clarified in the SPD:-
1. Clarification about the scheme costs for cross boundary purposes – for example, does the £43m assumed for the higher specification A27 Fishbourne and Bognor Regis roundabout improvements include the traffic impact of Arun’s developments (e.g. West of Bersted) on A27 Bognor Regis roundabout?
2. If the cross-boundary traffic impact from Arun’s Strategic Allocations has been included – what would be the appropriate apportionment method towards the £27m shortfall on funding?
3. If no, in answer to Question 1, can Arun assume that the £12m contributions from Arun earmarked for A27 Bognor Regis improvements (based on Aruns Transport evidence supporting the adopted Arun Local Plan) will still be needed, and at what timescale in Chichester’s Local Plan period (it would be helpful to have National Highways’ advice on this)?
4. Similarly, what is the intention for the Arun contributions towards the Whyke Road Junction,which now appear not to be included or needed (West of Bersted £2.073m; Pagham South £0.395m Pagham North £0.439)? Again, it would be helpful to have National Highways’
opinion on this.
As you may be aware, Arun is in discussion with the key developers of the Arun schemes listed
above, and they are seeking clarity on what their respective contributions should be and the above
SPD is silent on this matter.