
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4506

Received: 16/03/2023

Respondent: The Woodland Trust

Representation Summary:

The Woodland Trust supports point 3 that there should be no adverse impact on biodiversity from development affecting open space.

Full text:

The Woodland Trust supports point 3 that there should be no adverse impact on biodiversity from development affecting open space.

We welcome the inclusion of natural greenspace in Table 6.3 – Minimum Open Space Quantity and Access Standards. However we note that the standard set (1ha within 600m) falls short of Natural England’s Accessible Natural Green Space Standard of accessible natural green space of 2ha within 300m, In addition, the Woodland Trust's Woodland Access Standard recommends 2ha of accessible woodland within 500m.
We request that the policy is applied as a minimum, and that higher provision is made where feasible.