National Policy and Guidance

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A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document - August 2023

Representation ID: 6343

Received: 17/10/2023

Respondent: Fishbourne Parish Council

Representation Summary:

3.4 If the funding available through CIL is not sufficient to fund the required A27 mitigations, then the message needs to go back to Government that the system that will ultimately provide them with the right houses in the right place is one that recognises that the data used in making their calculations is in need of urgent review

Full text:

3.4 If the funding available through CIL is not sufficient to fund the required A27 mitigations, then the message needs to go back to Government that the system that will ultimately provide them with the right houses in the right place is one that recognises that the data used in making their calculations is in need of urgent review


A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document - August 2023

Representation ID: 6396

Received: 03/11/2023

Respondent: Mr Paul Knappett

Representation Summary:

Required Regulation test has not been met.

Full text:

Response to 3.1: It is the opinion of the Council that under the 2016 SPD a development can be up to 8 miles from the relevant A27 junctions but can still be said to be directly related and have a cumulative impact. If this is the case, then it must follow those developments in the neighbouring parishes of Pagham (5.8 miles and 1100 dwellings), North and South Bersted (3.7 miles), Westergate (4.3 miles) Fontwell (6.5 miles) must all be counted as being directly related and having a cumulative impact on the relevant A27 junctions. However, these developments are not required to fund improvements to the relevant A27 junctions as there is not a cross-boundary policy agreement in place, as a result developments within the Chichester District are not only being asked to mitigate their own cumulative impact on the A27 but also to fund and mitigate the cumulative impact resulting from developments taking place outside the boundary of the Chichester District. Therefore, as a result it cannot be said that the Planning Obligation is fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development, so the required test has not been satisfied.


A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document - August 2023

Representation ID: 6404

Received: 01/11/2023

Respondent: Rydon Homes Ltd

Agent: DMH Stallard

Representation Summary:

It is noted that CDC indicates it acknowledges and has considered carefully the advice within Planning Practice Guidance that it is not appropriate for plan-makers to set out new formulaic approaches to Planning Obligations in supplementary planning documents or supporting evidence base documents as these would not be subject to examination. Notwithstanding this advice, the Council has nevertheless pushed ahead with the new means of seeking contributions as set out in the draft SPD.

The justification given for setting aside the guidance within Planning Policy Guidance is not considered to be sufficiently robust and reasoned to go against the national guidance on these matters.

The amended SPD should be delayed until the Local Plan Examination has taken place so that the evidence base can be tested through examination.

Full text:

On behalf of our clients, Rydon Homes Ltd we hereby provide comments on the draft A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation SPD. Please find attached the completed representation forms which set out the basis of our objections together with suggested modifications.

Our objections are made in light of a current planning application that has been submitted by our clients for land to the north-west of 56 Stane Street (Rohan Stables), Halnaker for 26 dwellings (CDC ref: BX/23/02169/FUL).
The comments draw on expert transport advice provided to our clients by RPS Transport which is set out in the enclosed Technical Note.

Our clients object to the requirements placed on developments arising from the proposals
set out in the SPD for the reasons set out in the four enclosed representation forms.

We trust that the representations are clear and that the District Council will consider
these carefully as part of the ongoing consultation process.