
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5690

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: The Birkett Family

Agent: Henry Adams LLP

Representation Summary:

For clarity, our client does not object to this allocation, but supports it as it shows that Tangmere is a location that can be seen to grow.

Full text:

These representations are made on behalf of our client, the Birkett Family and the Chichester Local Plan 2021 – 2039 Proposed Submission Regulation 19 Version.


The Birkett Family are local landowners who live in Easthampnett. They own approximately 44 acres of farmland to the west of Easthampnett which is edged red at Enclosure 1. The land has been promoted intermittently to Chichester District Council but they wish to confirm to Chichester District Council and the Inspector that the land is available for development should they consider Tangmere as an area for additional growth.

Site suitability

The land comprises farmland which could be redeveloped to meet a local housing need. Although limited work has been undertaken to date, the landowner is in the process of negotiating to enter into an agreement with a developer / promoter to promote the land to Chichester District Council to ensure it is deliverable.

Therefore, in time and at the request of the Council or Inspector, additional reports and surveys could be provided to support any future housing allocation. However, a highways appraisal has been undertaken, and access to the site is achievable and this can be provided at request.


Policy H2 of the Chichester Local Plan allocates 1,300 dwellings at the Tangmere Strategic Development Location. This site has an outline permission and is subject to a Compulsory Purchase Order. For clarity, our client does not object to this allocation, but supports it as it shows that Tangmere is a location that can be seen to grow.

Policy H3 does not allocate any additional housing to Tangmere Parish other than the Strategic Development Location. It is considered that along with the strategic development to the West, that our client’s land to the East of Tangmere can provide additional housing in Tangmere.

We trust our comments will be considered as part of the Local Plan review, and please do not hesitate to make contact if you require anything further.
