Southbourne Allocation Development Plan Document: Regulation 18 Consultation Main Document

Ended on the 12 December 2024

Chapter 2: Executive Summary

2.1. This document serves as the Regulation 18 consultation document for the Southbourne Allocation Development Plan Document (DPD). It provides an in-depth assessment of the issues and options related to the potential development sites located within the Southbourne Broad Location for Development (BLD). This report outlines the process of identifying suitable land allocations within the BLD, focusing on site-specific issues, stakeholder engagement, and strategic considerations for future development. This document provides a summary of the site scenarios, whilst the detailed assessment and supporting evidence is provided in the Assessment Framework document.

2.2. The key components of the document include:

  • Context and Background: Explanation of the broader planning context, including the role of the Southbourne BLD in relation to the submission Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039, and the objectives of the future Development Plan Document.
  • Vision and Objectives: Explanation of how the vision and objectives from the Submission Local Plan and the Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029 have influenced the options.
  • Site Allocation Options: Explanation of the different site allocation development scenarios, their viability and potential impact on the existing settlement.

2.3. This consultation document aims to provide a comprehensive basis for informed decision-making regarding the future of the Southbourne Allocation DPD, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered, and that future development is sustainable, feasible and in line with local planning policy.

2.4. An assessment of each site scenario against the objectives of the DPD to guide the determination of the most suitable site for development, forming the evidence base for the site scenario options, is contained within the separate Assessment Framework document.

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