Statement of Community Involvement - August 2023

Ended on the 8 November 2023

3. Consulting on Planning Documents

Adopting a planning document

3.1 The last stage in producing a planning document is to present it to the relevant decision makers, who will consider its adoption as council policy. The decision to adopt will be taken by the Full Council.

3.2 Full Council is made up of all 36 Councillors in the district. It is responsible for making all major policy decisions including approval of all statutory documents produced for the Local Plan. Members of the public are able to attend meetings of the Full Council and can ask questions at the start of the meeting.

3.3 If you would like to know more about asking questions at council, further information can be found on our website at

Neighbourhood Planning

3.4 Neighbourhood Plans are community-produced statutory planning documents that enable people to take a more direct role in shaping the places where they live.

3.5 A Neighbourhood Plan can build upon the broader policies set out in the council's local planning documents and represents a chance for people to influence the location, appearance and type of development that comes forward in a neighbourhood/parish.

3.6 The Government encourages communities to get involved in plan production and consultation, either by responding to Local Plan consultations and/or by producing a Neighbourhood Plan. This is recognised as requiring a significant commitment from those involved in drafting and producing a neighbourhood plan in terms of time and resources.

3.7 In an area like Chichester District, it is usually the parish or town council who prepares a Neighbourhood Plan. It can cover all or part of the parish and in some cases may involve a number of parishes. In some areas, resident associations or other bodies may be interested in drawing up a Neighbourhood Plan and act as a forum. However, this will need to be carried out with the parish/town/city council who initiate and support the project.

3.8 The council will seek to provide support and advice on a range of issues, including consultation and the process of document production. Further information on this can be found at:

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