Southbourne Allocation Development Plan Document: Regulation 18 Consultation Assessment Framework

Ended on the 12 December 2024

Chapter 3: Infrastructure Requirements

3.1. This chapter on infrastructure delivery covers the requirements to ensure that the site allocation is supported by the required mitigation and infrastructure that will make a new sustainable, inclusive, and thriving community within Southbourne.

3.2. The Regulation 18 Document which this appendix supports, describes the three site scenarios included in this consultation which are referenced within this chapter of the report. The three options include Land to the East, Land to the West and the Mixed Scenario.

3.3. As is clear from what has been set out above, infrastructure issues are key to the quality of life in Southbourne. New development of this scale provides a unique opportunity to consider and try to tackle those issues but within the confines of what is achievable through a site allocation DPD.

3.4. Submission Local Plan Policy I1 (Infrastructure Provision) requires new development to provide for the on and off-site infrastructure, facilities and services required as a result of the proposed development. Policy I1 states that provision should be made in accordance with a phasing and implementation plan (PIP) where necessary. All such requirements will be secured by way of condition or legal agreement.

3.5. Alongside development of the DPD, a viability report has been undertaken to support the assessment of the scenarios and determine the deliverability of associated infrastructure. Each scenario has been tested, together with other assumptions including infrastructure/s106 requirements, housing trajectory, sales revenue, housing mix, general development and other policy-related costs such as, base build costs, profit, climate change response and fees. Alongside the wider s106 and infrastructure works, the bridge(s) crossing the existing railway line have been taken into account based on information provided by land promoters.

3.6. Policy A13 states that to enable a comprehensive and coordinated development approach, piecemeal or unplanned development proposals within the area which are likely to prejudice its delivery including the infrastructure required for the area will not be permitted.

3.7. The Allocation DPD will identify the infrastructure that is required to support a comprehensive development, as well as setting out how the infrastructure is to be delivered on a phased basis and how the cost of providing the infrastructure will be shared equitably between each phase of the development, if there are multiple landowners.

3.8. The delivery of infrastructure requirements will be successfully achieved through effective cooperation between all landowners, if there are multiple landowners. Regardless of when such phases/development parcels come forward, a consistent approach to providing the required infrastructure within the site allocation and planning obligations will be required. This will ensure that important infrastructure is in place when needed.

3.9. A range of infrastructure requirements that may be needed to facilitate the site allocation have been identified through the submission Local Plan, in particular Policy A13, CDC's Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2021 – 2039 (IDP), and Infrastructure Business Plan 2024 – 2029 (IBP). This evidence base is then reinforced through the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan. These requirements have also been discussed through stakeholder engagement with infrastructure providers and local parish councils during the preparation of this DPD. These infrastructure requirements are based on the needs of the existing settlements and the proposed site allocation. These are summarised below:


  • A27 mitigation contributions are required for all scenarios (east, west, mixed scenarios) hybrid).
  • Road level crossing improvements or replacement with road bridge to mitigate congestion and safety risks of the level crossings (approximately 1.4 hectares of land would be required if a vehicular bridge is proposed to cross the railway as well as significant financial contributions).
  • Pedestrian and cycle rail crossing improvements or replacements to mitigate the safety risks of level crossings and improve connectivity.
  • Bus services improved and/or extended to service new development, with provision of real-time information displays.
  • Cycling route improvements at and/or linking to A259 needed.
  • Footpath upgrades and pedestrian road crossings required.


  • Early years provision: 60 places required.
  • Primary provision: two form entry (2fe) with opportunity for expansion to three form entry (3fe) if needed, requiring up to three hectares of land.
  • Secondary provision: potential expansion of Bourne Community College, including its sixth form.
  • SEND (Special Educational Needs Development): 3.48 places required.


  • Community healthcare facilities: phases for improvement and expansion needed.

Open space

  • Various provisions for allotments, amenity green space, parks, recreational grounds, children's play space, youth play space, and natural green space.


  • New community hall.
  • Library expansion required.
  • Potential replacement of the Age Concern building.


  • Wastewater treatment reinforcement needed.

Natural environment

  • Biodiversity net gain minimum 10% required.
  • Nutrient neutrality mitigation needed.
  • Chichester Harbour SPA mitigation contributions for recreational disturbance and potential for compensatory habitat to be provided, dependent on location.

Green infrastructure

  • Green ring provision: establishment of a green ring around Southbourne including a minimum width of 20 metres to incorporate active travel routes and green and blue infrastructure.


  • Custom and self-build housing: 53 serviced plots required.
  • 12 gypsy and traveller pitches, and 12 plots for travelling show people needed.

3.10. The Site Allocation is a long-term strategic development that would be expected to come forward during the period of the submission Local Plan. The Local Planning Authority would not be supportive of piecemeal development which is contrary to the requirements of submission Local Plan Policy I1 and A13, or development that is considered inconsistent with the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

3.11. Avoiding piecemeal development is crucial to maintaining a cohesive and joined-up development strategy. Fragmented development can lead to disconnected infrastructure, inconsistent design standards and unequal access to public amenities, resulting in a disjointed community. It can also cause environmental harm through inefficient land use and contribute to social inequalities. The strategic site allocation will ensure that planning applications that come forward contribute to the objectives of this DPD. This will mean there are no missed opportunities for improving the required infrastructure. A comprehensive approach ensures a well-planned, sustainable community that benefits all members of the community.

3.12. Question for Regulation 18 consultation View responses

Q13. Do you have any comments on the infrastructure requirements set out above, including how they could/should be most effectively delivered?

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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