Southbourne Allocation Development Plan Document: Regulation 18 Consultation Main Document

Ended on the 12 December 2024

Chapter 4: Vision and Objectives

4.1. The vision and objectives from the Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029 (SMNP 2023) and the submission Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039 have been reviewed to help inform the vision and objectives underpinning the Southbourne Allocation DPD.

Southbourne Allocation DPD Vision

4.2. A vision for the development of Southbourne is set out below:

4.3. To grow Southbourne in a comprehensive manner that supports a vibrant and sustainable community. It will be well supported by services and new and existing development will be seamlessly integrated, while embracing its existing character, landscape and ecological assets. Southbourne will connect people with nature, featuring a network of inclusive open space and a safe and inviting Green Ring. Active travel will be promoted through direct and convenient connections. Southbourne will offer a diverse living environment. The project will deliver essential services, diverse housing options, and modern infrastructure, fostering a sustainable, connected, and dynamic community.

Southbourne DPD Objectives

4.4. The following objectives expand upon the vision and acknowledge the work previously completed in the Neighbourhood Plan (SMNP), published in 2023. These objectives provide a structure for this DPD.

Integrated and well serviced community

4.5. Create an integrated village where everyone can live healthy lives with equal opportunities for all; accessing services and promoting health and well-being through access to nature, active travel and recreational opportunities. A thriving place that is well served by infrastructure and local employment which caters to a range of needs.

Housing for all

4.6. To deliver a range of suitable, well-designed and energy efficient housing types, sizes, and tenures to meet local needs. This will include affordable housing, specialised housing, serviced self/custom build plots and Traveller sites, as part of a mixed and balanced community.

Transport and sustainable travel

4.7. Connect new and existing neighbourhoods to the train station with good pedestrian and cycle priority routes, promoting active travel throughout and across the village and enabling public transport improvements.

Climate change and moving towards net zero carbon living

4.8. Respond positively to the environment to ensure climate resilience and future-proofing, by adopting the Future Homes Standard, strengthening green and blue infrastructure, promoting walking and cycling as the preferred options for short journeys, and contribute towards achieving net zero lifestyles.


4.9. Preserve and enhance biodiversity and wildlife and create a continuous Green Ring that encircles Southbourne, connecting multifunctional green spaces, parks and natural habitats.


4.10. Harmoniously integrating development into the wider landscape setting, protecting and mitigating impact on views and character of the Chichester Harbour National Landscape and South Downs National Park. Create a built form that is influenced by and respects the local character and heritage whilst using best practice design principles.

4.11. Question for Reg.18 consultation: View responses

Q1. Do you agree with the vision and objectives set out? If not, please set out how you think they should be amended.

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