Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Ended on the 17 March 2023

Chapter 9: Infrastructure

Infrastructure Provision


(1)9.1. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) that accompanies the Local Plan identifies programmed infrastructure provision from both the public and private sector in addition to that delivered through the development process. It provides an overview of the strategic cumulative infrastructure requirements and where known, who is responsible for delivery and a broad indication of phasing, costs and funding mechanisms at the local level. Capacity in infrastructure and services will be monitored through updates of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and future infrastructure need assessments via the five-year rolling Infrastructure Business Plan (IBP).

(5)9.2. The provision of infrastructure is necessary to support development. It can range from strategic provision, such as the provision of a new road or school, to the creation of a local play space, community facilities, a country park, or improvements to telecommunications for example. A key element of the Local Plan is for new development to be coordinated with the infrastructure it requires and to take into account the capacity of existing infrastructure. Infrastructure delivery will be secured through a combination of developer contributions, public sources of funding and delivery by other organisations and bodies.

(1)9.3. The type of infrastructure that this policy covers includes:

  • Transport facilities (Road, Bus, Rail, Cycling and Walking);
  • Education (Further and Higher, Secondary, Primary, Early Years, and Special Educational Needs and Disability);
  • Health (Acute Care and General Hospitals, Community and Mental Health facilities, and Primary Care facilities);
  • Social Infrastructure (Social and Community facilities, and Sports and Leisure facilities);
  • Green Infrastructure (Open spaces and Parks, Natural Environment, Flood Defences, Rivers and streams);
  • Public and Community Services (Emergency services, Libraries, Cemeteries and Crematoria, Waste Management and disposal);
  • Utility Services (Wastewater Treatment and Sewerage networks, Water supply, Electricity and Gas distribution, and Telecommunications/Digital infrastructure).

(1)9.4. It is recognised that, on occasion, particular site circumstances and/or the timing of the delivery of development may constrain the level of infrastructure deliverable whilst maintaining viability of a policy compliant development proposal. In such cases applications for development will be required to be accompanied by a full 'open book' financial appraisal that demonstrates and quantifies the issues surrounding the viable delivery of the site. An independent valuer appointed by the council, at the developer's cost, will provide an independent viability assessment. Only where proposals can demonstrate that a development would not be deliverable due to the requirement for an element of infrastructure provision will any exception to provide that infrastructure be considered. Where any shortfall in financial viability is identified, agreement of the Council will be required as to which infrastructure provision would be excluded, through the planning application determination process.

(30)Policy I1 Infrastructure Provision

The council will work with partner organisations to coordinate infrastructure provision to ensure that individual and cumulative development is supported by the timely provision of adequate infrastructure, facilities, and services. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan will be used to identify the timing and nature of infrastructure requirements to support the objectives and policies of the Plan as well as the main funding mechanisms and lead agencies responsible for their delivery.

New development will be expected to provide for the on and off-site infrastructure, facilities and services required as a result of the development. Provision should be made in accordance with a phasing and implementation plan where necessary. All such requirements will be secured by way of condition or legal agreement.

Development proposals will be permitted that:

  1. Make effective use of existing infrastructure, facilities, and services, including opportunities for co-location, sharing and multifunctional use of services and facilities;
  2. Provide for the on and off-site infrastructure, facilities and services required as a result of the development;
  3. Safeguard the requirements of infrastructure providers, including but not limited to:
    • Renewable energy;
    • Gigabit-capable electronic communications networks;
    • Electricity power lines;
    • High pressure gas mains;
    • Educational facilities;
    • Health facilities;
    • Aquifer protection areas;
    • Highways and cycle lanes, and
    • Flood defences and SuDS infrastructure.
  4. Future-proof infrastructure provision to take account of the impacts of climate change such as flooding events from heavy rainfall, rivers and rising sea levels, increased drought, sustained and high wind speeds and extremes of temperature and water scarcity;
  5. To consider and meet as appropriate the in-perpetuity costs of infrastructure and arrangements for its future management and maintenance;
  6. Agree a programme of delivery with the relevant infrastructure provider before development begins including coordination of financial and physical contributions;
  7. Ensure new development benefits from gigabit-capable broadband infrastructure at the point of occupation;
  8. Improve accessibility to necessary facilities and services by sustainable travel modes from the outset.
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