Southbourne Allocation Development Plan Document: Regulation 18 Consultation Assessment Framework

Ended on the 12 December 2024

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. The submission Local Plan has identified Southbourne as a suitable location for strategic development, as described within Policy A13 'Southbourne Broad Location for Development (BLD)'.

1.2. A key part of the process of producing the Southbourne Allocation Development Plan Document (called 'the DPD' within the rest of this document) has been developing a range of options for growth and delivery, and testing these, so that a preferred way forward could be selected.

1.3. Whilst the site allocation DPD is not just about housing, the allocation of land for 800 homes forms a key part of the policy document, along with the options for the delivery of a bridge(s) crossing the railway line (with all modes of transport being considered), addressing the north to south severance and alleviating congestion within the village centre. These are the focus of the potential options.

1.4. The early section of this Assessment Framework document includes a detailed analysis of the potential site allocations, including their key characteristics, issues, environmental constraints and land ownership pattern in Chapter 2 and infrastructure requirements in Chapter 3.

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