Southbourne Allocation Development Plan Document: Regulation 18 Consultation Main Document

Chapter 1: Foreword
1.1. This is the first formal consultation stage in the preparation of the Southbourne Allocation Development Plan Document (DPD). The consultation period will be for a period of six weeks from 31 October 2024 to 12 December 2024 (5pm). In accordance with Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, representations are invited on the content of the consultation documents. These representations will inform subsequent stages of the DPD's development.
1.2. There are two primary documents produced for Regulation 18 consultation: 1) the main document presenting three scenarios for future development within Southbourne; and 2) the supporting assessment framework, which identifies and assesses the planning issues associated with each option in more detail. These are also supported by a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and an initial Viability Assessment. Questions are posed within the 2 main documents which invite comments on whether the most appropriate and important issues and options have been identified and considered. Views and evidence gathered during the consultation will inform the selection of a preferred scenario for allocation as well as the development of detailed policies within the draft DPD.