Consultation on the Chichester Local Plan


Consultation on the draft A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (Version 2) 30 May 2024 - 11 July 2024

Consultation on a new version of the draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is now open. The SPD provides detailed advice and guidance on the council's updated approach for securing development contributions to mitigation traffic impacts on the A27 Chichester Bypass. 

We have published the new SPD following consultation on a previous version of the draft SPD in autumn 2023. Representations received in response to that consultation have directly informed the revised draft.


Regulation 19 consultation on the Proposed Submission Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039 ended on 17th March 2023.

We have analysed all representations received, prepared responses, and, where appropriate, suggested changes to the plan as a result of the consultation.  All the comments received have been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, acting on behalf of the Secretary of State, who will appoint an Inspector to examine the Plan (together with a range of supporting documents). The Inspector will consider the representations received by the council to the proposed submission version of the Plan to inform their decision about whether the Plan can be adopted by the council, or whether it must first be amended to make it 'sound' and to ensure it meets legal and national policy tests.

If any significant modifications are thought necessary by the Inspector, these will be the subject of further consultation.



Chichester Local Plan 2014-2029 (adopted)

Statement of Community Involvement

Chichester Local Plan 2014-2029 (adopted)

Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039 - Proposed Submission (Regulation 19)

Interim Policy Statement for Housing Development

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