Statement of Community Involvement - August 2023

Ended on the 8 November 2023

1. Introduction

Why get involved in planning decisions?

1.1 Planning affects us all. The homes we live in, the places we work, the open spaces where we relax, and the roads we travel on are all a result of planning decisions.

1.2 The way that Chichester District, excluding the area within the South Downs National Park, develops in the future will be affected by planning, and it is important that local people are able to put across their views by participating in planning decisions.

1.3 This Statement of Community Involvement sets out how the council will involve people in planning decisions. It provides brief guidance to explain how the planning system works and advises on how you can participate in planning decisions, and what you can expect if you choose to get involved.

How does the planning system work?

1.4 There are two key parts to the local planning system - Planning Policy and Development Management.

1.5 Planning Policy is concerned with producing the local planning documents and policies that are used to guide development in Chichester District[1]. These documents must conform to relevant government guidance, and there are specific regulatory procedures which must be followed during their preparation.

1.6 Development Management is responsible for processing and determining planning applications, along with other applications including works to trees, and consents regarding advertisements and listed buildings. The Development Management team provides pre-application planning advice, and the Enforcement Team investigates and takes appropriate action in respect of breaches of planning control.

1.7 The Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities) is responsible for examining local plan-making and deciding planning and enforcement appeals.

1.8 On 1 April 2011 the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) became responsible for all planning in the South Downs National Park. The SDNPA produces its own Statement of Community Involvement and local planning documents. The Chichester District Council Development Management team operates an agency arrangement with the SDNPA and determines the majority of planning applications within the national park which fall within Chichester District.

[1] Excluding the area within the South Downs National Park

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