Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
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Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
Representation ID: 5085
Received: 16/03/2023
Respondent: West Sussex County Council
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Insufficient evidence to demonstrate key infrastructure (i.e. Terminus Road Diversion) will be deliverable; Package of sustainable transport infrastructure and measures not yet sufficiently well-developed to demonstrate it is deliverable as part of monitor and manage process; Insufficient evidence to demonstrate capacity of transport network can accommodate scale of development proposed as part of Southbourne BLD. See attached for reasons for issues, why soundness of Plan affected and suggested changes to remedy issues.
In order to remedy this issue regarding the Terminus Road Diversion, the County Council requests that feasibility work is undertaken prior to the examination to confirm deliverability of the proposed Terminus Road Diversion.
The comments included below from WSCC are Holding Objections. We will continue to work with Chichester District Council and as further work is completed will consider if objections can be withdrawn.
Transport Overview
The County Council has worked with Chichester District Council to develop the Chichester Local Plan and its supporting evidence base and will continue to do so. Although the overall direction of the Local Plan is supported, from a highways and transport perspective, there are three key issues remaining that need to be addressed in order to demonstrate that the Plan is sound:
1. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that key infrastructure (i.e. Terminus Road Diversion) will be deliverable;
2. The package of sustainable transport infrastructure and measures is not yet sufficiently well-developed to demonstrate that it is deliverable as part of the monitor and manage process; and
3. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the capacity of the transport network can accommodate the scale of development proposed as part of the Southbourne Broad Location for Development.
The following sections explain; a) the reasons for these issues; b) why they affect the soundness of the Local Plan; and, c) what changes should be made to the Local Plan to remedy the issues.
Deliverability of Key Infrastructure
The recommended transport mitigation strategy, as assessed using the Chichester Area Transport Model for 2039 has been demonstrated to be capable in-principle to prevent the development from resulting in severe residual cumulative impacts on the highways and transport network. However, there are significant risks to deliverability of junction mitigation measures, which have required further work to be undertaken on developing a short to medium term strategy based on phased prioritisation of infrastructure and sustainable transport improvements, to be governed under a monitor and manage approach.
There are three locations where new highway alignments are proposed outside of existing highways boundaries. Two of these may include significant earthworks or structures to be delivered, being Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road diversion. The cost of the mitigation strategy exceeds the likely value of developer contributions and additional funding has not yet been secured.
At the Regulation 18 consultation stage in December 2018 to January 2019 the County Council identified delivery risks with the Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road Diversion schemes due to the earthworks likely to be required and to confirm the extent of land take required for both schemes. The County Council stated that feasibility work would need to be undertaken for these improvements prior to Plan submission to confirm that the schemes are deliverable. A brief for such a feasibility study was agreed in 2019, but to date, this work has not been commissioned. It is the County Council’s view that Stockbridge Link Road (SLR) should be disregarded as a potential part of a long-term transport mitigation strategy for 2039 and beyond until such time as it can be demonstrated that the scheme is deliverable. Paragraph 8.14 of the Local Plan acknowledges that the SLR is not deliverable as part of the Local Plan mitigation package.
The Terminus Road Diversion is still identified as part of the highest priority in the Local Plan mitigation package (i.e. A27 Fishbourne Junction) which is expected to be delivered once sufficient funding is collected. The County Council considers that in the absence of this feasibility work, the deliverability of the Terminus Road Diversion cannot be confirmed. In particular, given the recent impacts of inflation in the construction industry, this work will need to robustly estimate the costs and confirm delivery arrangements. In the absence of this feasibility work, there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF as key infrastructure does not appear to be deliverable.
In order to remedy this issue regarding the Terminus Road Diversion, the County Council requests that feasibility work is undertaken prior to the examination to confirm deliverability of the proposed Terminus Road Diversion.
Sustainable Transport Infrastructure & Measures
The transport study modelling for end of Plan period also includes some proposed highways mitigation schemes within Chichester City. The County Council has previously requested that these be replaced by sustainable transport improvements to comply with the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036. However, only limited modification has been made to these proposed schemes, with a suggestion in text at paragraph 7.3.2 of the main transport study that the costs for these schemes can be reallocated to sustainable transport improvements which are not specified. Although this does help to explain how sustainable transport infrastructure schemes and measures can be at least partially funded, it is rare that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions. Furthermore, funding is not the only issue that needs to be overcome to secure delivery of these schemes and measures.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) lists the proposed mitigation measures and in some cases provides information on the rationale, phasing, cost, funding and delivery arrangements. However, there are still many gaps in the information, probably because schemes are currently at an early conceptual stage. The County Council’s experience is that it is unlikely that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions (because doing so would not be compliant with the CIL regulations) so delivery of these schemes will be partially dependent on securing funding from central Government or other sources. The IDP currently fails to identify the scheme-specific requirements for additional funding and the overall scale of additional funding required.
The County Council considers the level of information currently available on the sustainable transport package to be insufficient to demonstrate deliverability of a credible and coordinated sustainable transport package of improved infrastructure and services. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that further technical work is undertaken to develop the schemes and measures in the sustainable transport package prior to the examination. In particular, this should focus on the following schemes and measures and some cases, this will build on work that has already taken place:
1. St. Paul’s & Parklands cycle routes
2. Improving existing public transport services towards Madgwick Lane
3. Provision of improved bus services for the village serving the development areas of Southbourne Parish
4. Improving cycling connectivity to link the built-out areas of Shopwhyke Lakes with Tangmere and Oving etc
As not all the severely impacted A27 junctions have a reasonable prospect of being physically improved in the Plan period, more investigation into potential public transport enhancements is also required, particularly to strengthen routes that cross the bypass. This may require further amendments to the IDP.
This work should aim to identify options for sustainable transport schemes that can be a priority for investment, provide information to enable safeguarding of routes (e.g. cycle routes) from development and provide a basis for applications for third party funding to support their delivery. The relative priority of such measures would need to be considered under the monitor and manage approach by the proposed Traffic and Infrastructure Management Group for implementation in addition to the proposed improvement at the A27/A259 Fishbourne junction.
To address this issue and support delivery of the sustainable transport package, the County Council also recommends the following minor amendments to Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure:
At bullet point .7 change “other small-scale junction improvements” to read “other sustainable transport and safety focused improvements, including at junctions” and change “These will increase road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas” to “These will increase road capacity on strategic roads, and on both strategic and local roads reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas notably by encouraging and prioritising sustainable modes.”
Southbourne Broad Location for Development
The scale of development that can be accommodated at the Southbourne Broad Location will be, at least partially, dependent on the capacity of the transport network to accommodate the associated traffic movements. As the Broad Location spans the railway line, many of these traffic movements would need to cross the railway line. The County Council is concerned that there is currently insufficient capacity of the existing level crossings, notably at Stein Road, to accommodate the additional traffic movements. This could mean that the cumulative impact of development on the traffic network is severe, which is not consistent with Paragraph 111 of the NPPF.
The transport evidence base does not yet provide sufficient assurance that the proposed scale of development can be accommodated. This is because the base level of traffic flow has not been compared to local traffic counts, either in the initial validation of the strategic model or through a new count which the County Council has previously requested, and the assumptions about level crossing downtimes have not been validated against observed data. The County Council is concerned that the assessment of capacity of the local road network to accommodate the quantum of dwellings proposed for the Broad Location may be overoptimistic by underestimating existing flow levels and the duration of level crossing downtime. As a consequence, the proposed quantum may not be deliverable without unacceptable impacts to the conditions on Stein Road and to the level of traffic seeking to use rural lanes to the north of the village to avoid the level crossing.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that either additional transport evidence is provided prior to the examination to demonstrate that the proposed scale of development is deliverable, or that Policy A13 is changed to remove the proposed scale of development until such evidence is provided.
The following comments from education, minerals and waste, Adults Services and Health, highways & transport and public rights of way, do not affect the soundness of the Plan. However, Chichester District Council should take these into account and, where possible, make minor amendments to the Local Plan and/or evidence base studies before submission of the Local Plan for examination. Officers are happy to meet and discuss any of these comments, and proposed minor amendments to address these comments, ahead of submission:
1) Education
Land West of Chichester
Previous comments have been made requesting that the policy refers to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. While it is recognised that reference is made to this in the IDP this is a supporting document to the Local Plan and should not be solely relied on. It is requested that paragraph 10.19 is amended to read: ‘a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sqm E(g)(i) Use Class), two form entry (2FE) primary school and one form entry (1FE) teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND, informal and formal open space (including a country park), allotments,…’
This should also be included in the 3rd bullet point of Policy A6 or the wording of the policy should be drafted to reflect more recent policy requirements i.e. Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
There are some inconsistencies with the wording of the strategic policies, not every policy includes the criterion ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ While this may be due to some policies being carried through from the adopted local plan it is inconsistent.
Policy A8 Land East of Chichester
As an education authority WSCC do not request 1FE schools in line with government guidance. As per our earlier comments and discussions we requested a 2 FE primary school for the site.
3rd bullet point of Policy A8 should be amended to read: ‘A neighbourhood centre incorporating local shops, a community centre, flexible space for employment/ small-scale leisure uses and a one-form (expandable to two-form) two form entry primary school with provision for early years/ childcare and special educational needs and disability…’
2) Minerals and Waste
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A2 – needs to include reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure.
• Policy A7 – needs to include reference to safeguarding waste infrastructure.
• Policy A15 (Loxwood) – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding as within the clay MSA.
• Policy A21 – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding.
Also, the reference to the safeguarding guidance needs to be checked to ensure that it is worded correctly as ‘Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance’.
3) Older Person Housing
It is noted that the plan refers to older person housing as specialist housing. WSCC strategy supports the provision of ‘extra care housing’ while this might be similar development it enables younger people to access the accommodation for whatever medical reason i.e. MS, strokes rather than limiting it to a certain age group. Officers are happy to meet and discuss this further.
4) Highways and Transport
Public Transport Priority Infrastructure
The Public Transport section of the main transport study report starting at paragraph 6.2.7 requires revisiting. There is reference to “an expansion of the bus priority lane system within Chichester City Centre” which does not match the existing bus provision in the City which does not provide bus priority lanes on street. It does have restrictions on motor traffic in the adjoining parts of South Street and West Street which provide for bus and cycle only access in both directions of travel plus access for essential goods vehicle loading in the westbound direction only. In addition, the suggestion in the following paragraph for “a time-based system where certain routes are restricted to public transport only during specific times” is not evidenced or developed and as such considered unlikely to be practical and enforceable at most locations used by bus routes in the City. More developed proposals for additional bus priority, improvements to bus passenger facilities or testing of specific locations for bus-only access would be welcomed as part of developing a costed sustainable transport mitigation package.
Park and Ride
The discussion of possible park and ride facilities for the City at paragraphs 6.2.9 to 6.2.16 of the main transport study should also acknowledge. An important part of making park and ride well used by motorists is increasing the price of city centre parking to provide a financial incentive to take up significantly cheaper park and ride charges for parking and travel. However, if park and ride sites are not provided accessible to all major approach routes to the city, such a charging strategy would not be seen to be equitable, whereas only a single site is proposed in the District Council’s emerging parking strategy and the report acknowledges at 6.2.11 that “locations for potential park and ride sites are also deemed to be limited”. The bullet at 6.2.15 “Cost of schemes compared to benefit are likely to be initially lower than highway schemes” may have been incorrectly worded given that this is listed as an issue rather than a benefit. The text may have been intended to say that the ratio of benefit to cost for park and ride schemes may be lower than for conventional highway schemes?
A286 New Park Road / A286 St Pancras Road (Junction 7)
This junction scheme includes pedestrian crossing facilities which are welcomed and also includes a length of advisory cycle lane starting in the middle of the junction for cyclists remaining on St Pancras. However, the approach to the junction on St Pancras from Eastgate Square remains intimidating to cyclists, so further measures would need to be added to make the layout cycle-friendly or the cycle facility is likely to be of limited benefit. This could include decreasing traffic speeds. Until this is done the conclusion at 8.4.4 of the main transport study; “The mitigation scheme includes improvements for pedestrians and cyclists which will lead to increased use of active travel modes and reduce the need for physical mitigation here” is only supported for pedestrians, not for cyclists.
A259 Via Ravenna / A259 Cathedral Way Roundabout (Junction 8)
It is stated at 7.3.8 of the main transport study that “the mitigation may be required to avoid queuing back towards the A27, as well as for capacity issues”. In light of this potential safety issue for the previous junction on Cathedral Way and for the A27 Fishbourne junction, the proposal at 7.3.6 that the scheme delivery should be tied to the monitor and manage regime to see if and when it is required is accepted. This is different to the approach for other junctions in the City because of the potential safety issue. This monitoring approach would be likely to follow after the A259 Cathedral Way / Fishbourne Road East / Terminus Road (as diverted) (Junction 10) improvement, which is to be brought forward as an integral part of the A27 Fishbourne roundabout mitigation scheme, but may allow for increased eastbound flows on Cathedral Way.
A286 Northgate Gyratory
An additional mitigation scheme is proposed at paragraph 7.3.134 of the main transport study for the A286 Northgate Gyratory along its southern arm from Oaklands Way to Orchard Street. The proposal to add traffic signals is welcomed in concept as it can help to control traffic speeds making the junction more friendly for cyclists and pedestrians. However, the layout shown at figure 7-8 does not maximise the opportunity to improve convenience and safety for pedestrians by providing a priority link to reach the central island, which contains employment space and the fire station, nor to assist crossing the exit towards Orchard Street. The scheme would benefit from further development to prioritise active travel movements and should also be fitted with transponders for bus priority.
Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11)
At paragraphs 7.4.1 to 7.4.2 of the main transport study, the junction of Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11) is considered. The proposal to mitigate impacts at this junction through delivery of the Stockbridge Link Road scheme is not considered deliverable, so the approach at this location requires re-thinking. The County Council would not support measures to increase capacity for through traffic on Appledram Lane South, the approach should be to reduce severance and improve safety and comfort for active travel on Appledram Lane by reducing vehicle speeds and as far as possible volume. This should consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists both for local access and for users of the Salterns Way leisure cycling route.
TEMPro Background Traffic Growth Comparisons
At section 10.2 of the main transport study a comparison is made of the TEMPro 7.2 growth rates used in the study for external traffic with new TEMPro 8.0 growth rates since released by the Department for Transport, which notes that the TEMPro 8.0 rates are significantly lower, if these rates were used then the level of transport impacts could be lower. Unfortunately, a number of highways authorities in the Transport for the South East (TfSE) area including the County Council and Hampshire County Council have concerns that the planning assumptions used in TEMPro v8 core growth scenario underestimate the numbers of additional households forecasted compared to targets in adopted Local Plans for delivering new dwellings. TfSE are currently raising these collective concerns with DfT with a view to obtaining an early update to TEMPro 8 planning assumptions. Although for the purposes of this study TEMPro is not applied to trips produced in Chichester District, from the County Council’s analysis TEMPRo v8 core underestimates the increase in households per year in Arun District by over 50% and in Horsham District by 30% when compared with adopted development plans. On this basis it may be useful to instead compare TEMPro 7.2 with TEMPro 8.0 high growth scenario.
North of District Spatial Scenarios Testing
For the Northern Spatial Scenarios Test provided as an appendix to the main transport study, this had not been updated for the final preferred spatial strategy or in light of the County Council’s previous comments on the March 2022 issue to the District Council. The spatial strategy now is similar but not identical to the Scenario 4: Significant Growth 1 option in the reported tests, totalling 370 dwellings across the four northern parishes, compared to 410 in the test. In both cases the largest allocation is at Loxwood; 220 dwellings were proposed in the Scenario 4 as compared to 200 in this test. Some other tests proposed higher numbers.
The testing in the northern part of the district had used the same trip generation rates per dwelling as in the South of the District, but the County Council considers that in practice private motor vehicle trip generation per dwelling is likely to be higher due to the rural nature of the area, including a lack of local facilities and shops within walking distance of development, a very low level of public transport services and lack of surfaced cycle routes.
The level of development proposed is not at the level capable of delivering transformative transport improvements to match the trip making patterns around Chichester and the A259 corridor to Bosham and Southbourne. This may be offset in part by the lower total amount of development compared to the tested scenario 4. Nonetheless, it would be helpful to adjust the scenario for the spatial strategy now proposed and to provide information on additional traffic movements per peak hour from these parishes using the A272 at junctions at Wisborough Green and reaching the A272/A29 junction at Billingshurst and the A272/A283 junction at the north of Petworth.
Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note
The Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note in the main transport study treats July as a neutral month rather than a summer month. Paragraph 1.3.1 states “The flows were analysed by looking at traffic data for August 2019 this being considered to represent summer traffic. This was compared against traffic data from the neutral months of June, July, September and October also from 2019.” The County Council does not accept this methodology as school summer holidays start part way through July and education traffic is also affected by the formal exam period, whilst there is typically a high level of seasonal leisure traffic including summer outdoor events in this month. It is acceptable to use August alone as the summer comparator month. However, July traffic should be removed from the neutral months analysis and should be substituted with May traffic data from the same year of 2019, provided that sufficient data is available from that month.
5) Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
It is a positive step to see PRoW acknowledged as valued by communities and as part of the area’s green infrastructure. Whilst Policy P14 (Green Infrastructure) states that development proposals should not be detrimental to the network of public rights of way and bridleways (please note bridleways are Public Rights of Way), a more proactively positive approach that seeks enhancements to the network as mitigation, would be welcomed. The improvement, upgrading of existing PRoW and creation of new PRoW where possible, to allow for a greater number of users to access the network would be beneficial. This is somewhat addressed in Policy T1 which refers only to routes identified in the Local Transport Plan, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Opportunities to these, should not be limited if they arise elsewhere.
It is surprising to see there is no mention of PRoW within Chapter 8 under Active Travel – Walking and Cycling. The PRoW network provides extensive walking and cycling opportunities, often off-road, and important links between places and non-PRoW routes.
i) Further evidence has been produced to inform Terminus Road diversion and to develop package of sustainable transport measures. Both of these matters will be further refined through the monitor and manage process
ii) Further survey work and evidence produced that supports scale of development proposed within BLD in relation to transport network
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure
Representation ID: 5086
Received: 16/03/2023
Respondent: West Sussex County Council
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
WSCC previously requested proposed highways mitigation schemes within Chichester City be replaced by sustainable transport improvements to comply with West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036. Limited modification made to proposed schemes. Suggestion at paragraph 7.3.2 (transport study) that costs for schemes be reallocated to sustainable transport improvements which are not specified - helps to explain how sustainable transport infrastructure schemes/measures can be partially funded. Rare schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions. Funding not only issue to be overcome to secure delivery of schemes and measures. Still gaps in information, consider unlikely schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions, delivery of schemes will be partially dependent on securing funding from central Government or other sources. IDP fails to identify scheme-specific requirements for additional funding/overall scale of additional funding required. Level of information on sustainable transport package insufficient to demonstrate deliverability of credible and coordinated sustainable transport package of improved infrastructure and services. Insufficient evidence to be compliant with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of NPPF.
Request further technical work is undertaken to develop schemes and measures in sustainable transport package prior to the examination. Focus on:
1. St. Paul’s & Parklands cycle routes
2. Improving existing public transport services towards Madgwick Lane
3. Provision of improved bus services for village serving development areas of Southbourne Parish
4. Improving cycling connectivity to link built-out areas of Shopwhyke Lakes with Tangmere and Oving etc
As not all severely impacted A27 junctions have a reasonable prospect of being physically improved in Plan period, more investigation into potential public transport enhancements also required, particularly to strengthen routes that cross bypass. May require further amendments to the IDP.
Work should aim to identify options for sustainable transport schemes that can be a priority for investment, provide information to enable safeguarding of routes (e.g. cycle routes) from development and provide a basis for applications for third party funding to support their delivery. The relative priority of such measures would need to be considered under the monitor and manage approach by the proposed Traffic and Infrastructure Management Group for implementation in addition to the proposed improvement at the A27/A259 Fishbourne junction.
To address this issue and support delivery of the sustainable transport package, the County Council also recommends the following minor amendments to Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure:
At bullet point .7 change “other small-scale junction improvements” to read “other sustainable transport and safety focused improvements, including at junctions” and change “These will increase road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas” to “These will increase road capacity on strategic roads, and on both strategic and local roads reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas notably by encouraging and prioritising sustainable modes.”
The comments included below from WSCC are Holding Objections. We will continue to work with Chichester District Council and as further work is completed will consider if objections can be withdrawn.
Transport Overview
The County Council has worked with Chichester District Council to develop the Chichester Local Plan and its supporting evidence base and will continue to do so. Although the overall direction of the Local Plan is supported, from a highways and transport perspective, there are three key issues remaining that need to be addressed in order to demonstrate that the Plan is sound:
1. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that key infrastructure (i.e. Terminus Road Diversion) will be deliverable;
2. The package of sustainable transport infrastructure and measures is not yet sufficiently well-developed to demonstrate that it is deliverable as part of the monitor and manage process; and
3. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the capacity of the transport network can accommodate the scale of development proposed as part of the Southbourne Broad Location for Development.
The following sections explain; a) the reasons for these issues; b) why they affect the soundness of the Local Plan; and, c) what changes should be made to the Local Plan to remedy the issues.
Deliverability of Key Infrastructure
The recommended transport mitigation strategy, as assessed using the Chichester Area Transport Model for 2039 has been demonstrated to be capable in-principle to prevent the development from resulting in severe residual cumulative impacts on the highways and transport network. However, there are significant risks to deliverability of junction mitigation measures, which have required further work to be undertaken on developing a short to medium term strategy based on phased prioritisation of infrastructure and sustainable transport improvements, to be governed under a monitor and manage approach.
There are three locations where new highway alignments are proposed outside of existing highways boundaries. Two of these may include significant earthworks or structures to be delivered, being Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road diversion. The cost of the mitigation strategy exceeds the likely value of developer contributions and additional funding has not yet been secured.
At the Regulation 18 consultation stage in December 2018 to January 2019 the County Council identified delivery risks with the Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road Diversion schemes due to the earthworks likely to be required and to confirm the extent of land take required for both schemes. The County Council stated that feasibility work would need to be undertaken for these improvements prior to Plan submission to confirm that the schemes are deliverable. A brief for such a feasibility study was agreed in 2019, but to date, this work has not been commissioned. It is the County Council’s view that Stockbridge Link Road (SLR) should be disregarded as a potential part of a long-term transport mitigation strategy for 2039 and beyond until such time as it can be demonstrated that the scheme is deliverable. Paragraph 8.14 of the Local Plan acknowledges that the SLR is not deliverable as part of the Local Plan mitigation package.
The Terminus Road Diversion is still identified as part of the highest priority in the Local Plan mitigation package (i.e. A27 Fishbourne Junction) which is expected to be delivered once sufficient funding is collected. The County Council considers that in the absence of this feasibility work, the deliverability of the Terminus Road Diversion cannot be confirmed. In particular, given the recent impacts of inflation in the construction industry, this work will need to robustly estimate the costs and confirm delivery arrangements. In the absence of this feasibility work, there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF as key infrastructure does not appear to be deliverable.
In order to remedy this issue regarding the Terminus Road Diversion, the County Council requests that feasibility work is undertaken prior to the examination to confirm deliverability of the proposed Terminus Road Diversion.
Sustainable Transport Infrastructure & Measures
The transport study modelling for end of Plan period also includes some proposed highways mitigation schemes within Chichester City. The County Council has previously requested that these be replaced by sustainable transport improvements to comply with the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036. However, only limited modification has been made to these proposed schemes, with a suggestion in text at paragraph 7.3.2 of the main transport study that the costs for these schemes can be reallocated to sustainable transport improvements which are not specified. Although this does help to explain how sustainable transport infrastructure schemes and measures can be at least partially funded, it is rare that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions. Furthermore, funding is not the only issue that needs to be overcome to secure delivery of these schemes and measures.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) lists the proposed mitigation measures and in some cases provides information on the rationale, phasing, cost, funding and delivery arrangements. However, there are still many gaps in the information, probably because schemes are currently at an early conceptual stage. The County Council’s experience is that it is unlikely that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions (because doing so would not be compliant with the CIL regulations) so delivery of these schemes will be partially dependent on securing funding from central Government or other sources. The IDP currently fails to identify the scheme-specific requirements for additional funding and the overall scale of additional funding required.
The County Council considers the level of information currently available on the sustainable transport package to be insufficient to demonstrate deliverability of a credible and coordinated sustainable transport package of improved infrastructure and services. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that further technical work is undertaken to develop the schemes and measures in the sustainable transport package prior to the examination. In particular, this should focus on the following schemes and measures and some cases, this will build on work that has already taken place:
1. St. Paul’s & Parklands cycle routes
2. Improving existing public transport services towards Madgwick Lane
3. Provision of improved bus services for the village serving the development areas of Southbourne Parish
4. Improving cycling connectivity to link the built-out areas of Shopwhyke Lakes with Tangmere and Oving etc
As not all the severely impacted A27 junctions have a reasonable prospect of being physically improved in the Plan period, more investigation into potential public transport enhancements is also required, particularly to strengthen routes that cross the bypass. This may require further amendments to the IDP.
This work should aim to identify options for sustainable transport schemes that can be a priority for investment, provide information to enable safeguarding of routes (e.g. cycle routes) from development and provide a basis for applications for third party funding to support their delivery. The relative priority of such measures would need to be considered under the monitor and manage approach by the proposed Traffic and Infrastructure Management Group for implementation in addition to the proposed improvement at the A27/A259 Fishbourne junction.
To address this issue and support delivery of the sustainable transport package, the County Council also recommends the following minor amendments to Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure:
At bullet point .7 change “other small-scale junction improvements” to read “other sustainable transport and safety focused improvements, including at junctions” and change “These will increase road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas” to “These will increase road capacity on strategic roads, and on both strategic and local roads reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas notably by encouraging and prioritising sustainable modes.”
Southbourne Broad Location for Development
The scale of development that can be accommodated at the Southbourne Broad Location will be, at least partially, dependent on the capacity of the transport network to accommodate the associated traffic movements. As the Broad Location spans the railway line, many of these traffic movements would need to cross the railway line. The County Council is concerned that there is currently insufficient capacity of the existing level crossings, notably at Stein Road, to accommodate the additional traffic movements. This could mean that the cumulative impact of development on the traffic network is severe, which is not consistent with Paragraph 111 of the NPPF.
The transport evidence base does not yet provide sufficient assurance that the proposed scale of development can be accommodated. This is because the base level of traffic flow has not been compared to local traffic counts, either in the initial validation of the strategic model or through a new count which the County Council has previously requested, and the assumptions about level crossing downtimes have not been validated against observed data. The County Council is concerned that the assessment of capacity of the local road network to accommodate the quantum of dwellings proposed for the Broad Location may be overoptimistic by underestimating existing flow levels and the duration of level crossing downtime. As a consequence, the proposed quantum may not be deliverable without unacceptable impacts to the conditions on Stein Road and to the level of traffic seeking to use rural lanes to the north of the village to avoid the level crossing.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that either additional transport evidence is provided prior to the examination to demonstrate that the proposed scale of development is deliverable, or that Policy A13 is changed to remove the proposed scale of development until such evidence is provided.
The following comments from education, minerals and waste, Adults Services and Health, highways & transport and public rights of way, do not affect the soundness of the Plan. However, Chichester District Council should take these into account and, where possible, make minor amendments to the Local Plan and/or evidence base studies before submission of the Local Plan for examination. Officers are happy to meet and discuss any of these comments, and proposed minor amendments to address these comments, ahead of submission:
1) Education
Land West of Chichester
Previous comments have been made requesting that the policy refers to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. While it is recognised that reference is made to this in the IDP this is a supporting document to the Local Plan and should not be solely relied on. It is requested that paragraph 10.19 is amended to read: ‘a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sqm E(g)(i) Use Class), two form entry (2FE) primary school and one form entry (1FE) teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND, informal and formal open space (including a country park), allotments,…’
This should also be included in the 3rd bullet point of Policy A6 or the wording of the policy should be drafted to reflect more recent policy requirements i.e. Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
There are some inconsistencies with the wording of the strategic policies, not every policy includes the criterion ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ While this may be due to some policies being carried through from the adopted local plan it is inconsistent.
Policy A8 Land East of Chichester
As an education authority WSCC do not request 1FE schools in line with government guidance. As per our earlier comments and discussions we requested a 2 FE primary school for the site.
3rd bullet point of Policy A8 should be amended to read: ‘A neighbourhood centre incorporating local shops, a community centre, flexible space for employment/ small-scale leisure uses and a one-form (expandable to two-form) two form entry primary school with provision for early years/ childcare and special educational needs and disability…’
2) Minerals and Waste
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A2 – needs to include reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure.
• Policy A7 – needs to include reference to safeguarding waste infrastructure.
• Policy A15 (Loxwood) – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding as within the clay MSA.
• Policy A21 – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding.
Also, the reference to the safeguarding guidance needs to be checked to ensure that it is worded correctly as ‘Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance’.
3) Older Person Housing
It is noted that the plan refers to older person housing as specialist housing. WSCC strategy supports the provision of ‘extra care housing’ while this might be similar development it enables younger people to access the accommodation for whatever medical reason i.e. MS, strokes rather than limiting it to a certain age group. Officers are happy to meet and discuss this further.
4) Highways and Transport
Public Transport Priority Infrastructure
The Public Transport section of the main transport study report starting at paragraph 6.2.7 requires revisiting. There is reference to “an expansion of the bus priority lane system within Chichester City Centre” which does not match the existing bus provision in the City which does not provide bus priority lanes on street. It does have restrictions on motor traffic in the adjoining parts of South Street and West Street which provide for bus and cycle only access in both directions of travel plus access for essential goods vehicle loading in the westbound direction only. In addition, the suggestion in the following paragraph for “a time-based system where certain routes are restricted to public transport only during specific times” is not evidenced or developed and as such considered unlikely to be practical and enforceable at most locations used by bus routes in the City. More developed proposals for additional bus priority, improvements to bus passenger facilities or testing of specific locations for bus-only access would be welcomed as part of developing a costed sustainable transport mitigation package.
Park and Ride
The discussion of possible park and ride facilities for the City at paragraphs 6.2.9 to 6.2.16 of the main transport study should also acknowledge. An important part of making park and ride well used by motorists is increasing the price of city centre parking to provide a financial incentive to take up significantly cheaper park and ride charges for parking and travel. However, if park and ride sites are not provided accessible to all major approach routes to the city, such a charging strategy would not be seen to be equitable, whereas only a single site is proposed in the District Council’s emerging parking strategy and the report acknowledges at 6.2.11 that “locations for potential park and ride sites are also deemed to be limited”. The bullet at 6.2.15 “Cost of schemes compared to benefit are likely to be initially lower than highway schemes” may have been incorrectly worded given that this is listed as an issue rather than a benefit. The text may have been intended to say that the ratio of benefit to cost for park and ride schemes may be lower than for conventional highway schemes?
A286 New Park Road / A286 St Pancras Road (Junction 7)
This junction scheme includes pedestrian crossing facilities which are welcomed and also includes a length of advisory cycle lane starting in the middle of the junction for cyclists remaining on St Pancras. However, the approach to the junction on St Pancras from Eastgate Square remains intimidating to cyclists, so further measures would need to be added to make the layout cycle-friendly or the cycle facility is likely to be of limited benefit. This could include decreasing traffic speeds. Until this is done the conclusion at 8.4.4 of the main transport study; “The mitigation scheme includes improvements for pedestrians and cyclists which will lead to increased use of active travel modes and reduce the need for physical mitigation here” is only supported for pedestrians, not for cyclists.
A259 Via Ravenna / A259 Cathedral Way Roundabout (Junction 8)
It is stated at 7.3.8 of the main transport study that “the mitigation may be required to avoid queuing back towards the A27, as well as for capacity issues”. In light of this potential safety issue for the previous junction on Cathedral Way and for the A27 Fishbourne junction, the proposal at 7.3.6 that the scheme delivery should be tied to the monitor and manage regime to see if and when it is required is accepted. This is different to the approach for other junctions in the City because of the potential safety issue. This monitoring approach would be likely to follow after the A259 Cathedral Way / Fishbourne Road East / Terminus Road (as diverted) (Junction 10) improvement, which is to be brought forward as an integral part of the A27 Fishbourne roundabout mitigation scheme, but may allow for increased eastbound flows on Cathedral Way.
A286 Northgate Gyratory
An additional mitigation scheme is proposed at paragraph 7.3.134 of the main transport study for the A286 Northgate Gyratory along its southern arm from Oaklands Way to Orchard Street. The proposal to add traffic signals is welcomed in concept as it can help to control traffic speeds making the junction more friendly for cyclists and pedestrians. However, the layout shown at figure 7-8 does not maximise the opportunity to improve convenience and safety for pedestrians by providing a priority link to reach the central island, which contains employment space and the fire station, nor to assist crossing the exit towards Orchard Street. The scheme would benefit from further development to prioritise active travel movements and should also be fitted with transponders for bus priority.
Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11)
At paragraphs 7.4.1 to 7.4.2 of the main transport study, the junction of Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11) is considered. The proposal to mitigate impacts at this junction through delivery of the Stockbridge Link Road scheme is not considered deliverable, so the approach at this location requires re-thinking. The County Council would not support measures to increase capacity for through traffic on Appledram Lane South, the approach should be to reduce severance and improve safety and comfort for active travel on Appledram Lane by reducing vehicle speeds and as far as possible volume. This should consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists both for local access and for users of the Salterns Way leisure cycling route.
TEMPro Background Traffic Growth Comparisons
At section 10.2 of the main transport study a comparison is made of the TEMPro 7.2 growth rates used in the study for external traffic with new TEMPro 8.0 growth rates since released by the Department for Transport, which notes that the TEMPro 8.0 rates are significantly lower, if these rates were used then the level of transport impacts could be lower. Unfortunately, a number of highways authorities in the Transport for the South East (TfSE) area including the County Council and Hampshire County Council have concerns that the planning assumptions used in TEMPro v8 core growth scenario underestimate the numbers of additional households forecasted compared to targets in adopted Local Plans for delivering new dwellings. TfSE are currently raising these collective concerns with DfT with a view to obtaining an early update to TEMPro 8 planning assumptions. Although for the purposes of this study TEMPro is not applied to trips produced in Chichester District, from the County Council’s analysis TEMPRo v8 core underestimates the increase in households per year in Arun District by over 50% and in Horsham District by 30% when compared with adopted development plans. On this basis it may be useful to instead compare TEMPro 7.2 with TEMPro 8.0 high growth scenario.
North of District Spatial Scenarios Testing
For the Northern Spatial Scenarios Test provided as an appendix to the main transport study, this had not been updated for the final preferred spatial strategy or in light of the County Council’s previous comments on the March 2022 issue to the District Council. The spatial strategy now is similar but not identical to the Scenario 4: Significant Growth 1 option in the reported tests, totalling 370 dwellings across the four northern parishes, compared to 410 in the test. In both cases the largest allocation is at Loxwood; 220 dwellings were proposed in the Scenario 4 as compared to 200 in this test. Some other tests proposed higher numbers.
The testing in the northern part of the district had used the same trip generation rates per dwelling as in the South of the District, but the County Council considers that in practice private motor vehicle trip generation per dwelling is likely to be higher due to the rural nature of the area, including a lack of local facilities and shops within walking distance of development, a very low level of public transport services and lack of surfaced cycle routes.
The level of development proposed is not at the level capable of delivering transformative transport improvements to match the trip making patterns around Chichester and the A259 corridor to Bosham and Southbourne. This may be offset in part by the lower total amount of development compared to the tested scenario 4. Nonetheless, it would be helpful to adjust the scenario for the spatial strategy now proposed and to provide information on additional traffic movements per peak hour from these parishes using the A272 at junctions at Wisborough Green and reaching the A272/A29 junction at Billingshurst and the A272/A283 junction at the north of Petworth.
Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note
The Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note in the main transport study treats July as a neutral month rather than a summer month. Paragraph 1.3.1 states “The flows were analysed by looking at traffic data for August 2019 this being considered to represent summer traffic. This was compared against traffic data from the neutral months of June, July, September and October also from 2019.” The County Council does not accept this methodology as school summer holidays start part way through July and education traffic is also affected by the formal exam period, whilst there is typically a high level of seasonal leisure traffic including summer outdoor events in this month. It is acceptable to use August alone as the summer comparator month. However, July traffic should be removed from the neutral months analysis and should be substituted with May traffic data from the same year of 2019, provided that sufficient data is available from that month.
5) Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
It is a positive step to see PRoW acknowledged as valued by communities and as part of the area’s green infrastructure. Whilst Policy P14 (Green Infrastructure) states that development proposals should not be detrimental to the network of public rights of way and bridleways (please note bridleways are Public Rights of Way), a more proactively positive approach that seeks enhancements to the network as mitigation, would be welcomed. The improvement, upgrading of existing PRoW and creation of new PRoW where possible, to allow for a greater number of users to access the network would be beneficial. This is somewhat addressed in Policy T1 which refers only to routes identified in the Local Transport Plan, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Opportunities to these, should not be limited if they arise elsewhere.
It is surprising to see there is no mention of PRoW within Chapter 8 under Active Travel – Walking and Cycling. The PRoW network provides extensive walking and cycling opportunities, often off-road, and important links between places and non-PRoW routes.
i) The council is continuing to work on the identification of specific measures, improvements and initiatives as part of the monitor and manage approach.
ii) The work on the monitor and manage approach will consider the particular issue of routes crossing the Chichester Bypass. Where works are identified, they will be included within IDP and other relevant evidence.
iii) Work on the monitor and manage approach (including through the TIMG) will consider sustainable transport measures which can be identified for priority investment, including from developer funding and including the need to safeguard land/routes to facilitate these works / initiatives.
iv) The recommended minor change to criterion 7 of Policy T1 is considered helpful and will be added to the Council’s suggested modifications schedule.
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
Policy A13 Southbourne Broad Location for Development
Representation ID: 5087
Received: 16/03/2023
Respondent: West Sussex County Council
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Scale of development at Southbourne BLD will be partially dependent on capacity of transport network to accommodate associated traffic. As BLD spans railway line, many traffic movements would need to cross here. Concerned insufficient capacity at existing level crossings (Stein Road) to accommodate additional traffic. Could mean cumulative impact of development on traffic network is severe which is inconsistent with Paragraph 111 of the NPPF. Transport evidence does not provide sufficient assurance that proposed scale of development can be accommodated. Base level of traffic flow has not been compared to local traffic counts, either in initial validation of strategic model or through a new count which WSCC previously requested, assumptions about level crossing downtimes have not been validated against observed data. Concerned that assessment of capacity of local road network to accommodate the quantum of dwellings proposed for BLD may be over-optimistic by underestimating existing flow levels and duration of level crossing downtime. As a consequence, proposed quantum may not be deliverable without unacceptable impacts to conditions on Stein Road and to level of traffic seeking to use rural lanes to the north of village to avoid level crossing.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that either additional transport evidence is provided prior to the examination to demonstrate that the proposed scale of development is deliverable, or that Policy A13 is changed to remove the proposed scale of development until such evidence is provided.
The comments included below from WSCC are Holding Objections. We will continue to work with Chichester District Council and as further work is completed will consider if objections can be withdrawn.
Transport Overview
The County Council has worked with Chichester District Council to develop the Chichester Local Plan and its supporting evidence base and will continue to do so. Although the overall direction of the Local Plan is supported, from a highways and transport perspective, there are three key issues remaining that need to be addressed in order to demonstrate that the Plan is sound:
1. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that key infrastructure (i.e. Terminus Road Diversion) will be deliverable;
2. The package of sustainable transport infrastructure and measures is not yet sufficiently well-developed to demonstrate that it is deliverable as part of the monitor and manage process; and
3. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the capacity of the transport network can accommodate the scale of development proposed as part of the Southbourne Broad Location for Development.
The following sections explain; a) the reasons for these issues; b) why they affect the soundness of the Local Plan; and, c) what changes should be made to the Local Plan to remedy the issues.
Deliverability of Key Infrastructure
The recommended transport mitigation strategy, as assessed using the Chichester Area Transport Model for 2039 has been demonstrated to be capable in-principle to prevent the development from resulting in severe residual cumulative impacts on the highways and transport network. However, there are significant risks to deliverability of junction mitigation measures, which have required further work to be undertaken on developing a short to medium term strategy based on phased prioritisation of infrastructure and sustainable transport improvements, to be governed under a monitor and manage approach.
There are three locations where new highway alignments are proposed outside of existing highways boundaries. Two of these may include significant earthworks or structures to be delivered, being Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road diversion. The cost of the mitigation strategy exceeds the likely value of developer contributions and additional funding has not yet been secured.
At the Regulation 18 consultation stage in December 2018 to January 2019 the County Council identified delivery risks with the Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road Diversion schemes due to the earthworks likely to be required and to confirm the extent of land take required for both schemes. The County Council stated that feasibility work would need to be undertaken for these improvements prior to Plan submission to confirm that the schemes are deliverable. A brief for such a feasibility study was agreed in 2019, but to date, this work has not been commissioned. It is the County Council’s view that Stockbridge Link Road (SLR) should be disregarded as a potential part of a long-term transport mitigation strategy for 2039 and beyond until such time as it can be demonstrated that the scheme is deliverable. Paragraph 8.14 of the Local Plan acknowledges that the SLR is not deliverable as part of the Local Plan mitigation package.
The Terminus Road Diversion is still identified as part of the highest priority in the Local Plan mitigation package (i.e. A27 Fishbourne Junction) which is expected to be delivered once sufficient funding is collected. The County Council considers that in the absence of this feasibility work, the deliverability of the Terminus Road Diversion cannot be confirmed. In particular, given the recent impacts of inflation in the construction industry, this work will need to robustly estimate the costs and confirm delivery arrangements. In the absence of this feasibility work, there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF as key infrastructure does not appear to be deliverable.
In order to remedy this issue regarding the Terminus Road Diversion, the County Council requests that feasibility work is undertaken prior to the examination to confirm deliverability of the proposed Terminus Road Diversion.
Sustainable Transport Infrastructure & Measures
The transport study modelling for end of Plan period also includes some proposed highways mitigation schemes within Chichester City. The County Council has previously requested that these be replaced by sustainable transport improvements to comply with the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036. However, only limited modification has been made to these proposed schemes, with a suggestion in text at paragraph 7.3.2 of the main transport study that the costs for these schemes can be reallocated to sustainable transport improvements which are not specified. Although this does help to explain how sustainable transport infrastructure schemes and measures can be at least partially funded, it is rare that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions. Furthermore, funding is not the only issue that needs to be overcome to secure delivery of these schemes and measures.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) lists the proposed mitigation measures and in some cases provides information on the rationale, phasing, cost, funding and delivery arrangements. However, there are still many gaps in the information, probably because schemes are currently at an early conceptual stage. The County Council’s experience is that it is unlikely that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions (because doing so would not be compliant with the CIL regulations) so delivery of these schemes will be partially dependent on securing funding from central Government or other sources. The IDP currently fails to identify the scheme-specific requirements for additional funding and the overall scale of additional funding required.
The County Council considers the level of information currently available on the sustainable transport package to be insufficient to demonstrate deliverability of a credible and coordinated sustainable transport package of improved infrastructure and services. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that further technical work is undertaken to develop the schemes and measures in the sustainable transport package prior to the examination. In particular, this should focus on the following schemes and measures and some cases, this will build on work that has already taken place:
1. St. Paul’s & Parklands cycle routes
2. Improving existing public transport services towards Madgwick Lane
3. Provision of improved bus services for the village serving the development areas of Southbourne Parish
4. Improving cycling connectivity to link the built-out areas of Shopwhyke Lakes with Tangmere and Oving etc
As not all the severely impacted A27 junctions have a reasonable prospect of being physically improved in the Plan period, more investigation into potential public transport enhancements is also required, particularly to strengthen routes that cross the bypass. This may require further amendments to the IDP.
This work should aim to identify options for sustainable transport schemes that can be a priority for investment, provide information to enable safeguarding of routes (e.g. cycle routes) from development and provide a basis for applications for third party funding to support their delivery. The relative priority of such measures would need to be considered under the monitor and manage approach by the proposed Traffic and Infrastructure Management Group for implementation in addition to the proposed improvement at the A27/A259 Fishbourne junction.
To address this issue and support delivery of the sustainable transport package, the County Council also recommends the following minor amendments to Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure:
At bullet point .7 change “other small-scale junction improvements” to read “other sustainable transport and safety focused improvements, including at junctions” and change “These will increase road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas” to “These will increase road capacity on strategic roads, and on both strategic and local roads reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas notably by encouraging and prioritising sustainable modes.”
Southbourne Broad Location for Development
The scale of development that can be accommodated at the Southbourne Broad Location will be, at least partially, dependent on the capacity of the transport network to accommodate the associated traffic movements. As the Broad Location spans the railway line, many of these traffic movements would need to cross the railway line. The County Council is concerned that there is currently insufficient capacity of the existing level crossings, notably at Stein Road, to accommodate the additional traffic movements. This could mean that the cumulative impact of development on the traffic network is severe, which is not consistent with Paragraph 111 of the NPPF.
The transport evidence base does not yet provide sufficient assurance that the proposed scale of development can be accommodated. This is because the base level of traffic flow has not been compared to local traffic counts, either in the initial validation of the strategic model or through a new count which the County Council has previously requested, and the assumptions about level crossing downtimes have not been validated against observed data. The County Council is concerned that the assessment of capacity of the local road network to accommodate the quantum of dwellings proposed for the Broad Location may be overoptimistic by underestimating existing flow levels and the duration of level crossing downtime. As a consequence, the proposed quantum may not be deliverable without unacceptable impacts to the conditions on Stein Road and to the level of traffic seeking to use rural lanes to the north of the village to avoid the level crossing.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that either additional transport evidence is provided prior to the examination to demonstrate that the proposed scale of development is deliverable, or that Policy A13 is changed to remove the proposed scale of development until such evidence is provided.
The following comments from education, minerals and waste, Adults Services and Health, highways & transport and public rights of way, do not affect the soundness of the Plan. However, Chichester District Council should take these into account and, where possible, make minor amendments to the Local Plan and/or evidence base studies before submission of the Local Plan for examination. Officers are happy to meet and discuss any of these comments, and proposed minor amendments to address these comments, ahead of submission:
1) Education
Land West of Chichester
Previous comments have been made requesting that the policy refers to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. While it is recognised that reference is made to this in the IDP this is a supporting document to the Local Plan and should not be solely relied on. It is requested that paragraph 10.19 is amended to read: ‘a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sqm E(g)(i) Use Class), two form entry (2FE) primary school and one form entry (1FE) teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND, informal and formal open space (including a country park), allotments,…’
This should also be included in the 3rd bullet point of Policy A6 or the wording of the policy should be drafted to reflect more recent policy requirements i.e. Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
There are some inconsistencies with the wording of the strategic policies, not every policy includes the criterion ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ While this may be due to some policies being carried through from the adopted local plan it is inconsistent.
Policy A8 Land East of Chichester
As an education authority WSCC do not request 1FE schools in line with government guidance. As per our earlier comments and discussions we requested a 2 FE primary school for the site.
3rd bullet point of Policy A8 should be amended to read: ‘A neighbourhood centre incorporating local shops, a community centre, flexible space for employment/ small-scale leisure uses and a one-form (expandable to two-form) two form entry primary school with provision for early years/ childcare and special educational needs and disability…’
2) Minerals and Waste
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A2 – needs to include reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure.
• Policy A7 – needs to include reference to safeguarding waste infrastructure.
• Policy A15 (Loxwood) – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding as within the clay MSA.
• Policy A21 – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding.
Also, the reference to the safeguarding guidance needs to be checked to ensure that it is worded correctly as ‘Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance’.
3) Older Person Housing
It is noted that the plan refers to older person housing as specialist housing. WSCC strategy supports the provision of ‘extra care housing’ while this might be similar development it enables younger people to access the accommodation for whatever medical reason i.e. MS, strokes rather than limiting it to a certain age group. Officers are happy to meet and discuss this further.
4) Highways and Transport
Public Transport Priority Infrastructure
The Public Transport section of the main transport study report starting at paragraph 6.2.7 requires revisiting. There is reference to “an expansion of the bus priority lane system within Chichester City Centre” which does not match the existing bus provision in the City which does not provide bus priority lanes on street. It does have restrictions on motor traffic in the adjoining parts of South Street and West Street which provide for bus and cycle only access in both directions of travel plus access for essential goods vehicle loading in the westbound direction only. In addition, the suggestion in the following paragraph for “a time-based system where certain routes are restricted to public transport only during specific times” is not evidenced or developed and as such considered unlikely to be practical and enforceable at most locations used by bus routes in the City. More developed proposals for additional bus priority, improvements to bus passenger facilities or testing of specific locations for bus-only access would be welcomed as part of developing a costed sustainable transport mitigation package.
Park and Ride
The discussion of possible park and ride facilities for the City at paragraphs 6.2.9 to 6.2.16 of the main transport study should also acknowledge. An important part of making park and ride well used by motorists is increasing the price of city centre parking to provide a financial incentive to take up significantly cheaper park and ride charges for parking and travel. However, if park and ride sites are not provided accessible to all major approach routes to the city, such a charging strategy would not be seen to be equitable, whereas only a single site is proposed in the District Council’s emerging parking strategy and the report acknowledges at 6.2.11 that “locations for potential park and ride sites are also deemed to be limited”. The bullet at 6.2.15 “Cost of schemes compared to benefit are likely to be initially lower than highway schemes” may have been incorrectly worded given that this is listed as an issue rather than a benefit. The text may have been intended to say that the ratio of benefit to cost for park and ride schemes may be lower than for conventional highway schemes?
A286 New Park Road / A286 St Pancras Road (Junction 7)
This junction scheme includes pedestrian crossing facilities which are welcomed and also includes a length of advisory cycle lane starting in the middle of the junction for cyclists remaining on St Pancras. However, the approach to the junction on St Pancras from Eastgate Square remains intimidating to cyclists, so further measures would need to be added to make the layout cycle-friendly or the cycle facility is likely to be of limited benefit. This could include decreasing traffic speeds. Until this is done the conclusion at 8.4.4 of the main transport study; “The mitigation scheme includes improvements for pedestrians and cyclists which will lead to increased use of active travel modes and reduce the need for physical mitigation here” is only supported for pedestrians, not for cyclists.
A259 Via Ravenna / A259 Cathedral Way Roundabout (Junction 8)
It is stated at 7.3.8 of the main transport study that “the mitigation may be required to avoid queuing back towards the A27, as well as for capacity issues”. In light of this potential safety issue for the previous junction on Cathedral Way and for the A27 Fishbourne junction, the proposal at 7.3.6 that the scheme delivery should be tied to the monitor and manage regime to see if and when it is required is accepted. This is different to the approach for other junctions in the City because of the potential safety issue. This monitoring approach would be likely to follow after the A259 Cathedral Way / Fishbourne Road East / Terminus Road (as diverted) (Junction 10) improvement, which is to be brought forward as an integral part of the A27 Fishbourne roundabout mitigation scheme, but may allow for increased eastbound flows on Cathedral Way.
A286 Northgate Gyratory
An additional mitigation scheme is proposed at paragraph 7.3.134 of the main transport study for the A286 Northgate Gyratory along its southern arm from Oaklands Way to Orchard Street. The proposal to add traffic signals is welcomed in concept as it can help to control traffic speeds making the junction more friendly for cyclists and pedestrians. However, the layout shown at figure 7-8 does not maximise the opportunity to improve convenience and safety for pedestrians by providing a priority link to reach the central island, which contains employment space and the fire station, nor to assist crossing the exit towards Orchard Street. The scheme would benefit from further development to prioritise active travel movements and should also be fitted with transponders for bus priority.
Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11)
At paragraphs 7.4.1 to 7.4.2 of the main transport study, the junction of Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11) is considered. The proposal to mitigate impacts at this junction through delivery of the Stockbridge Link Road scheme is not considered deliverable, so the approach at this location requires re-thinking. The County Council would not support measures to increase capacity for through traffic on Appledram Lane South, the approach should be to reduce severance and improve safety and comfort for active travel on Appledram Lane by reducing vehicle speeds and as far as possible volume. This should consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists both for local access and for users of the Salterns Way leisure cycling route.
TEMPro Background Traffic Growth Comparisons
At section 10.2 of the main transport study a comparison is made of the TEMPro 7.2 growth rates used in the study for external traffic with new TEMPro 8.0 growth rates since released by the Department for Transport, which notes that the TEMPro 8.0 rates are significantly lower, if these rates were used then the level of transport impacts could be lower. Unfortunately, a number of highways authorities in the Transport for the South East (TfSE) area including the County Council and Hampshire County Council have concerns that the planning assumptions used in TEMPro v8 core growth scenario underestimate the numbers of additional households forecasted compared to targets in adopted Local Plans for delivering new dwellings. TfSE are currently raising these collective concerns with DfT with a view to obtaining an early update to TEMPro 8 planning assumptions. Although for the purposes of this study TEMPro is not applied to trips produced in Chichester District, from the County Council’s analysis TEMPRo v8 core underestimates the increase in households per year in Arun District by over 50% and in Horsham District by 30% when compared with adopted development plans. On this basis it may be useful to instead compare TEMPro 7.2 with TEMPro 8.0 high growth scenario.
North of District Spatial Scenarios Testing
For the Northern Spatial Scenarios Test provided as an appendix to the main transport study, this had not been updated for the final preferred spatial strategy or in light of the County Council’s previous comments on the March 2022 issue to the District Council. The spatial strategy now is similar but not identical to the Scenario 4: Significant Growth 1 option in the reported tests, totalling 370 dwellings across the four northern parishes, compared to 410 in the test. In both cases the largest allocation is at Loxwood; 220 dwellings were proposed in the Scenario 4 as compared to 200 in this test. Some other tests proposed higher numbers.
The testing in the northern part of the district had used the same trip generation rates per dwelling as in the South of the District, but the County Council considers that in practice private motor vehicle trip generation per dwelling is likely to be higher due to the rural nature of the area, including a lack of local facilities and shops within walking distance of development, a very low level of public transport services and lack of surfaced cycle routes.
The level of development proposed is not at the level capable of delivering transformative transport improvements to match the trip making patterns around Chichester and the A259 corridor to Bosham and Southbourne. This may be offset in part by the lower total amount of development compared to the tested scenario 4. Nonetheless, it would be helpful to adjust the scenario for the spatial strategy now proposed and to provide information on additional traffic movements per peak hour from these parishes using the A272 at junctions at Wisborough Green and reaching the A272/A29 junction at Billingshurst and the A272/A283 junction at the north of Petworth.
Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note
The Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note in the main transport study treats July as a neutral month rather than a summer month. Paragraph 1.3.1 states “The flows were analysed by looking at traffic data for August 2019 this being considered to represent summer traffic. This was compared against traffic data from the neutral months of June, July, September and October also from 2019.” The County Council does not accept this methodology as school summer holidays start part way through July and education traffic is also affected by the formal exam period, whilst there is typically a high level of seasonal leisure traffic including summer outdoor events in this month. It is acceptable to use August alone as the summer comparator month. However, July traffic should be removed from the neutral months analysis and should be substituted with May traffic data from the same year of 2019, provided that sufficient data is available from that month.
5) Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
It is a positive step to see PRoW acknowledged as valued by communities and as part of the area’s green infrastructure. Whilst Policy P14 (Green Infrastructure) states that development proposals should not be detrimental to the network of public rights of way and bridleways (please note bridleways are Public Rights of Way), a more proactively positive approach that seeks enhancements to the network as mitigation, would be welcomed. The improvement, upgrading of existing PRoW and creation of new PRoW where possible, to allow for a greater number of users to access the network would be beneficial. This is somewhat addressed in Policy T1 which refers only to routes identified in the Local Transport Plan, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Opportunities to these, should not be limited if they arise elsewhere.
It is surprising to see there is no mention of PRoW within Chapter 8 under Active Travel – Walking and Cycling. The PRoW network provides extensive walking and cycling opportunities, often off-road, and important links between places and non-PRoW routes.
The findings of the Council’s evidence indicates that there would be modest increases in journey times and only above 1,000 dwellings would travel time in a southbound direction be considered a material change. In terms of queue lengths, in the case of northbound traffic the results indicate that across all scenarios queue lengths would not extend to the A259/Stein Road junction. In respect of southbound traffic there would be some increase in queue lengths and the modelling undertaken indicates that beyond a certain amount of development a new rail bridge is likely to be of some benefit if the forecast traffic conditions cannot otherwise be mitigated by other traffic management measures i.e. additional road markings to help vehicles emerge from side roads onto Stein Road.
In addition, as required by Policy T2 (Transport and Development) development at Southbourne will need to be supported by an appropriate Transport Assessment to look at the impacts in more detail. There will also be consideration through the Monitor and Manage process to consider any potential mitigation in the future.
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
Policy A6 Land West of Chichester
Representation ID: 5088
Received: 16/03/2023
Respondent: West Sussex County Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Previous comments have been made requesting policy refers to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. Some inconsistencies with wording of strategic policies, not every policy includes the criterion ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ May be due to some policies being carried through from the adopted local plan.
Policy to refer to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. Paragraph 10.19 is amended to read: ‘a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sqm E(g)(i) Use Class), two form entry (2FE) primary school and one form entry (1FE) teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND, informal and formal open space (including a country park), allotments,…’. Should also be included in 3rd bullet point of Policy A6 or the wording of the policy should be drafted to reflect more recent policy requirements i.e. Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Include ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ as appears in other allocation policies.
The comments included below from WSCC are Holding Objections. We will continue to work with Chichester District Council and as further work is completed will consider if objections can be withdrawn.
Transport Overview
The County Council has worked with Chichester District Council to develop the Chichester Local Plan and its supporting evidence base and will continue to do so. Although the overall direction of the Local Plan is supported, from a highways and transport perspective, there are three key issues remaining that need to be addressed in order to demonstrate that the Plan is sound:
1. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that key infrastructure (i.e. Terminus Road Diversion) will be deliverable;
2. The package of sustainable transport infrastructure and measures is not yet sufficiently well-developed to demonstrate that it is deliverable as part of the monitor and manage process; and
3. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the capacity of the transport network can accommodate the scale of development proposed as part of the Southbourne Broad Location for Development.
The following sections explain; a) the reasons for these issues; b) why they affect the soundness of the Local Plan; and, c) what changes should be made to the Local Plan to remedy the issues.
Deliverability of Key Infrastructure
The recommended transport mitigation strategy, as assessed using the Chichester Area Transport Model for 2039 has been demonstrated to be capable in-principle to prevent the development from resulting in severe residual cumulative impacts on the highways and transport network. However, there are significant risks to deliverability of junction mitigation measures, which have required further work to be undertaken on developing a short to medium term strategy based on phased prioritisation of infrastructure and sustainable transport improvements, to be governed under a monitor and manage approach.
There are three locations where new highway alignments are proposed outside of existing highways boundaries. Two of these may include significant earthworks or structures to be delivered, being Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road diversion. The cost of the mitigation strategy exceeds the likely value of developer contributions and additional funding has not yet been secured.
At the Regulation 18 consultation stage in December 2018 to January 2019 the County Council identified delivery risks with the Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road Diversion schemes due to the earthworks likely to be required and to confirm the extent of land take required for both schemes. The County Council stated that feasibility work would need to be undertaken for these improvements prior to Plan submission to confirm that the schemes are deliverable. A brief for such a feasibility study was agreed in 2019, but to date, this work has not been commissioned. It is the County Council’s view that Stockbridge Link Road (SLR) should be disregarded as a potential part of a long-term transport mitigation strategy for 2039 and beyond until such time as it can be demonstrated that the scheme is deliverable. Paragraph 8.14 of the Local Plan acknowledges that the SLR is not deliverable as part of the Local Plan mitigation package.
The Terminus Road Diversion is still identified as part of the highest priority in the Local Plan mitigation package (i.e. A27 Fishbourne Junction) which is expected to be delivered once sufficient funding is collected. The County Council considers that in the absence of this feasibility work, the deliverability of the Terminus Road Diversion cannot be confirmed. In particular, given the recent impacts of inflation in the construction industry, this work will need to robustly estimate the costs and confirm delivery arrangements. In the absence of this feasibility work, there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF as key infrastructure does not appear to be deliverable.
In order to remedy this issue regarding the Terminus Road Diversion, the County Council requests that feasibility work is undertaken prior to the examination to confirm deliverability of the proposed Terminus Road Diversion.
Sustainable Transport Infrastructure & Measures
The transport study modelling for end of Plan period also includes some proposed highways mitigation schemes within Chichester City. The County Council has previously requested that these be replaced by sustainable transport improvements to comply with the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036. However, only limited modification has been made to these proposed schemes, with a suggestion in text at paragraph 7.3.2 of the main transport study that the costs for these schemes can be reallocated to sustainable transport improvements which are not specified. Although this does help to explain how sustainable transport infrastructure schemes and measures can be at least partially funded, it is rare that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions. Furthermore, funding is not the only issue that needs to be overcome to secure delivery of these schemes and measures.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) lists the proposed mitigation measures and in some cases provides information on the rationale, phasing, cost, funding and delivery arrangements. However, there are still many gaps in the information, probably because schemes are currently at an early conceptual stage. The County Council’s experience is that it is unlikely that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions (because doing so would not be compliant with the CIL regulations) so delivery of these schemes will be partially dependent on securing funding from central Government or other sources. The IDP currently fails to identify the scheme-specific requirements for additional funding and the overall scale of additional funding required.
The County Council considers the level of information currently available on the sustainable transport package to be insufficient to demonstrate deliverability of a credible and coordinated sustainable transport package of improved infrastructure and services. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that further technical work is undertaken to develop the schemes and measures in the sustainable transport package prior to the examination. In particular, this should focus on the following schemes and measures and some cases, this will build on work that has already taken place:
1. St. Paul’s & Parklands cycle routes
2. Improving existing public transport services towards Madgwick Lane
3. Provision of improved bus services for the village serving the development areas of Southbourne Parish
4. Improving cycling connectivity to link the built-out areas of Shopwhyke Lakes with Tangmere and Oving etc
As not all the severely impacted A27 junctions have a reasonable prospect of being physically improved in the Plan period, more investigation into potential public transport enhancements is also required, particularly to strengthen routes that cross the bypass. This may require further amendments to the IDP.
This work should aim to identify options for sustainable transport schemes that can be a priority for investment, provide information to enable safeguarding of routes (e.g. cycle routes) from development and provide a basis for applications for third party funding to support their delivery. The relative priority of such measures would need to be considered under the monitor and manage approach by the proposed Traffic and Infrastructure Management Group for implementation in addition to the proposed improvement at the A27/A259 Fishbourne junction.
To address this issue and support delivery of the sustainable transport package, the County Council also recommends the following minor amendments to Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure:
At bullet point .7 change “other small-scale junction improvements” to read “other sustainable transport and safety focused improvements, including at junctions” and change “These will increase road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas” to “These will increase road capacity on strategic roads, and on both strategic and local roads reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas notably by encouraging and prioritising sustainable modes.”
Southbourne Broad Location for Development
The scale of development that can be accommodated at the Southbourne Broad Location will be, at least partially, dependent on the capacity of the transport network to accommodate the associated traffic movements. As the Broad Location spans the railway line, many of these traffic movements would need to cross the railway line. The County Council is concerned that there is currently insufficient capacity of the existing level crossings, notably at Stein Road, to accommodate the additional traffic movements. This could mean that the cumulative impact of development on the traffic network is severe, which is not consistent with Paragraph 111 of the NPPF.
The transport evidence base does not yet provide sufficient assurance that the proposed scale of development can be accommodated. This is because the base level of traffic flow has not been compared to local traffic counts, either in the initial validation of the strategic model or through a new count which the County Council has previously requested, and the assumptions about level crossing downtimes have not been validated against observed data. The County Council is concerned that the assessment of capacity of the local road network to accommodate the quantum of dwellings proposed for the Broad Location may be overoptimistic by underestimating existing flow levels and the duration of level crossing downtime. As a consequence, the proposed quantum may not be deliverable without unacceptable impacts to the conditions on Stein Road and to the level of traffic seeking to use rural lanes to the north of the village to avoid the level crossing.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that either additional transport evidence is provided prior to the examination to demonstrate that the proposed scale of development is deliverable, or that Policy A13 is changed to remove the proposed scale of development until such evidence is provided.
The following comments from education, minerals and waste, Adults Services and Health, highways & transport and public rights of way, do not affect the soundness of the Plan. However, Chichester District Council should take these into account and, where possible, make minor amendments to the Local Plan and/or evidence base studies before submission of the Local Plan for examination. Officers are happy to meet and discuss any of these comments, and proposed minor amendments to address these comments, ahead of submission:
1) Education
Land West of Chichester
Previous comments have been made requesting that the policy refers to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. While it is recognised that reference is made to this in the IDP this is a supporting document to the Local Plan and should not be solely relied on. It is requested that paragraph 10.19 is amended to read: ‘a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sqm E(g)(i) Use Class), two form entry (2FE) primary school and one form entry (1FE) teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND, informal and formal open space (including a country park), allotments,…’
This should also be included in the 3rd bullet point of Policy A6 or the wording of the policy should be drafted to reflect more recent policy requirements i.e. Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
There are some inconsistencies with the wording of the strategic policies, not every policy includes the criterion ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ While this may be due to some policies being carried through from the adopted local plan it is inconsistent.
Policy A8 Land East of Chichester
As an education authority WSCC do not request 1FE schools in line with government guidance. As per our earlier comments and discussions we requested a 2 FE primary school for the site.
3rd bullet point of Policy A8 should be amended to read: ‘A neighbourhood centre incorporating local shops, a community centre, flexible space for employment/ small-scale leisure uses and a one-form (expandable to two-form) two form entry primary school with provision for early years/ childcare and special educational needs and disability…’
2) Minerals and Waste
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A2 – needs to include reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure.
• Policy A7 – needs to include reference to safeguarding waste infrastructure.
• Policy A15 (Loxwood) – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding as within the clay MSA.
• Policy A21 – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding.
Also, the reference to the safeguarding guidance needs to be checked to ensure that it is worded correctly as ‘Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance’.
3) Older Person Housing
It is noted that the plan refers to older person housing as specialist housing. WSCC strategy supports the provision of ‘extra care housing’ while this might be similar development it enables younger people to access the accommodation for whatever medical reason i.e. MS, strokes rather than limiting it to a certain age group. Officers are happy to meet and discuss this further.
4) Highways and Transport
Public Transport Priority Infrastructure
The Public Transport section of the main transport study report starting at paragraph 6.2.7 requires revisiting. There is reference to “an expansion of the bus priority lane system within Chichester City Centre” which does not match the existing bus provision in the City which does not provide bus priority lanes on street. It does have restrictions on motor traffic in the adjoining parts of South Street and West Street which provide for bus and cycle only access in both directions of travel plus access for essential goods vehicle loading in the westbound direction only. In addition, the suggestion in the following paragraph for “a time-based system where certain routes are restricted to public transport only during specific times” is not evidenced or developed and as such considered unlikely to be practical and enforceable at most locations used by bus routes in the City. More developed proposals for additional bus priority, improvements to bus passenger facilities or testing of specific locations for bus-only access would be welcomed as part of developing a costed sustainable transport mitigation package.
Park and Ride
The discussion of possible park and ride facilities for the City at paragraphs 6.2.9 to 6.2.16 of the main transport study should also acknowledge. An important part of making park and ride well used by motorists is increasing the price of city centre parking to provide a financial incentive to take up significantly cheaper park and ride charges for parking and travel. However, if park and ride sites are not provided accessible to all major approach routes to the city, such a charging strategy would not be seen to be equitable, whereas only a single site is proposed in the District Council’s emerging parking strategy and the report acknowledges at 6.2.11 that “locations for potential park and ride sites are also deemed to be limited”. The bullet at 6.2.15 “Cost of schemes compared to benefit are likely to be initially lower than highway schemes” may have been incorrectly worded given that this is listed as an issue rather than a benefit. The text may have been intended to say that the ratio of benefit to cost for park and ride schemes may be lower than for conventional highway schemes?
A286 New Park Road / A286 St Pancras Road (Junction 7)
This junction scheme includes pedestrian crossing facilities which are welcomed and also includes a length of advisory cycle lane starting in the middle of the junction for cyclists remaining on St Pancras. However, the approach to the junction on St Pancras from Eastgate Square remains intimidating to cyclists, so further measures would need to be added to make the layout cycle-friendly or the cycle facility is likely to be of limited benefit. This could include decreasing traffic speeds. Until this is done the conclusion at 8.4.4 of the main transport study; “The mitigation scheme includes improvements for pedestrians and cyclists which will lead to increased use of active travel modes and reduce the need for physical mitigation here” is only supported for pedestrians, not for cyclists.
A259 Via Ravenna / A259 Cathedral Way Roundabout (Junction 8)
It is stated at 7.3.8 of the main transport study that “the mitigation may be required to avoid queuing back towards the A27, as well as for capacity issues”. In light of this potential safety issue for the previous junction on Cathedral Way and for the A27 Fishbourne junction, the proposal at 7.3.6 that the scheme delivery should be tied to the monitor and manage regime to see if and when it is required is accepted. This is different to the approach for other junctions in the City because of the potential safety issue. This monitoring approach would be likely to follow after the A259 Cathedral Way / Fishbourne Road East / Terminus Road (as diverted) (Junction 10) improvement, which is to be brought forward as an integral part of the A27 Fishbourne roundabout mitigation scheme, but may allow for increased eastbound flows on Cathedral Way.
A286 Northgate Gyratory
An additional mitigation scheme is proposed at paragraph 7.3.134 of the main transport study for the A286 Northgate Gyratory along its southern arm from Oaklands Way to Orchard Street. The proposal to add traffic signals is welcomed in concept as it can help to control traffic speeds making the junction more friendly for cyclists and pedestrians. However, the layout shown at figure 7-8 does not maximise the opportunity to improve convenience and safety for pedestrians by providing a priority link to reach the central island, which contains employment space and the fire station, nor to assist crossing the exit towards Orchard Street. The scheme would benefit from further development to prioritise active travel movements and should also be fitted with transponders for bus priority.
Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11)
At paragraphs 7.4.1 to 7.4.2 of the main transport study, the junction of Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11) is considered. The proposal to mitigate impacts at this junction through delivery of the Stockbridge Link Road scheme is not considered deliverable, so the approach at this location requires re-thinking. The County Council would not support measures to increase capacity for through traffic on Appledram Lane South, the approach should be to reduce severance and improve safety and comfort for active travel on Appledram Lane by reducing vehicle speeds and as far as possible volume. This should consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists both for local access and for users of the Salterns Way leisure cycling route.
TEMPro Background Traffic Growth Comparisons
At section 10.2 of the main transport study a comparison is made of the TEMPro 7.2 growth rates used in the study for external traffic with new TEMPro 8.0 growth rates since released by the Department for Transport, which notes that the TEMPro 8.0 rates are significantly lower, if these rates were used then the level of transport impacts could be lower. Unfortunately, a number of highways authorities in the Transport for the South East (TfSE) area including the County Council and Hampshire County Council have concerns that the planning assumptions used in TEMPro v8 core growth scenario underestimate the numbers of additional households forecasted compared to targets in adopted Local Plans for delivering new dwellings. TfSE are currently raising these collective concerns with DfT with a view to obtaining an early update to TEMPro 8 planning assumptions. Although for the purposes of this study TEMPro is not applied to trips produced in Chichester District, from the County Council’s analysis TEMPRo v8 core underestimates the increase in households per year in Arun District by over 50% and in Horsham District by 30% when compared with adopted development plans. On this basis it may be useful to instead compare TEMPro 7.2 with TEMPro 8.0 high growth scenario.
North of District Spatial Scenarios Testing
For the Northern Spatial Scenarios Test provided as an appendix to the main transport study, this had not been updated for the final preferred spatial strategy or in light of the County Council’s previous comments on the March 2022 issue to the District Council. The spatial strategy now is similar but not identical to the Scenario 4: Significant Growth 1 option in the reported tests, totalling 370 dwellings across the four northern parishes, compared to 410 in the test. In both cases the largest allocation is at Loxwood; 220 dwellings were proposed in the Scenario 4 as compared to 200 in this test. Some other tests proposed higher numbers.
The testing in the northern part of the district had used the same trip generation rates per dwelling as in the South of the District, but the County Council considers that in practice private motor vehicle trip generation per dwelling is likely to be higher due to the rural nature of the area, including a lack of local facilities and shops within walking distance of development, a very low level of public transport services and lack of surfaced cycle routes.
The level of development proposed is not at the level capable of delivering transformative transport improvements to match the trip making patterns around Chichester and the A259 corridor to Bosham and Southbourne. This may be offset in part by the lower total amount of development compared to the tested scenario 4. Nonetheless, it would be helpful to adjust the scenario for the spatial strategy now proposed and to provide information on additional traffic movements per peak hour from these parishes using the A272 at junctions at Wisborough Green and reaching the A272/A29 junction at Billingshurst and the A272/A283 junction at the north of Petworth.
Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note
The Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note in the main transport study treats July as a neutral month rather than a summer month. Paragraph 1.3.1 states “The flows were analysed by looking at traffic data for August 2019 this being considered to represent summer traffic. This was compared against traffic data from the neutral months of June, July, September and October also from 2019.” The County Council does not accept this methodology as school summer holidays start part way through July and education traffic is also affected by the formal exam period, whilst there is typically a high level of seasonal leisure traffic including summer outdoor events in this month. It is acceptable to use August alone as the summer comparator month. However, July traffic should be removed from the neutral months analysis and should be substituted with May traffic data from the same year of 2019, provided that sufficient data is available from that month.
5) Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
It is a positive step to see PRoW acknowledged as valued by communities and as part of the area’s green infrastructure. Whilst Policy P14 (Green Infrastructure) states that development proposals should not be detrimental to the network of public rights of way and bridleways (please note bridleways are Public Rights of Way), a more proactively positive approach that seeks enhancements to the network as mitigation, would be welcomed. The improvement, upgrading of existing PRoW and creation of new PRoW where possible, to allow for a greater number of users to access the network would be beneficial. This is somewhat addressed in Policy T1 which refers only to routes identified in the Local Transport Plan, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Opportunities to these, should not be limited if they arise elsewhere.
It is surprising to see there is no mention of PRoW within Chapter 8 under Active Travel – Walking and Cycling. The PRoW network provides extensive walking and cycling opportunities, often off-road, and important links between places and non-PRoW routes.
Proposed amendments in relation to education provision are agreed. In relation to the infrastructure criteria that appears in new allocation policies only, it is not considered necessary for this wording to be inserted into those allocation policies carried forward from the adopted Local Plan.
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
Policy A8 Land East of Chichester
Representation ID: 5089
Received: 16/03/2023
Respondent: West Sussex County Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
As an education authority WSCC do not request 1FE schools in line with government guidance. As per our earlier comments and discussions we requested a 2 FE primary school for the site.
3rd bullet point of Policy A8 should be amended to read: ‘A neighbourhood centre incorporating local shops, a community centre, flexible space for employment/ small-scale leisure uses and a two form entry primary school with provision for early years/ childcare and special educational needs and disability…’
The comments included below from WSCC are Holding Objections. We will continue to work with Chichester District Council and as further work is completed will consider if objections can be withdrawn.
Transport Overview
The County Council has worked with Chichester District Council to develop the Chichester Local Plan and its supporting evidence base and will continue to do so. Although the overall direction of the Local Plan is supported, from a highways and transport perspective, there are three key issues remaining that need to be addressed in order to demonstrate that the Plan is sound:
1. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that key infrastructure (i.e. Terminus Road Diversion) will be deliverable;
2. The package of sustainable transport infrastructure and measures is not yet sufficiently well-developed to demonstrate that it is deliverable as part of the monitor and manage process; and
3. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the capacity of the transport network can accommodate the scale of development proposed as part of the Southbourne Broad Location for Development.
The following sections explain; a) the reasons for these issues; b) why they affect the soundness of the Local Plan; and, c) what changes should be made to the Local Plan to remedy the issues.
Deliverability of Key Infrastructure
The recommended transport mitigation strategy, as assessed using the Chichester Area Transport Model for 2039 has been demonstrated to be capable in-principle to prevent the development from resulting in severe residual cumulative impacts on the highways and transport network. However, there are significant risks to deliverability of junction mitigation measures, which have required further work to be undertaken on developing a short to medium term strategy based on phased prioritisation of infrastructure and sustainable transport improvements, to be governed under a monitor and manage approach.
There are three locations where new highway alignments are proposed outside of existing highways boundaries. Two of these may include significant earthworks or structures to be delivered, being Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road diversion. The cost of the mitigation strategy exceeds the likely value of developer contributions and additional funding has not yet been secured.
At the Regulation 18 consultation stage in December 2018 to January 2019 the County Council identified delivery risks with the Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road Diversion schemes due to the earthworks likely to be required and to confirm the extent of land take required for both schemes. The County Council stated that feasibility work would need to be undertaken for these improvements prior to Plan submission to confirm that the schemes are deliverable. A brief for such a feasibility study was agreed in 2019, but to date, this work has not been commissioned. It is the County Council’s view that Stockbridge Link Road (SLR) should be disregarded as a potential part of a long-term transport mitigation strategy for 2039 and beyond until such time as it can be demonstrated that the scheme is deliverable. Paragraph 8.14 of the Local Plan acknowledges that the SLR is not deliverable as part of the Local Plan mitigation package.
The Terminus Road Diversion is still identified as part of the highest priority in the Local Plan mitigation package (i.e. A27 Fishbourne Junction) which is expected to be delivered once sufficient funding is collected. The County Council considers that in the absence of this feasibility work, the deliverability of the Terminus Road Diversion cannot be confirmed. In particular, given the recent impacts of inflation in the construction industry, this work will need to robustly estimate the costs and confirm delivery arrangements. In the absence of this feasibility work, there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF as key infrastructure does not appear to be deliverable.
In order to remedy this issue regarding the Terminus Road Diversion, the County Council requests that feasibility work is undertaken prior to the examination to confirm deliverability of the proposed Terminus Road Diversion.
Sustainable Transport Infrastructure & Measures
The transport study modelling for end of Plan period also includes some proposed highways mitigation schemes within Chichester City. The County Council has previously requested that these be replaced by sustainable transport improvements to comply with the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036. However, only limited modification has been made to these proposed schemes, with a suggestion in text at paragraph 7.3.2 of the main transport study that the costs for these schemes can be reallocated to sustainable transport improvements which are not specified. Although this does help to explain how sustainable transport infrastructure schemes and measures can be at least partially funded, it is rare that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions. Furthermore, funding is not the only issue that needs to be overcome to secure delivery of these schemes and measures.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) lists the proposed mitigation measures and in some cases provides information on the rationale, phasing, cost, funding and delivery arrangements. However, there are still many gaps in the information, probably because schemes are currently at an early conceptual stage. The County Council’s experience is that it is unlikely that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions (because doing so would not be compliant with the CIL regulations) so delivery of these schemes will be partially dependent on securing funding from central Government or other sources. The IDP currently fails to identify the scheme-specific requirements for additional funding and the overall scale of additional funding required.
The County Council considers the level of information currently available on the sustainable transport package to be insufficient to demonstrate deliverability of a credible and coordinated sustainable transport package of improved infrastructure and services. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that further technical work is undertaken to develop the schemes and measures in the sustainable transport package prior to the examination. In particular, this should focus on the following schemes and measures and some cases, this will build on work that has already taken place:
1. St. Paul’s & Parklands cycle routes
2. Improving existing public transport services towards Madgwick Lane
3. Provision of improved bus services for the village serving the development areas of Southbourne Parish
4. Improving cycling connectivity to link the built-out areas of Shopwhyke Lakes with Tangmere and Oving etc
As not all the severely impacted A27 junctions have a reasonable prospect of being physically improved in the Plan period, more investigation into potential public transport enhancements is also required, particularly to strengthen routes that cross the bypass. This may require further amendments to the IDP.
This work should aim to identify options for sustainable transport schemes that can be a priority for investment, provide information to enable safeguarding of routes (e.g. cycle routes) from development and provide a basis for applications for third party funding to support their delivery. The relative priority of such measures would need to be considered under the monitor and manage approach by the proposed Traffic and Infrastructure Management Group for implementation in addition to the proposed improvement at the A27/A259 Fishbourne junction.
To address this issue and support delivery of the sustainable transport package, the County Council also recommends the following minor amendments to Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure:
At bullet point .7 change “other small-scale junction improvements” to read “other sustainable transport and safety focused improvements, including at junctions” and change “These will increase road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas” to “These will increase road capacity on strategic roads, and on both strategic and local roads reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas notably by encouraging and prioritising sustainable modes.”
Southbourne Broad Location for Development
The scale of development that can be accommodated at the Southbourne Broad Location will be, at least partially, dependent on the capacity of the transport network to accommodate the associated traffic movements. As the Broad Location spans the railway line, many of these traffic movements would need to cross the railway line. The County Council is concerned that there is currently insufficient capacity of the existing level crossings, notably at Stein Road, to accommodate the additional traffic movements. This could mean that the cumulative impact of development on the traffic network is severe, which is not consistent with Paragraph 111 of the NPPF.
The transport evidence base does not yet provide sufficient assurance that the proposed scale of development can be accommodated. This is because the base level of traffic flow has not been compared to local traffic counts, either in the initial validation of the strategic model or through a new count which the County Council has previously requested, and the assumptions about level crossing downtimes have not been validated against observed data. The County Council is concerned that the assessment of capacity of the local road network to accommodate the quantum of dwellings proposed for the Broad Location may be overoptimistic by underestimating existing flow levels and the duration of level crossing downtime. As a consequence, the proposed quantum may not be deliverable without unacceptable impacts to the conditions on Stein Road and to the level of traffic seeking to use rural lanes to the north of the village to avoid the level crossing.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that either additional transport evidence is provided prior to the examination to demonstrate that the proposed scale of development is deliverable, or that Policy A13 is changed to remove the proposed scale of development until such evidence is provided.
The following comments from education, minerals and waste, Adults Services and Health, highways & transport and public rights of way, do not affect the soundness of the Plan. However, Chichester District Council should take these into account and, where possible, make minor amendments to the Local Plan and/or evidence base studies before submission of the Local Plan for examination. Officers are happy to meet and discuss any of these comments, and proposed minor amendments to address these comments, ahead of submission:
1) Education
Land West of Chichester
Previous comments have been made requesting that the policy refers to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. While it is recognised that reference is made to this in the IDP this is a supporting document to the Local Plan and should not be solely relied on. It is requested that paragraph 10.19 is amended to read: ‘a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sqm E(g)(i) Use Class), two form entry (2FE) primary school and one form entry (1FE) teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND, informal and formal open space (including a country park), allotments,…’
This should also be included in the 3rd bullet point of Policy A6 or the wording of the policy should be drafted to reflect more recent policy requirements i.e. Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
There are some inconsistencies with the wording of the strategic policies, not every policy includes the criterion ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ While this may be due to some policies being carried through from the adopted local plan it is inconsistent.
Policy A8 Land East of Chichester
As an education authority WSCC do not request 1FE schools in line with government guidance. As per our earlier comments and discussions we requested a 2 FE primary school for the site.
3rd bullet point of Policy A8 should be amended to read: ‘A neighbourhood centre incorporating local shops, a community centre, flexible space for employment/ small-scale leisure uses and a one-form (expandable to two-form) two form entry primary school with provision for early years/ childcare and special educational needs and disability…’
2) Minerals and Waste
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A2 – needs to include reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure.
• Policy A7 – needs to include reference to safeguarding waste infrastructure.
• Policy A15 (Loxwood) – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding as within the clay MSA.
• Policy A21 – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding.
Also, the reference to the safeguarding guidance needs to be checked to ensure that it is worded correctly as ‘Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance’.
3) Older Person Housing
It is noted that the plan refers to older person housing as specialist housing. WSCC strategy supports the provision of ‘extra care housing’ while this might be similar development it enables younger people to access the accommodation for whatever medical reason i.e. MS, strokes rather than limiting it to a certain age group. Officers are happy to meet and discuss this further.
4) Highways and Transport
Public Transport Priority Infrastructure
The Public Transport section of the main transport study report starting at paragraph 6.2.7 requires revisiting. There is reference to “an expansion of the bus priority lane system within Chichester City Centre” which does not match the existing bus provision in the City which does not provide bus priority lanes on street. It does have restrictions on motor traffic in the adjoining parts of South Street and West Street which provide for bus and cycle only access in both directions of travel plus access for essential goods vehicle loading in the westbound direction only. In addition, the suggestion in the following paragraph for “a time-based system where certain routes are restricted to public transport only during specific times” is not evidenced or developed and as such considered unlikely to be practical and enforceable at most locations used by bus routes in the City. More developed proposals for additional bus priority, improvements to bus passenger facilities or testing of specific locations for bus-only access would be welcomed as part of developing a costed sustainable transport mitigation package.
Park and Ride
The discussion of possible park and ride facilities for the City at paragraphs 6.2.9 to 6.2.16 of the main transport study should also acknowledge. An important part of making park and ride well used by motorists is increasing the price of city centre parking to provide a financial incentive to take up significantly cheaper park and ride charges for parking and travel. However, if park and ride sites are not provided accessible to all major approach routes to the city, such a charging strategy would not be seen to be equitable, whereas only a single site is proposed in the District Council’s emerging parking strategy and the report acknowledges at 6.2.11 that “locations for potential park and ride sites are also deemed to be limited”. The bullet at 6.2.15 “Cost of schemes compared to benefit are likely to be initially lower than highway schemes” may have been incorrectly worded given that this is listed as an issue rather than a benefit. The text may have been intended to say that the ratio of benefit to cost for park and ride schemes may be lower than for conventional highway schemes?
A286 New Park Road / A286 St Pancras Road (Junction 7)
This junction scheme includes pedestrian crossing facilities which are welcomed and also includes a length of advisory cycle lane starting in the middle of the junction for cyclists remaining on St Pancras. However, the approach to the junction on St Pancras from Eastgate Square remains intimidating to cyclists, so further measures would need to be added to make the layout cycle-friendly or the cycle facility is likely to be of limited benefit. This could include decreasing traffic speeds. Until this is done the conclusion at 8.4.4 of the main transport study; “The mitigation scheme includes improvements for pedestrians and cyclists which will lead to increased use of active travel modes and reduce the need for physical mitigation here” is only supported for pedestrians, not for cyclists.
A259 Via Ravenna / A259 Cathedral Way Roundabout (Junction 8)
It is stated at 7.3.8 of the main transport study that “the mitigation may be required to avoid queuing back towards the A27, as well as for capacity issues”. In light of this potential safety issue for the previous junction on Cathedral Way and for the A27 Fishbourne junction, the proposal at 7.3.6 that the scheme delivery should be tied to the monitor and manage regime to see if and when it is required is accepted. This is different to the approach for other junctions in the City because of the potential safety issue. This monitoring approach would be likely to follow after the A259 Cathedral Way / Fishbourne Road East / Terminus Road (as diverted) (Junction 10) improvement, which is to be brought forward as an integral part of the A27 Fishbourne roundabout mitigation scheme, but may allow for increased eastbound flows on Cathedral Way.
A286 Northgate Gyratory
An additional mitigation scheme is proposed at paragraph 7.3.134 of the main transport study for the A286 Northgate Gyratory along its southern arm from Oaklands Way to Orchard Street. The proposal to add traffic signals is welcomed in concept as it can help to control traffic speeds making the junction more friendly for cyclists and pedestrians. However, the layout shown at figure 7-8 does not maximise the opportunity to improve convenience and safety for pedestrians by providing a priority link to reach the central island, which contains employment space and the fire station, nor to assist crossing the exit towards Orchard Street. The scheme would benefit from further development to prioritise active travel movements and should also be fitted with transponders for bus priority.
Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11)
At paragraphs 7.4.1 to 7.4.2 of the main transport study, the junction of Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11) is considered. The proposal to mitigate impacts at this junction through delivery of the Stockbridge Link Road scheme is not considered deliverable, so the approach at this location requires re-thinking. The County Council would not support measures to increase capacity for through traffic on Appledram Lane South, the approach should be to reduce severance and improve safety and comfort for active travel on Appledram Lane by reducing vehicle speeds and as far as possible volume. This should consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists both for local access and for users of the Salterns Way leisure cycling route.
TEMPro Background Traffic Growth Comparisons
At section 10.2 of the main transport study a comparison is made of the TEMPro 7.2 growth rates used in the study for external traffic with new TEMPro 8.0 growth rates since released by the Department for Transport, which notes that the TEMPro 8.0 rates are significantly lower, if these rates were used then the level of transport impacts could be lower. Unfortunately, a number of highways authorities in the Transport for the South East (TfSE) area including the County Council and Hampshire County Council have concerns that the planning assumptions used in TEMPro v8 core growth scenario underestimate the numbers of additional households forecasted compared to targets in adopted Local Plans for delivering new dwellings. TfSE are currently raising these collective concerns with DfT with a view to obtaining an early update to TEMPro 8 planning assumptions. Although for the purposes of this study TEMPro is not applied to trips produced in Chichester District, from the County Council’s analysis TEMPRo v8 core underestimates the increase in households per year in Arun District by over 50% and in Horsham District by 30% when compared with adopted development plans. On this basis it may be useful to instead compare TEMPro 7.2 with TEMPro 8.0 high growth scenario.
North of District Spatial Scenarios Testing
For the Northern Spatial Scenarios Test provided as an appendix to the main transport study, this had not been updated for the final preferred spatial strategy or in light of the County Council’s previous comments on the March 2022 issue to the District Council. The spatial strategy now is similar but not identical to the Scenario 4: Significant Growth 1 option in the reported tests, totalling 370 dwellings across the four northern parishes, compared to 410 in the test. In both cases the largest allocation is at Loxwood; 220 dwellings were proposed in the Scenario 4 as compared to 200 in this test. Some other tests proposed higher numbers.
The testing in the northern part of the district had used the same trip generation rates per dwelling as in the South of the District, but the County Council considers that in practice private motor vehicle trip generation per dwelling is likely to be higher due to the rural nature of the area, including a lack of local facilities and shops within walking distance of development, a very low level of public transport services and lack of surfaced cycle routes.
The level of development proposed is not at the level capable of delivering transformative transport improvements to match the trip making patterns around Chichester and the A259 corridor to Bosham and Southbourne. This may be offset in part by the lower total amount of development compared to the tested scenario 4. Nonetheless, it would be helpful to adjust the scenario for the spatial strategy now proposed and to provide information on additional traffic movements per peak hour from these parishes using the A272 at junctions at Wisborough Green and reaching the A272/A29 junction at Billingshurst and the A272/A283 junction at the north of Petworth.
Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note
The Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note in the main transport study treats July as a neutral month rather than a summer month. Paragraph 1.3.1 states “The flows were analysed by looking at traffic data for August 2019 this being considered to represent summer traffic. This was compared against traffic data from the neutral months of June, July, September and October also from 2019.” The County Council does not accept this methodology as school summer holidays start part way through July and education traffic is also affected by the formal exam period, whilst there is typically a high level of seasonal leisure traffic including summer outdoor events in this month. It is acceptable to use August alone as the summer comparator month. However, July traffic should be removed from the neutral months analysis and should be substituted with May traffic data from the same year of 2019, provided that sufficient data is available from that month.
5) Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
It is a positive step to see PRoW acknowledged as valued by communities and as part of the area’s green infrastructure. Whilst Policy P14 (Green Infrastructure) states that development proposals should not be detrimental to the network of public rights of way and bridleways (please note bridleways are Public Rights of Way), a more proactively positive approach that seeks enhancements to the network as mitigation, would be welcomed. The improvement, upgrading of existing PRoW and creation of new PRoW where possible, to allow for a greater number of users to access the network would be beneficial. This is somewhat addressed in Policy T1 which refers only to routes identified in the Local Transport Plan, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Opportunities to these, should not be limited if they arise elsewhere.
It is surprising to see there is no mention of PRoW within Chapter 8 under Active Travel – Walking and Cycling. The PRoW network provides extensive walking and cycling opportunities, often off-road, and important links between places and non-PRoW routes.
Comment noted. So that the policy remains aligned with the Infrastructure Delivery Plan bullet 3 will remain unchanged, however will amend the reasoned justification for the policy in paragraph 10.35 for clarification.
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
Policy A2 Chichester City – Strategic housing location
Representation ID: 5090
Received: 16/03/2023
Respondent: West Sussex County Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A2 – needs to include reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure.
The comments included below from WSCC are Holding Objections. We will continue to work with Chichester District Council and as further work is completed will consider if objections can be withdrawn.
Transport Overview
The County Council has worked with Chichester District Council to develop the Chichester Local Plan and its supporting evidence base and will continue to do so. Although the overall direction of the Local Plan is supported, from a highways and transport perspective, there are three key issues remaining that need to be addressed in order to demonstrate that the Plan is sound:
1. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that key infrastructure (i.e. Terminus Road Diversion) will be deliverable;
2. The package of sustainable transport infrastructure and measures is not yet sufficiently well-developed to demonstrate that it is deliverable as part of the monitor and manage process; and
3. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the capacity of the transport network can accommodate the scale of development proposed as part of the Southbourne Broad Location for Development.
The following sections explain; a) the reasons for these issues; b) why they affect the soundness of the Local Plan; and, c) what changes should be made to the Local Plan to remedy the issues.
Deliverability of Key Infrastructure
The recommended transport mitigation strategy, as assessed using the Chichester Area Transport Model for 2039 has been demonstrated to be capable in-principle to prevent the development from resulting in severe residual cumulative impacts on the highways and transport network. However, there are significant risks to deliverability of junction mitigation measures, which have required further work to be undertaken on developing a short to medium term strategy based on phased prioritisation of infrastructure and sustainable transport improvements, to be governed under a monitor and manage approach.
There are three locations where new highway alignments are proposed outside of existing highways boundaries. Two of these may include significant earthworks or structures to be delivered, being Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road diversion. The cost of the mitigation strategy exceeds the likely value of developer contributions and additional funding has not yet been secured.
At the Regulation 18 consultation stage in December 2018 to January 2019 the County Council identified delivery risks with the Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road Diversion schemes due to the earthworks likely to be required and to confirm the extent of land take required for both schemes. The County Council stated that feasibility work would need to be undertaken for these improvements prior to Plan submission to confirm that the schemes are deliverable. A brief for such a feasibility study was agreed in 2019, but to date, this work has not been commissioned. It is the County Council’s view that Stockbridge Link Road (SLR) should be disregarded as a potential part of a long-term transport mitigation strategy for 2039 and beyond until such time as it can be demonstrated that the scheme is deliverable. Paragraph 8.14 of the Local Plan acknowledges that the SLR is not deliverable as part of the Local Plan mitigation package.
The Terminus Road Diversion is still identified as part of the highest priority in the Local Plan mitigation package (i.e. A27 Fishbourne Junction) which is expected to be delivered once sufficient funding is collected. The County Council considers that in the absence of this feasibility work, the deliverability of the Terminus Road Diversion cannot be confirmed. In particular, given the recent impacts of inflation in the construction industry, this work will need to robustly estimate the costs and confirm delivery arrangements. In the absence of this feasibility work, there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF as key infrastructure does not appear to be deliverable.
In order to remedy this issue regarding the Terminus Road Diversion, the County Council requests that feasibility work is undertaken prior to the examination to confirm deliverability of the proposed Terminus Road Diversion.
Sustainable Transport Infrastructure & Measures
The transport study modelling for end of Plan period also includes some proposed highways mitigation schemes within Chichester City. The County Council has previously requested that these be replaced by sustainable transport improvements to comply with the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036. However, only limited modification has been made to these proposed schemes, with a suggestion in text at paragraph 7.3.2 of the main transport study that the costs for these schemes can be reallocated to sustainable transport improvements which are not specified. Although this does help to explain how sustainable transport infrastructure schemes and measures can be at least partially funded, it is rare that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions. Furthermore, funding is not the only issue that needs to be overcome to secure delivery of these schemes and measures.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) lists the proposed mitigation measures and in some cases provides information on the rationale, phasing, cost, funding and delivery arrangements. However, there are still many gaps in the information, probably because schemes are currently at an early conceptual stage. The County Council’s experience is that it is unlikely that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions (because doing so would not be compliant with the CIL regulations) so delivery of these schemes will be partially dependent on securing funding from central Government or other sources. The IDP currently fails to identify the scheme-specific requirements for additional funding and the overall scale of additional funding required.
The County Council considers the level of information currently available on the sustainable transport package to be insufficient to demonstrate deliverability of a credible and coordinated sustainable transport package of improved infrastructure and services. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that further technical work is undertaken to develop the schemes and measures in the sustainable transport package prior to the examination. In particular, this should focus on the following schemes and measures and some cases, this will build on work that has already taken place:
1. St. Paul’s & Parklands cycle routes
2. Improving existing public transport services towards Madgwick Lane
3. Provision of improved bus services for the village serving the development areas of Southbourne Parish
4. Improving cycling connectivity to link the built-out areas of Shopwhyke Lakes with Tangmere and Oving etc
As not all the severely impacted A27 junctions have a reasonable prospect of being physically improved in the Plan period, more investigation into potential public transport enhancements is also required, particularly to strengthen routes that cross the bypass. This may require further amendments to the IDP.
This work should aim to identify options for sustainable transport schemes that can be a priority for investment, provide information to enable safeguarding of routes (e.g. cycle routes) from development and provide a basis for applications for third party funding to support their delivery. The relative priority of such measures would need to be considered under the monitor and manage approach by the proposed Traffic and Infrastructure Management Group for implementation in addition to the proposed improvement at the A27/A259 Fishbourne junction.
To address this issue and support delivery of the sustainable transport package, the County Council also recommends the following minor amendments to Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure:
At bullet point .7 change “other small-scale junction improvements” to read “other sustainable transport and safety focused improvements, including at junctions” and change “These will increase road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas” to “These will increase road capacity on strategic roads, and on both strategic and local roads reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas notably by encouraging and prioritising sustainable modes.”
Southbourne Broad Location for Development
The scale of development that can be accommodated at the Southbourne Broad Location will be, at least partially, dependent on the capacity of the transport network to accommodate the associated traffic movements. As the Broad Location spans the railway line, many of these traffic movements would need to cross the railway line. The County Council is concerned that there is currently insufficient capacity of the existing level crossings, notably at Stein Road, to accommodate the additional traffic movements. This could mean that the cumulative impact of development on the traffic network is severe, which is not consistent with Paragraph 111 of the NPPF.
The transport evidence base does not yet provide sufficient assurance that the proposed scale of development can be accommodated. This is because the base level of traffic flow has not been compared to local traffic counts, either in the initial validation of the strategic model or through a new count which the County Council has previously requested, and the assumptions about level crossing downtimes have not been validated against observed data. The County Council is concerned that the assessment of capacity of the local road network to accommodate the quantum of dwellings proposed for the Broad Location may be overoptimistic by underestimating existing flow levels and the duration of level crossing downtime. As a consequence, the proposed quantum may not be deliverable without unacceptable impacts to the conditions on Stein Road and to the level of traffic seeking to use rural lanes to the north of the village to avoid the level crossing.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that either additional transport evidence is provided prior to the examination to demonstrate that the proposed scale of development is deliverable, or that Policy A13 is changed to remove the proposed scale of development until such evidence is provided.
The following comments from education, minerals and waste, Adults Services and Health, highways & transport and public rights of way, do not affect the soundness of the Plan. However, Chichester District Council should take these into account and, where possible, make minor amendments to the Local Plan and/or evidence base studies before submission of the Local Plan for examination. Officers are happy to meet and discuss any of these comments, and proposed minor amendments to address these comments, ahead of submission:
1) Education
Land West of Chichester
Previous comments have been made requesting that the policy refers to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. While it is recognised that reference is made to this in the IDP this is a supporting document to the Local Plan and should not be solely relied on. It is requested that paragraph 10.19 is amended to read: ‘a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sqm E(g)(i) Use Class), two form entry (2FE) primary school and one form entry (1FE) teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND, informal and formal open space (including a country park), allotments,…’
This should also be included in the 3rd bullet point of Policy A6 or the wording of the policy should be drafted to reflect more recent policy requirements i.e. Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
There are some inconsistencies with the wording of the strategic policies, not every policy includes the criterion ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ While this may be due to some policies being carried through from the adopted local plan it is inconsistent.
Policy A8 Land East of Chichester
As an education authority WSCC do not request 1FE schools in line with government guidance. As per our earlier comments and discussions we requested a 2 FE primary school for the site.
3rd bullet point of Policy A8 should be amended to read: ‘A neighbourhood centre incorporating local shops, a community centre, flexible space for employment/ small-scale leisure uses and a one-form (expandable to two-form) two form entry primary school with provision for early years/ childcare and special educational needs and disability…’
2) Minerals and Waste
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A2 – needs to include reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure.
• Policy A7 – needs to include reference to safeguarding waste infrastructure.
• Policy A15 (Loxwood) – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding as within the clay MSA.
• Policy A21 – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding.
Also, the reference to the safeguarding guidance needs to be checked to ensure that it is worded correctly as ‘Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance’.
3) Older Person Housing
It is noted that the plan refers to older person housing as specialist housing. WSCC strategy supports the provision of ‘extra care housing’ while this might be similar development it enables younger people to access the accommodation for whatever medical reason i.e. MS, strokes rather than limiting it to a certain age group. Officers are happy to meet and discuss this further.
4) Highways and Transport
Public Transport Priority Infrastructure
The Public Transport section of the main transport study report starting at paragraph 6.2.7 requires revisiting. There is reference to “an expansion of the bus priority lane system within Chichester City Centre” which does not match the existing bus provision in the City which does not provide bus priority lanes on street. It does have restrictions on motor traffic in the adjoining parts of South Street and West Street which provide for bus and cycle only access in both directions of travel plus access for essential goods vehicle loading in the westbound direction only. In addition, the suggestion in the following paragraph for “a time-based system where certain routes are restricted to public transport only during specific times” is not evidenced or developed and as such considered unlikely to be practical and enforceable at most locations used by bus routes in the City. More developed proposals for additional bus priority, improvements to bus passenger facilities or testing of specific locations for bus-only access would be welcomed as part of developing a costed sustainable transport mitigation package.
Park and Ride
The discussion of possible park and ride facilities for the City at paragraphs 6.2.9 to 6.2.16 of the main transport study should also acknowledge. An important part of making park and ride well used by motorists is increasing the price of city centre parking to provide a financial incentive to take up significantly cheaper park and ride charges for parking and travel. However, if park and ride sites are not provided accessible to all major approach routes to the city, such a charging strategy would not be seen to be equitable, whereas only a single site is proposed in the District Council’s emerging parking strategy and the report acknowledges at 6.2.11 that “locations for potential park and ride sites are also deemed to be limited”. The bullet at 6.2.15 “Cost of schemes compared to benefit are likely to be initially lower than highway schemes” may have been incorrectly worded given that this is listed as an issue rather than a benefit. The text may have been intended to say that the ratio of benefit to cost for park and ride schemes may be lower than for conventional highway schemes?
A286 New Park Road / A286 St Pancras Road (Junction 7)
This junction scheme includes pedestrian crossing facilities which are welcomed and also includes a length of advisory cycle lane starting in the middle of the junction for cyclists remaining on St Pancras. However, the approach to the junction on St Pancras from Eastgate Square remains intimidating to cyclists, so further measures would need to be added to make the layout cycle-friendly or the cycle facility is likely to be of limited benefit. This could include decreasing traffic speeds. Until this is done the conclusion at 8.4.4 of the main transport study; “The mitigation scheme includes improvements for pedestrians and cyclists which will lead to increased use of active travel modes and reduce the need for physical mitigation here” is only supported for pedestrians, not for cyclists.
A259 Via Ravenna / A259 Cathedral Way Roundabout (Junction 8)
It is stated at 7.3.8 of the main transport study that “the mitigation may be required to avoid queuing back towards the A27, as well as for capacity issues”. In light of this potential safety issue for the previous junction on Cathedral Way and for the A27 Fishbourne junction, the proposal at 7.3.6 that the scheme delivery should be tied to the monitor and manage regime to see if and when it is required is accepted. This is different to the approach for other junctions in the City because of the potential safety issue. This monitoring approach would be likely to follow after the A259 Cathedral Way / Fishbourne Road East / Terminus Road (as diverted) (Junction 10) improvement, which is to be brought forward as an integral part of the A27 Fishbourne roundabout mitigation scheme, but may allow for increased eastbound flows on Cathedral Way.
A286 Northgate Gyratory
An additional mitigation scheme is proposed at paragraph 7.3.134 of the main transport study for the A286 Northgate Gyratory along its southern arm from Oaklands Way to Orchard Street. The proposal to add traffic signals is welcomed in concept as it can help to control traffic speeds making the junction more friendly for cyclists and pedestrians. However, the layout shown at figure 7-8 does not maximise the opportunity to improve convenience and safety for pedestrians by providing a priority link to reach the central island, which contains employment space and the fire station, nor to assist crossing the exit towards Orchard Street. The scheme would benefit from further development to prioritise active travel movements and should also be fitted with transponders for bus priority.
Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11)
At paragraphs 7.4.1 to 7.4.2 of the main transport study, the junction of Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11) is considered. The proposal to mitigate impacts at this junction through delivery of the Stockbridge Link Road scheme is not considered deliverable, so the approach at this location requires re-thinking. The County Council would not support measures to increase capacity for through traffic on Appledram Lane South, the approach should be to reduce severance and improve safety and comfort for active travel on Appledram Lane by reducing vehicle speeds and as far as possible volume. This should consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists both for local access and for users of the Salterns Way leisure cycling route.
TEMPro Background Traffic Growth Comparisons
At section 10.2 of the main transport study a comparison is made of the TEMPro 7.2 growth rates used in the study for external traffic with new TEMPro 8.0 growth rates since released by the Department for Transport, which notes that the TEMPro 8.0 rates are significantly lower, if these rates were used then the level of transport impacts could be lower. Unfortunately, a number of highways authorities in the Transport for the South East (TfSE) area including the County Council and Hampshire County Council have concerns that the planning assumptions used in TEMPro v8 core growth scenario underestimate the numbers of additional households forecasted compared to targets in adopted Local Plans for delivering new dwellings. TfSE are currently raising these collective concerns with DfT with a view to obtaining an early update to TEMPro 8 planning assumptions. Although for the purposes of this study TEMPro is not applied to trips produced in Chichester District, from the County Council’s analysis TEMPRo v8 core underestimates the increase in households per year in Arun District by over 50% and in Horsham District by 30% when compared with adopted development plans. On this basis it may be useful to instead compare TEMPro 7.2 with TEMPro 8.0 high growth scenario.
North of District Spatial Scenarios Testing
For the Northern Spatial Scenarios Test provided as an appendix to the main transport study, this had not been updated for the final preferred spatial strategy or in light of the County Council’s previous comments on the March 2022 issue to the District Council. The spatial strategy now is similar but not identical to the Scenario 4: Significant Growth 1 option in the reported tests, totalling 370 dwellings across the four northern parishes, compared to 410 in the test. In both cases the largest allocation is at Loxwood; 220 dwellings were proposed in the Scenario 4 as compared to 200 in this test. Some other tests proposed higher numbers.
The testing in the northern part of the district had used the same trip generation rates per dwelling as in the South of the District, but the County Council considers that in practice private motor vehicle trip generation per dwelling is likely to be higher due to the rural nature of the area, including a lack of local facilities and shops within walking distance of development, a very low level of public transport services and lack of surfaced cycle routes.
The level of development proposed is not at the level capable of delivering transformative transport improvements to match the trip making patterns around Chichester and the A259 corridor to Bosham and Southbourne. This may be offset in part by the lower total amount of development compared to the tested scenario 4. Nonetheless, it would be helpful to adjust the scenario for the spatial strategy now proposed and to provide information on additional traffic movements per peak hour from these parishes using the A272 at junctions at Wisborough Green and reaching the A272/A29 junction at Billingshurst and the A272/A283 junction at the north of Petworth.
Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note
The Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note in the main transport study treats July as a neutral month rather than a summer month. Paragraph 1.3.1 states “The flows were analysed by looking at traffic data for August 2019 this being considered to represent summer traffic. This was compared against traffic data from the neutral months of June, July, September and October also from 2019.” The County Council does not accept this methodology as school summer holidays start part way through July and education traffic is also affected by the formal exam period, whilst there is typically a high level of seasonal leisure traffic including summer outdoor events in this month. It is acceptable to use August alone as the summer comparator month. However, July traffic should be removed from the neutral months analysis and should be substituted with May traffic data from the same year of 2019, provided that sufficient data is available from that month.
5) Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
It is a positive step to see PRoW acknowledged as valued by communities and as part of the area’s green infrastructure. Whilst Policy P14 (Green Infrastructure) states that development proposals should not be detrimental to the network of public rights of way and bridleways (please note bridleways are Public Rights of Way), a more proactively positive approach that seeks enhancements to the network as mitigation, would be welcomed. The improvement, upgrading of existing PRoW and creation of new PRoW where possible, to allow for a greater number of users to access the network would be beneficial. This is somewhat addressed in Policy T1 which refers only to routes identified in the Local Transport Plan, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Opportunities to these, should not be limited if they arise elsewhere.
It is surprising to see there is no mention of PRoW within Chapter 8 under Active Travel – Walking and Cycling. The PRoW network provides extensive walking and cycling opportunities, often off-road, and important links between places and non-PRoW routes.
Comment noted.
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
Policy A7 Land at Shopwyke (Oving Parish)
Representation ID: 5091
Received: 16/03/2023
Respondent: West Sussex County Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A7 – needs to include reference to safeguarding waste infrastructure.
The comments included below from WSCC are Holding Objections. We will continue to work with Chichester District Council and as further work is completed will consider if objections can be withdrawn.
Transport Overview
The County Council has worked with Chichester District Council to develop the Chichester Local Plan and its supporting evidence base and will continue to do so. Although the overall direction of the Local Plan is supported, from a highways and transport perspective, there are three key issues remaining that need to be addressed in order to demonstrate that the Plan is sound:
1. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that key infrastructure (i.e. Terminus Road Diversion) will be deliverable;
2. The package of sustainable transport infrastructure and measures is not yet sufficiently well-developed to demonstrate that it is deliverable as part of the monitor and manage process; and
3. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the capacity of the transport network can accommodate the scale of development proposed as part of the Southbourne Broad Location for Development.
The following sections explain; a) the reasons for these issues; b) why they affect the soundness of the Local Plan; and, c) what changes should be made to the Local Plan to remedy the issues.
Deliverability of Key Infrastructure
The recommended transport mitigation strategy, as assessed using the Chichester Area Transport Model for 2039 has been demonstrated to be capable in-principle to prevent the development from resulting in severe residual cumulative impacts on the highways and transport network. However, there are significant risks to deliverability of junction mitigation measures, which have required further work to be undertaken on developing a short to medium term strategy based on phased prioritisation of infrastructure and sustainable transport improvements, to be governed under a monitor and manage approach.
There are three locations where new highway alignments are proposed outside of existing highways boundaries. Two of these may include significant earthworks or structures to be delivered, being Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road diversion. The cost of the mitigation strategy exceeds the likely value of developer contributions and additional funding has not yet been secured.
At the Regulation 18 consultation stage in December 2018 to January 2019 the County Council identified delivery risks with the Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road Diversion schemes due to the earthworks likely to be required and to confirm the extent of land take required for both schemes. The County Council stated that feasibility work would need to be undertaken for these improvements prior to Plan submission to confirm that the schemes are deliverable. A brief for such a feasibility study was agreed in 2019, but to date, this work has not been commissioned. It is the County Council’s view that Stockbridge Link Road (SLR) should be disregarded as a potential part of a long-term transport mitigation strategy for 2039 and beyond until such time as it can be demonstrated that the scheme is deliverable. Paragraph 8.14 of the Local Plan acknowledges that the SLR is not deliverable as part of the Local Plan mitigation package.
The Terminus Road Diversion is still identified as part of the highest priority in the Local Plan mitigation package (i.e. A27 Fishbourne Junction) which is expected to be delivered once sufficient funding is collected. The County Council considers that in the absence of this feasibility work, the deliverability of the Terminus Road Diversion cannot be confirmed. In particular, given the recent impacts of inflation in the construction industry, this work will need to robustly estimate the costs and confirm delivery arrangements. In the absence of this feasibility work, there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF as key infrastructure does not appear to be deliverable.
In order to remedy this issue regarding the Terminus Road Diversion, the County Council requests that feasibility work is undertaken prior to the examination to confirm deliverability of the proposed Terminus Road Diversion.
Sustainable Transport Infrastructure & Measures
The transport study modelling for end of Plan period also includes some proposed highways mitigation schemes within Chichester City. The County Council has previously requested that these be replaced by sustainable transport improvements to comply with the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036. However, only limited modification has been made to these proposed schemes, with a suggestion in text at paragraph 7.3.2 of the main transport study that the costs for these schemes can be reallocated to sustainable transport improvements which are not specified. Although this does help to explain how sustainable transport infrastructure schemes and measures can be at least partially funded, it is rare that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions. Furthermore, funding is not the only issue that needs to be overcome to secure delivery of these schemes and measures.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) lists the proposed mitigation measures and in some cases provides information on the rationale, phasing, cost, funding and delivery arrangements. However, there are still many gaps in the information, probably because schemes are currently at an early conceptual stage. The County Council’s experience is that it is unlikely that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions (because doing so would not be compliant with the CIL regulations) so delivery of these schemes will be partially dependent on securing funding from central Government or other sources. The IDP currently fails to identify the scheme-specific requirements for additional funding and the overall scale of additional funding required.
The County Council considers the level of information currently available on the sustainable transport package to be insufficient to demonstrate deliverability of a credible and coordinated sustainable transport package of improved infrastructure and services. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that further technical work is undertaken to develop the schemes and measures in the sustainable transport package prior to the examination. In particular, this should focus on the following schemes and measures and some cases, this will build on work that has already taken place:
1. St. Paul’s & Parklands cycle routes
2. Improving existing public transport services towards Madgwick Lane
3. Provision of improved bus services for the village serving the development areas of Southbourne Parish
4. Improving cycling connectivity to link the built-out areas of Shopwhyke Lakes with Tangmere and Oving etc
As not all the severely impacted A27 junctions have a reasonable prospect of being physically improved in the Plan period, more investigation into potential public transport enhancements is also required, particularly to strengthen routes that cross the bypass. This may require further amendments to the IDP.
This work should aim to identify options for sustainable transport schemes that can be a priority for investment, provide information to enable safeguarding of routes (e.g. cycle routes) from development and provide a basis for applications for third party funding to support their delivery. The relative priority of such measures would need to be considered under the monitor and manage approach by the proposed Traffic and Infrastructure Management Group for implementation in addition to the proposed improvement at the A27/A259 Fishbourne junction.
To address this issue and support delivery of the sustainable transport package, the County Council also recommends the following minor amendments to Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure:
At bullet point .7 change “other small-scale junction improvements” to read “other sustainable transport and safety focused improvements, including at junctions” and change “These will increase road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas” to “These will increase road capacity on strategic roads, and on both strategic and local roads reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas notably by encouraging and prioritising sustainable modes.”
Southbourne Broad Location for Development
The scale of development that can be accommodated at the Southbourne Broad Location will be, at least partially, dependent on the capacity of the transport network to accommodate the associated traffic movements. As the Broad Location spans the railway line, many of these traffic movements would need to cross the railway line. The County Council is concerned that there is currently insufficient capacity of the existing level crossings, notably at Stein Road, to accommodate the additional traffic movements. This could mean that the cumulative impact of development on the traffic network is severe, which is not consistent with Paragraph 111 of the NPPF.
The transport evidence base does not yet provide sufficient assurance that the proposed scale of development can be accommodated. This is because the base level of traffic flow has not been compared to local traffic counts, either in the initial validation of the strategic model or through a new count which the County Council has previously requested, and the assumptions about level crossing downtimes have not been validated against observed data. The County Council is concerned that the assessment of capacity of the local road network to accommodate the quantum of dwellings proposed for the Broad Location may be overoptimistic by underestimating existing flow levels and the duration of level crossing downtime. As a consequence, the proposed quantum may not be deliverable without unacceptable impacts to the conditions on Stein Road and to the level of traffic seeking to use rural lanes to the north of the village to avoid the level crossing.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that either additional transport evidence is provided prior to the examination to demonstrate that the proposed scale of development is deliverable, or that Policy A13 is changed to remove the proposed scale of development until such evidence is provided.
The following comments from education, minerals and waste, Adults Services and Health, highways & transport and public rights of way, do not affect the soundness of the Plan. However, Chichester District Council should take these into account and, where possible, make minor amendments to the Local Plan and/or evidence base studies before submission of the Local Plan for examination. Officers are happy to meet and discuss any of these comments, and proposed minor amendments to address these comments, ahead of submission:
1) Education
Land West of Chichester
Previous comments have been made requesting that the policy refers to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. While it is recognised that reference is made to this in the IDP this is a supporting document to the Local Plan and should not be solely relied on. It is requested that paragraph 10.19 is amended to read: ‘a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sqm E(g)(i) Use Class), two form entry (2FE) primary school and one form entry (1FE) teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND, informal and formal open space (including a country park), allotments,…’
This should also be included in the 3rd bullet point of Policy A6 or the wording of the policy should be drafted to reflect more recent policy requirements i.e. Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
There are some inconsistencies with the wording of the strategic policies, not every policy includes the criterion ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ While this may be due to some policies being carried through from the adopted local plan it is inconsistent.
Policy A8 Land East of Chichester
As an education authority WSCC do not request 1FE schools in line with government guidance. As per our earlier comments and discussions we requested a 2 FE primary school for the site.
3rd bullet point of Policy A8 should be amended to read: ‘A neighbourhood centre incorporating local shops, a community centre, flexible space for employment/ small-scale leisure uses and a one-form (expandable to two-form) two form entry primary school with provision for early years/ childcare and special educational needs and disability…’
2) Minerals and Waste
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A2 – needs to include reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure.
• Policy A7 – needs to include reference to safeguarding waste infrastructure.
• Policy A15 (Loxwood) – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding as within the clay MSA.
• Policy A21 – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding.
Also, the reference to the safeguarding guidance needs to be checked to ensure that it is worded correctly as ‘Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance’.
3) Older Person Housing
It is noted that the plan refers to older person housing as specialist housing. WSCC strategy supports the provision of ‘extra care housing’ while this might be similar development it enables younger people to access the accommodation for whatever medical reason i.e. MS, strokes rather than limiting it to a certain age group. Officers are happy to meet and discuss this further.
4) Highways and Transport
Public Transport Priority Infrastructure
The Public Transport section of the main transport study report starting at paragraph 6.2.7 requires revisiting. There is reference to “an expansion of the bus priority lane system within Chichester City Centre” which does not match the existing bus provision in the City which does not provide bus priority lanes on street. It does have restrictions on motor traffic in the adjoining parts of South Street and West Street which provide for bus and cycle only access in both directions of travel plus access for essential goods vehicle loading in the westbound direction only. In addition, the suggestion in the following paragraph for “a time-based system where certain routes are restricted to public transport only during specific times” is not evidenced or developed and as such considered unlikely to be practical and enforceable at most locations used by bus routes in the City. More developed proposals for additional bus priority, improvements to bus passenger facilities or testing of specific locations for bus-only access would be welcomed as part of developing a costed sustainable transport mitigation package.
Park and Ride
The discussion of possible park and ride facilities for the City at paragraphs 6.2.9 to 6.2.16 of the main transport study should also acknowledge. An important part of making park and ride well used by motorists is increasing the price of city centre parking to provide a financial incentive to take up significantly cheaper park and ride charges for parking and travel. However, if park and ride sites are not provided accessible to all major approach routes to the city, such a charging strategy would not be seen to be equitable, whereas only a single site is proposed in the District Council’s emerging parking strategy and the report acknowledges at 6.2.11 that “locations for potential park and ride sites are also deemed to be limited”. The bullet at 6.2.15 “Cost of schemes compared to benefit are likely to be initially lower than highway schemes” may have been incorrectly worded given that this is listed as an issue rather than a benefit. The text may have been intended to say that the ratio of benefit to cost for park and ride schemes may be lower than for conventional highway schemes?
A286 New Park Road / A286 St Pancras Road (Junction 7)
This junction scheme includes pedestrian crossing facilities which are welcomed and also includes a length of advisory cycle lane starting in the middle of the junction for cyclists remaining on St Pancras. However, the approach to the junction on St Pancras from Eastgate Square remains intimidating to cyclists, so further measures would need to be added to make the layout cycle-friendly or the cycle facility is likely to be of limited benefit. This could include decreasing traffic speeds. Until this is done the conclusion at 8.4.4 of the main transport study; “The mitigation scheme includes improvements for pedestrians and cyclists which will lead to increased use of active travel modes and reduce the need for physical mitigation here” is only supported for pedestrians, not for cyclists.
A259 Via Ravenna / A259 Cathedral Way Roundabout (Junction 8)
It is stated at 7.3.8 of the main transport study that “the mitigation may be required to avoid queuing back towards the A27, as well as for capacity issues”. In light of this potential safety issue for the previous junction on Cathedral Way and for the A27 Fishbourne junction, the proposal at 7.3.6 that the scheme delivery should be tied to the monitor and manage regime to see if and when it is required is accepted. This is different to the approach for other junctions in the City because of the potential safety issue. This monitoring approach would be likely to follow after the A259 Cathedral Way / Fishbourne Road East / Terminus Road (as diverted) (Junction 10) improvement, which is to be brought forward as an integral part of the A27 Fishbourne roundabout mitigation scheme, but may allow for increased eastbound flows on Cathedral Way.
A286 Northgate Gyratory
An additional mitigation scheme is proposed at paragraph 7.3.134 of the main transport study for the A286 Northgate Gyratory along its southern arm from Oaklands Way to Orchard Street. The proposal to add traffic signals is welcomed in concept as it can help to control traffic speeds making the junction more friendly for cyclists and pedestrians. However, the layout shown at figure 7-8 does not maximise the opportunity to improve convenience and safety for pedestrians by providing a priority link to reach the central island, which contains employment space and the fire station, nor to assist crossing the exit towards Orchard Street. The scheme would benefit from further development to prioritise active travel movements and should also be fitted with transponders for bus priority.
Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11)
At paragraphs 7.4.1 to 7.4.2 of the main transport study, the junction of Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11) is considered. The proposal to mitigate impacts at this junction through delivery of the Stockbridge Link Road scheme is not considered deliverable, so the approach at this location requires re-thinking. The County Council would not support measures to increase capacity for through traffic on Appledram Lane South, the approach should be to reduce severance and improve safety and comfort for active travel on Appledram Lane by reducing vehicle speeds and as far as possible volume. This should consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists both for local access and for users of the Salterns Way leisure cycling route.
TEMPro Background Traffic Growth Comparisons
At section 10.2 of the main transport study a comparison is made of the TEMPro 7.2 growth rates used in the study for external traffic with new TEMPro 8.0 growth rates since released by the Department for Transport, which notes that the TEMPro 8.0 rates are significantly lower, if these rates were used then the level of transport impacts could be lower. Unfortunately, a number of highways authorities in the Transport for the South East (TfSE) area including the County Council and Hampshire County Council have concerns that the planning assumptions used in TEMPro v8 core growth scenario underestimate the numbers of additional households forecasted compared to targets in adopted Local Plans for delivering new dwellings. TfSE are currently raising these collective concerns with DfT with a view to obtaining an early update to TEMPro 8 planning assumptions. Although for the purposes of this study TEMPro is not applied to trips produced in Chichester District, from the County Council’s analysis TEMPRo v8 core underestimates the increase in households per year in Arun District by over 50% and in Horsham District by 30% when compared with adopted development plans. On this basis it may be useful to instead compare TEMPro 7.2 with TEMPro 8.0 high growth scenario.
North of District Spatial Scenarios Testing
For the Northern Spatial Scenarios Test provided as an appendix to the main transport study, this had not been updated for the final preferred spatial strategy or in light of the County Council’s previous comments on the March 2022 issue to the District Council. The spatial strategy now is similar but not identical to the Scenario 4: Significant Growth 1 option in the reported tests, totalling 370 dwellings across the four northern parishes, compared to 410 in the test. In both cases the largest allocation is at Loxwood; 220 dwellings were proposed in the Scenario 4 as compared to 200 in this test. Some other tests proposed higher numbers.
The testing in the northern part of the district had used the same trip generation rates per dwelling as in the South of the District, but the County Council considers that in practice private motor vehicle trip generation per dwelling is likely to be higher due to the rural nature of the area, including a lack of local facilities and shops within walking distance of development, a very low level of public transport services and lack of surfaced cycle routes.
The level of development proposed is not at the level capable of delivering transformative transport improvements to match the trip making patterns around Chichester and the A259 corridor to Bosham and Southbourne. This may be offset in part by the lower total amount of development compared to the tested scenario 4. Nonetheless, it would be helpful to adjust the scenario for the spatial strategy now proposed and to provide information on additional traffic movements per peak hour from these parishes using the A272 at junctions at Wisborough Green and reaching the A272/A29 junction at Billingshurst and the A272/A283 junction at the north of Petworth.
Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note
The Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note in the main transport study treats July as a neutral month rather than a summer month. Paragraph 1.3.1 states “The flows were analysed by looking at traffic data for August 2019 this being considered to represent summer traffic. This was compared against traffic data from the neutral months of June, July, September and October also from 2019.” The County Council does not accept this methodology as school summer holidays start part way through July and education traffic is also affected by the formal exam period, whilst there is typically a high level of seasonal leisure traffic including summer outdoor events in this month. It is acceptable to use August alone as the summer comparator month. However, July traffic should be removed from the neutral months analysis and should be substituted with May traffic data from the same year of 2019, provided that sufficient data is available from that month.
5) Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
It is a positive step to see PRoW acknowledged as valued by communities and as part of the area’s green infrastructure. Whilst Policy P14 (Green Infrastructure) states that development proposals should not be detrimental to the network of public rights of way and bridleways (please note bridleways are Public Rights of Way), a more proactively positive approach that seeks enhancements to the network as mitigation, would be welcomed. The improvement, upgrading of existing PRoW and creation of new PRoW where possible, to allow for a greater number of users to access the network would be beneficial. This is somewhat addressed in Policy T1 which refers only to routes identified in the Local Transport Plan, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Opportunities to these, should not be limited if they arise elsewhere.
It is surprising to see there is no mention of PRoW within Chapter 8 under Active Travel – Walking and Cycling. The PRoW network provides extensive walking and cycling opportunities, often off-road, and important links between places and non-PRoW routes.
The West Sussex County Council minerals and waste Plans and Guidance were taken into account during the determination of the planning applications. Last bullet point at paragraph 10.26 and criterion 12 of policy will be amended to include reference to Waste Local Plan and proximity to safeguarded waste sites
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
Policy A15 Loxwood
Representation ID: 5092
Received: 16/03/2023
Respondent: West Sussex County Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A15 (Loxwood) – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding as within the clay MSA.
The comments included below from WSCC are Holding Objections. We will continue to work with Chichester District Council and as further work is completed will consider if objections can be withdrawn.
Transport Overview
The County Council has worked with Chichester District Council to develop the Chichester Local Plan and its supporting evidence base and will continue to do so. Although the overall direction of the Local Plan is supported, from a highways and transport perspective, there are three key issues remaining that need to be addressed in order to demonstrate that the Plan is sound:
1. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that key infrastructure (i.e. Terminus Road Diversion) will be deliverable;
2. The package of sustainable transport infrastructure and measures is not yet sufficiently well-developed to demonstrate that it is deliverable as part of the monitor and manage process; and
3. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the capacity of the transport network can accommodate the scale of development proposed as part of the Southbourne Broad Location for Development.
The following sections explain; a) the reasons for these issues; b) why they affect the soundness of the Local Plan; and, c) what changes should be made to the Local Plan to remedy the issues.
Deliverability of Key Infrastructure
The recommended transport mitigation strategy, as assessed using the Chichester Area Transport Model for 2039 has been demonstrated to be capable in-principle to prevent the development from resulting in severe residual cumulative impacts on the highways and transport network. However, there are significant risks to deliverability of junction mitigation measures, which have required further work to be undertaken on developing a short to medium term strategy based on phased prioritisation of infrastructure and sustainable transport improvements, to be governed under a monitor and manage approach.
There are three locations where new highway alignments are proposed outside of existing highways boundaries. Two of these may include significant earthworks or structures to be delivered, being Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road diversion. The cost of the mitigation strategy exceeds the likely value of developer contributions and additional funding has not yet been secured.
At the Regulation 18 consultation stage in December 2018 to January 2019 the County Council identified delivery risks with the Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road Diversion schemes due to the earthworks likely to be required and to confirm the extent of land take required for both schemes. The County Council stated that feasibility work would need to be undertaken for these improvements prior to Plan submission to confirm that the schemes are deliverable. A brief for such a feasibility study was agreed in 2019, but to date, this work has not been commissioned. It is the County Council’s view that Stockbridge Link Road (SLR) should be disregarded as a potential part of a long-term transport mitigation strategy for 2039 and beyond until such time as it can be demonstrated that the scheme is deliverable. Paragraph 8.14 of the Local Plan acknowledges that the SLR is not deliverable as part of the Local Plan mitigation package.
The Terminus Road Diversion is still identified as part of the highest priority in the Local Plan mitigation package (i.e. A27 Fishbourne Junction) which is expected to be delivered once sufficient funding is collected. The County Council considers that in the absence of this feasibility work, the deliverability of the Terminus Road Diversion cannot be confirmed. In particular, given the recent impacts of inflation in the construction industry, this work will need to robustly estimate the costs and confirm delivery arrangements. In the absence of this feasibility work, there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF as key infrastructure does not appear to be deliverable.
In order to remedy this issue regarding the Terminus Road Diversion, the County Council requests that feasibility work is undertaken prior to the examination to confirm deliverability of the proposed Terminus Road Diversion.
Sustainable Transport Infrastructure & Measures
The transport study modelling for end of Plan period also includes some proposed highways mitigation schemes within Chichester City. The County Council has previously requested that these be replaced by sustainable transport improvements to comply with the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036. However, only limited modification has been made to these proposed schemes, with a suggestion in text at paragraph 7.3.2 of the main transport study that the costs for these schemes can be reallocated to sustainable transport improvements which are not specified. Although this does help to explain how sustainable transport infrastructure schemes and measures can be at least partially funded, it is rare that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions. Furthermore, funding is not the only issue that needs to be overcome to secure delivery of these schemes and measures.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) lists the proposed mitigation measures and in some cases provides information on the rationale, phasing, cost, funding and delivery arrangements. However, there are still many gaps in the information, probably because schemes are currently at an early conceptual stage. The County Council’s experience is that it is unlikely that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions (because doing so would not be compliant with the CIL regulations) so delivery of these schemes will be partially dependent on securing funding from central Government or other sources. The IDP currently fails to identify the scheme-specific requirements for additional funding and the overall scale of additional funding required.
The County Council considers the level of information currently available on the sustainable transport package to be insufficient to demonstrate deliverability of a credible and coordinated sustainable transport package of improved infrastructure and services. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that further technical work is undertaken to develop the schemes and measures in the sustainable transport package prior to the examination. In particular, this should focus on the following schemes and measures and some cases, this will build on work that has already taken place:
1. St. Paul’s & Parklands cycle routes
2. Improving existing public transport services towards Madgwick Lane
3. Provision of improved bus services for the village serving the development areas of Southbourne Parish
4. Improving cycling connectivity to link the built-out areas of Shopwhyke Lakes with Tangmere and Oving etc
As not all the severely impacted A27 junctions have a reasonable prospect of being physically improved in the Plan period, more investigation into potential public transport enhancements is also required, particularly to strengthen routes that cross the bypass. This may require further amendments to the IDP.
This work should aim to identify options for sustainable transport schemes that can be a priority for investment, provide information to enable safeguarding of routes (e.g. cycle routes) from development and provide a basis for applications for third party funding to support their delivery. The relative priority of such measures would need to be considered under the monitor and manage approach by the proposed Traffic and Infrastructure Management Group for implementation in addition to the proposed improvement at the A27/A259 Fishbourne junction.
To address this issue and support delivery of the sustainable transport package, the County Council also recommends the following minor amendments to Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure:
At bullet point .7 change “other small-scale junction improvements” to read “other sustainable transport and safety focused improvements, including at junctions” and change “These will increase road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas” to “These will increase road capacity on strategic roads, and on both strategic and local roads reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas notably by encouraging and prioritising sustainable modes.”
Southbourne Broad Location for Development
The scale of development that can be accommodated at the Southbourne Broad Location will be, at least partially, dependent on the capacity of the transport network to accommodate the associated traffic movements. As the Broad Location spans the railway line, many of these traffic movements would need to cross the railway line. The County Council is concerned that there is currently insufficient capacity of the existing level crossings, notably at Stein Road, to accommodate the additional traffic movements. This could mean that the cumulative impact of development on the traffic network is severe, which is not consistent with Paragraph 111 of the NPPF.
The transport evidence base does not yet provide sufficient assurance that the proposed scale of development can be accommodated. This is because the base level of traffic flow has not been compared to local traffic counts, either in the initial validation of the strategic model or through a new count which the County Council has previously requested, and the assumptions about level crossing downtimes have not been validated against observed data. The County Council is concerned that the assessment of capacity of the local road network to accommodate the quantum of dwellings proposed for the Broad Location may be overoptimistic by underestimating existing flow levels and the duration of level crossing downtime. As a consequence, the proposed quantum may not be deliverable without unacceptable impacts to the conditions on Stein Road and to the level of traffic seeking to use rural lanes to the north of the village to avoid the level crossing.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that either additional transport evidence is provided prior to the examination to demonstrate that the proposed scale of development is deliverable, or that Policy A13 is changed to remove the proposed scale of development until such evidence is provided.
The following comments from education, minerals and waste, Adults Services and Health, highways & transport and public rights of way, do not affect the soundness of the Plan. However, Chichester District Council should take these into account and, where possible, make minor amendments to the Local Plan and/or evidence base studies before submission of the Local Plan for examination. Officers are happy to meet and discuss any of these comments, and proposed minor amendments to address these comments, ahead of submission:
1) Education
Land West of Chichester
Previous comments have been made requesting that the policy refers to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. While it is recognised that reference is made to this in the IDP this is a supporting document to the Local Plan and should not be solely relied on. It is requested that paragraph 10.19 is amended to read: ‘a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sqm E(g)(i) Use Class), two form entry (2FE) primary school and one form entry (1FE) teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND, informal and formal open space (including a country park), allotments,…’
This should also be included in the 3rd bullet point of Policy A6 or the wording of the policy should be drafted to reflect more recent policy requirements i.e. Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
There are some inconsistencies with the wording of the strategic policies, not every policy includes the criterion ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ While this may be due to some policies being carried through from the adopted local plan it is inconsistent.
Policy A8 Land East of Chichester
As an education authority WSCC do not request 1FE schools in line with government guidance. As per our earlier comments and discussions we requested a 2 FE primary school for the site.
3rd bullet point of Policy A8 should be amended to read: ‘A neighbourhood centre incorporating local shops, a community centre, flexible space for employment/ small-scale leisure uses and a one-form (expandable to two-form) two form entry primary school with provision for early years/ childcare and special educational needs and disability…’
2) Minerals and Waste
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A2 – needs to include reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure.
• Policy A7 – needs to include reference to safeguarding waste infrastructure.
• Policy A15 (Loxwood) – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding as within the clay MSA.
• Policy A21 – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding.
Also, the reference to the safeguarding guidance needs to be checked to ensure that it is worded correctly as ‘Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance’.
3) Older Person Housing
It is noted that the plan refers to older person housing as specialist housing. WSCC strategy supports the provision of ‘extra care housing’ while this might be similar development it enables younger people to access the accommodation for whatever medical reason i.e. MS, strokes rather than limiting it to a certain age group. Officers are happy to meet and discuss this further.
4) Highways and Transport
Public Transport Priority Infrastructure
The Public Transport section of the main transport study report starting at paragraph 6.2.7 requires revisiting. There is reference to “an expansion of the bus priority lane system within Chichester City Centre” which does not match the existing bus provision in the City which does not provide bus priority lanes on street. It does have restrictions on motor traffic in the adjoining parts of South Street and West Street which provide for bus and cycle only access in both directions of travel plus access for essential goods vehicle loading in the westbound direction only. In addition, the suggestion in the following paragraph for “a time-based system where certain routes are restricted to public transport only during specific times” is not evidenced or developed and as such considered unlikely to be practical and enforceable at most locations used by bus routes in the City. More developed proposals for additional bus priority, improvements to bus passenger facilities or testing of specific locations for bus-only access would be welcomed as part of developing a costed sustainable transport mitigation package.
Park and Ride
The discussion of possible park and ride facilities for the City at paragraphs 6.2.9 to 6.2.16 of the main transport study should also acknowledge. An important part of making park and ride well used by motorists is increasing the price of city centre parking to provide a financial incentive to take up significantly cheaper park and ride charges for parking and travel. However, if park and ride sites are not provided accessible to all major approach routes to the city, such a charging strategy would not be seen to be equitable, whereas only a single site is proposed in the District Council’s emerging parking strategy and the report acknowledges at 6.2.11 that “locations for potential park and ride sites are also deemed to be limited”. The bullet at 6.2.15 “Cost of schemes compared to benefit are likely to be initially lower than highway schemes” may have been incorrectly worded given that this is listed as an issue rather than a benefit. The text may have been intended to say that the ratio of benefit to cost for park and ride schemes may be lower than for conventional highway schemes?
A286 New Park Road / A286 St Pancras Road (Junction 7)
This junction scheme includes pedestrian crossing facilities which are welcomed and also includes a length of advisory cycle lane starting in the middle of the junction for cyclists remaining on St Pancras. However, the approach to the junction on St Pancras from Eastgate Square remains intimidating to cyclists, so further measures would need to be added to make the layout cycle-friendly or the cycle facility is likely to be of limited benefit. This could include decreasing traffic speeds. Until this is done the conclusion at 8.4.4 of the main transport study; “The mitigation scheme includes improvements for pedestrians and cyclists which will lead to increased use of active travel modes and reduce the need for physical mitigation here” is only supported for pedestrians, not for cyclists.
A259 Via Ravenna / A259 Cathedral Way Roundabout (Junction 8)
It is stated at 7.3.8 of the main transport study that “the mitigation may be required to avoid queuing back towards the A27, as well as for capacity issues”. In light of this potential safety issue for the previous junction on Cathedral Way and for the A27 Fishbourne junction, the proposal at 7.3.6 that the scheme delivery should be tied to the monitor and manage regime to see if and when it is required is accepted. This is different to the approach for other junctions in the City because of the potential safety issue. This monitoring approach would be likely to follow after the A259 Cathedral Way / Fishbourne Road East / Terminus Road (as diverted) (Junction 10) improvement, which is to be brought forward as an integral part of the A27 Fishbourne roundabout mitigation scheme, but may allow for increased eastbound flows on Cathedral Way.
A286 Northgate Gyratory
An additional mitigation scheme is proposed at paragraph 7.3.134 of the main transport study for the A286 Northgate Gyratory along its southern arm from Oaklands Way to Orchard Street. The proposal to add traffic signals is welcomed in concept as it can help to control traffic speeds making the junction more friendly for cyclists and pedestrians. However, the layout shown at figure 7-8 does not maximise the opportunity to improve convenience and safety for pedestrians by providing a priority link to reach the central island, which contains employment space and the fire station, nor to assist crossing the exit towards Orchard Street. The scheme would benefit from further development to prioritise active travel movements and should also be fitted with transponders for bus priority.
Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11)
At paragraphs 7.4.1 to 7.4.2 of the main transport study, the junction of Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11) is considered. The proposal to mitigate impacts at this junction through delivery of the Stockbridge Link Road scheme is not considered deliverable, so the approach at this location requires re-thinking. The County Council would not support measures to increase capacity for through traffic on Appledram Lane South, the approach should be to reduce severance and improve safety and comfort for active travel on Appledram Lane by reducing vehicle speeds and as far as possible volume. This should consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists both for local access and for users of the Salterns Way leisure cycling route.
TEMPro Background Traffic Growth Comparisons
At section 10.2 of the main transport study a comparison is made of the TEMPro 7.2 growth rates used in the study for external traffic with new TEMPro 8.0 growth rates since released by the Department for Transport, which notes that the TEMPro 8.0 rates are significantly lower, if these rates were used then the level of transport impacts could be lower. Unfortunately, a number of highways authorities in the Transport for the South East (TfSE) area including the County Council and Hampshire County Council have concerns that the planning assumptions used in TEMPro v8 core growth scenario underestimate the numbers of additional households forecasted compared to targets in adopted Local Plans for delivering new dwellings. TfSE are currently raising these collective concerns with DfT with a view to obtaining an early update to TEMPro 8 planning assumptions. Although for the purposes of this study TEMPro is not applied to trips produced in Chichester District, from the County Council’s analysis TEMPRo v8 core underestimates the increase in households per year in Arun District by over 50% and in Horsham District by 30% when compared with adopted development plans. On this basis it may be useful to instead compare TEMPro 7.2 with TEMPro 8.0 high growth scenario.
North of District Spatial Scenarios Testing
For the Northern Spatial Scenarios Test provided as an appendix to the main transport study, this had not been updated for the final preferred spatial strategy or in light of the County Council’s previous comments on the March 2022 issue to the District Council. The spatial strategy now is similar but not identical to the Scenario 4: Significant Growth 1 option in the reported tests, totalling 370 dwellings across the four northern parishes, compared to 410 in the test. In both cases the largest allocation is at Loxwood; 220 dwellings were proposed in the Scenario 4 as compared to 200 in this test. Some other tests proposed higher numbers.
The testing in the northern part of the district had used the same trip generation rates per dwelling as in the South of the District, but the County Council considers that in practice private motor vehicle trip generation per dwelling is likely to be higher due to the rural nature of the area, including a lack of local facilities and shops within walking distance of development, a very low level of public transport services and lack of surfaced cycle routes.
The level of development proposed is not at the level capable of delivering transformative transport improvements to match the trip making patterns around Chichester and the A259 corridor to Bosham and Southbourne. This may be offset in part by the lower total amount of development compared to the tested scenario 4. Nonetheless, it would be helpful to adjust the scenario for the spatial strategy now proposed and to provide information on additional traffic movements per peak hour from these parishes using the A272 at junctions at Wisborough Green and reaching the A272/A29 junction at Billingshurst and the A272/A283 junction at the north of Petworth.
Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note
The Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note in the main transport study treats July as a neutral month rather than a summer month. Paragraph 1.3.1 states “The flows were analysed by looking at traffic data for August 2019 this being considered to represent summer traffic. This was compared against traffic data from the neutral months of June, July, September and October also from 2019.” The County Council does not accept this methodology as school summer holidays start part way through July and education traffic is also affected by the formal exam period, whilst there is typically a high level of seasonal leisure traffic including summer outdoor events in this month. It is acceptable to use August alone as the summer comparator month. However, July traffic should be removed from the neutral months analysis and should be substituted with May traffic data from the same year of 2019, provided that sufficient data is available from that month.
5) Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
It is a positive step to see PRoW acknowledged as valued by communities and as part of the area’s green infrastructure. Whilst Policy P14 (Green Infrastructure) states that development proposals should not be detrimental to the network of public rights of way and bridleways (please note bridleways are Public Rights of Way), a more proactively positive approach that seeks enhancements to the network as mitigation, would be welcomed. The improvement, upgrading of existing PRoW and creation of new PRoW where possible, to allow for a greater number of users to access the network would be beneficial. This is somewhat addressed in Policy T1 which refers only to routes identified in the Local Transport Plan, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Opportunities to these, should not be limited if they arise elsewhere.
It is surprising to see there is no mention of PRoW within Chapter 8 under Active Travel – Walking and Cycling. The PRoW network provides extensive walking and cycling opportunities, often off-road, and important links between places and non-PRoW routes.
Proposed modification to include reference to mineral safeguarding within the policy.
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
Policy A21 Land east of Rolls Royce
Representation ID: 5093
Received: 16/03/2023
Respondent: West Sussex County Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A21 – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding.
Also, the reference to the safeguarding guidance needs to be checked to ensure that it is worded correctly as ‘Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance’.
The comments included below from WSCC are Holding Objections. We will continue to work with Chichester District Council and as further work is completed will consider if objections can be withdrawn.
Transport Overview
The County Council has worked with Chichester District Council to develop the Chichester Local Plan and its supporting evidence base and will continue to do so. Although the overall direction of the Local Plan is supported, from a highways and transport perspective, there are three key issues remaining that need to be addressed in order to demonstrate that the Plan is sound:
1. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that key infrastructure (i.e. Terminus Road Diversion) will be deliverable;
2. The package of sustainable transport infrastructure and measures is not yet sufficiently well-developed to demonstrate that it is deliverable as part of the monitor and manage process; and
3. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the capacity of the transport network can accommodate the scale of development proposed as part of the Southbourne Broad Location for Development.
The following sections explain; a) the reasons for these issues; b) why they affect the soundness of the Local Plan; and, c) what changes should be made to the Local Plan to remedy the issues.
Deliverability of Key Infrastructure
The recommended transport mitigation strategy, as assessed using the Chichester Area Transport Model for 2039 has been demonstrated to be capable in-principle to prevent the development from resulting in severe residual cumulative impacts on the highways and transport network. However, there are significant risks to deliverability of junction mitigation measures, which have required further work to be undertaken on developing a short to medium term strategy based on phased prioritisation of infrastructure and sustainable transport improvements, to be governed under a monitor and manage approach.
There are three locations where new highway alignments are proposed outside of existing highways boundaries. Two of these may include significant earthworks or structures to be delivered, being Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road diversion. The cost of the mitigation strategy exceeds the likely value of developer contributions and additional funding has not yet been secured.
At the Regulation 18 consultation stage in December 2018 to January 2019 the County Council identified delivery risks with the Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road Diversion schemes due to the earthworks likely to be required and to confirm the extent of land take required for both schemes. The County Council stated that feasibility work would need to be undertaken for these improvements prior to Plan submission to confirm that the schemes are deliverable. A brief for such a feasibility study was agreed in 2019, but to date, this work has not been commissioned. It is the County Council’s view that Stockbridge Link Road (SLR) should be disregarded as a potential part of a long-term transport mitigation strategy for 2039 and beyond until such time as it can be demonstrated that the scheme is deliverable. Paragraph 8.14 of the Local Plan acknowledges that the SLR is not deliverable as part of the Local Plan mitigation package.
The Terminus Road Diversion is still identified as part of the highest priority in the Local Plan mitigation package (i.e. A27 Fishbourne Junction) which is expected to be delivered once sufficient funding is collected. The County Council considers that in the absence of this feasibility work, the deliverability of the Terminus Road Diversion cannot be confirmed. In particular, given the recent impacts of inflation in the construction industry, this work will need to robustly estimate the costs and confirm delivery arrangements. In the absence of this feasibility work, there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF as key infrastructure does not appear to be deliverable.
In order to remedy this issue regarding the Terminus Road Diversion, the County Council requests that feasibility work is undertaken prior to the examination to confirm deliverability of the proposed Terminus Road Diversion.
Sustainable Transport Infrastructure & Measures
The transport study modelling for end of Plan period also includes some proposed highways mitigation schemes within Chichester City. The County Council has previously requested that these be replaced by sustainable transport improvements to comply with the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036. However, only limited modification has been made to these proposed schemes, with a suggestion in text at paragraph 7.3.2 of the main transport study that the costs for these schemes can be reallocated to sustainable transport improvements which are not specified. Although this does help to explain how sustainable transport infrastructure schemes and measures can be at least partially funded, it is rare that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions. Furthermore, funding is not the only issue that needs to be overcome to secure delivery of these schemes and measures.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) lists the proposed mitigation measures and in some cases provides information on the rationale, phasing, cost, funding and delivery arrangements. However, there are still many gaps in the information, probably because schemes are currently at an early conceptual stage. The County Council’s experience is that it is unlikely that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions (because doing so would not be compliant with the CIL regulations) so delivery of these schemes will be partially dependent on securing funding from central Government or other sources. The IDP currently fails to identify the scheme-specific requirements for additional funding and the overall scale of additional funding required.
The County Council considers the level of information currently available on the sustainable transport package to be insufficient to demonstrate deliverability of a credible and coordinated sustainable transport package of improved infrastructure and services. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that further technical work is undertaken to develop the schemes and measures in the sustainable transport package prior to the examination. In particular, this should focus on the following schemes and measures and some cases, this will build on work that has already taken place:
1. St. Paul’s & Parklands cycle routes
2. Improving existing public transport services towards Madgwick Lane
3. Provision of improved bus services for the village serving the development areas of Southbourne Parish
4. Improving cycling connectivity to link the built-out areas of Shopwhyke Lakes with Tangmere and Oving etc
As not all the severely impacted A27 junctions have a reasonable prospect of being physically improved in the Plan period, more investigation into potential public transport enhancements is also required, particularly to strengthen routes that cross the bypass. This may require further amendments to the IDP.
This work should aim to identify options for sustainable transport schemes that can be a priority for investment, provide information to enable safeguarding of routes (e.g. cycle routes) from development and provide a basis for applications for third party funding to support their delivery. The relative priority of such measures would need to be considered under the monitor and manage approach by the proposed Traffic and Infrastructure Management Group for implementation in addition to the proposed improvement at the A27/A259 Fishbourne junction.
To address this issue and support delivery of the sustainable transport package, the County Council also recommends the following minor amendments to Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure:
At bullet point .7 change “other small-scale junction improvements” to read “other sustainable transport and safety focused improvements, including at junctions” and change “These will increase road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas” to “These will increase road capacity on strategic roads, and on both strategic and local roads reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas notably by encouraging and prioritising sustainable modes.”
Southbourne Broad Location for Development
The scale of development that can be accommodated at the Southbourne Broad Location will be, at least partially, dependent on the capacity of the transport network to accommodate the associated traffic movements. As the Broad Location spans the railway line, many of these traffic movements would need to cross the railway line. The County Council is concerned that there is currently insufficient capacity of the existing level crossings, notably at Stein Road, to accommodate the additional traffic movements. This could mean that the cumulative impact of development on the traffic network is severe, which is not consistent with Paragraph 111 of the NPPF.
The transport evidence base does not yet provide sufficient assurance that the proposed scale of development can be accommodated. This is because the base level of traffic flow has not been compared to local traffic counts, either in the initial validation of the strategic model or through a new count which the County Council has previously requested, and the assumptions about level crossing downtimes have not been validated against observed data. The County Council is concerned that the assessment of capacity of the local road network to accommodate the quantum of dwellings proposed for the Broad Location may be overoptimistic by underestimating existing flow levels and the duration of level crossing downtime. As a consequence, the proposed quantum may not be deliverable without unacceptable impacts to the conditions on Stein Road and to the level of traffic seeking to use rural lanes to the north of the village to avoid the level crossing.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that either additional transport evidence is provided prior to the examination to demonstrate that the proposed scale of development is deliverable, or that Policy A13 is changed to remove the proposed scale of development until such evidence is provided.
The following comments from education, minerals and waste, Adults Services and Health, highways & transport and public rights of way, do not affect the soundness of the Plan. However, Chichester District Council should take these into account and, where possible, make minor amendments to the Local Plan and/or evidence base studies before submission of the Local Plan for examination. Officers are happy to meet and discuss any of these comments, and proposed minor amendments to address these comments, ahead of submission:
1) Education
Land West of Chichester
Previous comments have been made requesting that the policy refers to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. While it is recognised that reference is made to this in the IDP this is a supporting document to the Local Plan and should not be solely relied on. It is requested that paragraph 10.19 is amended to read: ‘a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sqm E(g)(i) Use Class), two form entry (2FE) primary school and one form entry (1FE) teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND, informal and formal open space (including a country park), allotments,…’
This should also be included in the 3rd bullet point of Policy A6 or the wording of the policy should be drafted to reflect more recent policy requirements i.e. Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
There are some inconsistencies with the wording of the strategic policies, not every policy includes the criterion ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ While this may be due to some policies being carried through from the adopted local plan it is inconsistent.
Policy A8 Land East of Chichester
As an education authority WSCC do not request 1FE schools in line with government guidance. As per our earlier comments and discussions we requested a 2 FE primary school for the site.
3rd bullet point of Policy A8 should be amended to read: ‘A neighbourhood centre incorporating local shops, a community centre, flexible space for employment/ small-scale leisure uses and a one-form (expandable to two-form) two form entry primary school with provision for early years/ childcare and special educational needs and disability…’
2) Minerals and Waste
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A2 – needs to include reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure.
• Policy A7 – needs to include reference to safeguarding waste infrastructure.
• Policy A15 (Loxwood) – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding as within the clay MSA.
• Policy A21 – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding.
Also, the reference to the safeguarding guidance needs to be checked to ensure that it is worded correctly as ‘Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance’.
3) Older Person Housing
It is noted that the plan refers to older person housing as specialist housing. WSCC strategy supports the provision of ‘extra care housing’ while this might be similar development it enables younger people to access the accommodation for whatever medical reason i.e. MS, strokes rather than limiting it to a certain age group. Officers are happy to meet and discuss this further.
4) Highways and Transport
Public Transport Priority Infrastructure
The Public Transport section of the main transport study report starting at paragraph 6.2.7 requires revisiting. There is reference to “an expansion of the bus priority lane system within Chichester City Centre” which does not match the existing bus provision in the City which does not provide bus priority lanes on street. It does have restrictions on motor traffic in the adjoining parts of South Street and West Street which provide for bus and cycle only access in both directions of travel plus access for essential goods vehicle loading in the westbound direction only. In addition, the suggestion in the following paragraph for “a time-based system where certain routes are restricted to public transport only during specific times” is not evidenced or developed and as such considered unlikely to be practical and enforceable at most locations used by bus routes in the City. More developed proposals for additional bus priority, improvements to bus passenger facilities or testing of specific locations for bus-only access would be welcomed as part of developing a costed sustainable transport mitigation package.
Park and Ride
The discussion of possible park and ride facilities for the City at paragraphs 6.2.9 to 6.2.16 of the main transport study should also acknowledge. An important part of making park and ride well used by motorists is increasing the price of city centre parking to provide a financial incentive to take up significantly cheaper park and ride charges for parking and travel. However, if park and ride sites are not provided accessible to all major approach routes to the city, such a charging strategy would not be seen to be equitable, whereas only a single site is proposed in the District Council’s emerging parking strategy and the report acknowledges at 6.2.11 that “locations for potential park and ride sites are also deemed to be limited”. The bullet at 6.2.15 “Cost of schemes compared to benefit are likely to be initially lower than highway schemes” may have been incorrectly worded given that this is listed as an issue rather than a benefit. The text may have been intended to say that the ratio of benefit to cost for park and ride schemes may be lower than for conventional highway schemes?
A286 New Park Road / A286 St Pancras Road (Junction 7)
This junction scheme includes pedestrian crossing facilities which are welcomed and also includes a length of advisory cycle lane starting in the middle of the junction for cyclists remaining on St Pancras. However, the approach to the junction on St Pancras from Eastgate Square remains intimidating to cyclists, so further measures would need to be added to make the layout cycle-friendly or the cycle facility is likely to be of limited benefit. This could include decreasing traffic speeds. Until this is done the conclusion at 8.4.4 of the main transport study; “The mitigation scheme includes improvements for pedestrians and cyclists which will lead to increased use of active travel modes and reduce the need for physical mitigation here” is only supported for pedestrians, not for cyclists.
A259 Via Ravenna / A259 Cathedral Way Roundabout (Junction 8)
It is stated at 7.3.8 of the main transport study that “the mitigation may be required to avoid queuing back towards the A27, as well as for capacity issues”. In light of this potential safety issue for the previous junction on Cathedral Way and for the A27 Fishbourne junction, the proposal at 7.3.6 that the scheme delivery should be tied to the monitor and manage regime to see if and when it is required is accepted. This is different to the approach for other junctions in the City because of the potential safety issue. This monitoring approach would be likely to follow after the A259 Cathedral Way / Fishbourne Road East / Terminus Road (as diverted) (Junction 10) improvement, which is to be brought forward as an integral part of the A27 Fishbourne roundabout mitigation scheme, but may allow for increased eastbound flows on Cathedral Way.
A286 Northgate Gyratory
An additional mitigation scheme is proposed at paragraph 7.3.134 of the main transport study for the A286 Northgate Gyratory along its southern arm from Oaklands Way to Orchard Street. The proposal to add traffic signals is welcomed in concept as it can help to control traffic speeds making the junction more friendly for cyclists and pedestrians. However, the layout shown at figure 7-8 does not maximise the opportunity to improve convenience and safety for pedestrians by providing a priority link to reach the central island, which contains employment space and the fire station, nor to assist crossing the exit towards Orchard Street. The scheme would benefit from further development to prioritise active travel movements and should also be fitted with transponders for bus priority.
Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11)
At paragraphs 7.4.1 to 7.4.2 of the main transport study, the junction of Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11) is considered. The proposal to mitigate impacts at this junction through delivery of the Stockbridge Link Road scheme is not considered deliverable, so the approach at this location requires re-thinking. The County Council would not support measures to increase capacity for through traffic on Appledram Lane South, the approach should be to reduce severance and improve safety and comfort for active travel on Appledram Lane by reducing vehicle speeds and as far as possible volume. This should consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists both for local access and for users of the Salterns Way leisure cycling route.
TEMPro Background Traffic Growth Comparisons
At section 10.2 of the main transport study a comparison is made of the TEMPro 7.2 growth rates used in the study for external traffic with new TEMPro 8.0 growth rates since released by the Department for Transport, which notes that the TEMPro 8.0 rates are significantly lower, if these rates were used then the level of transport impacts could be lower. Unfortunately, a number of highways authorities in the Transport for the South East (TfSE) area including the County Council and Hampshire County Council have concerns that the planning assumptions used in TEMPro v8 core growth scenario underestimate the numbers of additional households forecasted compared to targets in adopted Local Plans for delivering new dwellings. TfSE are currently raising these collective concerns with DfT with a view to obtaining an early update to TEMPro 8 planning assumptions. Although for the purposes of this study TEMPro is not applied to trips produced in Chichester District, from the County Council’s analysis TEMPRo v8 core underestimates the increase in households per year in Arun District by over 50% and in Horsham District by 30% when compared with adopted development plans. On this basis it may be useful to instead compare TEMPro 7.2 with TEMPro 8.0 high growth scenario.
North of District Spatial Scenarios Testing
For the Northern Spatial Scenarios Test provided as an appendix to the main transport study, this had not been updated for the final preferred spatial strategy or in light of the County Council’s previous comments on the March 2022 issue to the District Council. The spatial strategy now is similar but not identical to the Scenario 4: Significant Growth 1 option in the reported tests, totalling 370 dwellings across the four northern parishes, compared to 410 in the test. In both cases the largest allocation is at Loxwood; 220 dwellings were proposed in the Scenario 4 as compared to 200 in this test. Some other tests proposed higher numbers.
The testing in the northern part of the district had used the same trip generation rates per dwelling as in the South of the District, but the County Council considers that in practice private motor vehicle trip generation per dwelling is likely to be higher due to the rural nature of the area, including a lack of local facilities and shops within walking distance of development, a very low level of public transport services and lack of surfaced cycle routes.
The level of development proposed is not at the level capable of delivering transformative transport improvements to match the trip making patterns around Chichester and the A259 corridor to Bosham and Southbourne. This may be offset in part by the lower total amount of development compared to the tested scenario 4. Nonetheless, it would be helpful to adjust the scenario for the spatial strategy now proposed and to provide information on additional traffic movements per peak hour from these parishes using the A272 at junctions at Wisborough Green and reaching the A272/A29 junction at Billingshurst and the A272/A283 junction at the north of Petworth.
Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note
The Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note in the main transport study treats July as a neutral month rather than a summer month. Paragraph 1.3.1 states “The flows were analysed by looking at traffic data for August 2019 this being considered to represent summer traffic. This was compared against traffic data from the neutral months of June, July, September and October also from 2019.” The County Council does not accept this methodology as school summer holidays start part way through July and education traffic is also affected by the formal exam period, whilst there is typically a high level of seasonal leisure traffic including summer outdoor events in this month. It is acceptable to use August alone as the summer comparator month. However, July traffic should be removed from the neutral months analysis and should be substituted with May traffic data from the same year of 2019, provided that sufficient data is available from that month.
5) Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
It is a positive step to see PRoW acknowledged as valued by communities and as part of the area’s green infrastructure. Whilst Policy P14 (Green Infrastructure) states that development proposals should not be detrimental to the network of public rights of way and bridleways (please note bridleways are Public Rights of Way), a more proactively positive approach that seeks enhancements to the network as mitigation, would be welcomed. The improvement, upgrading of existing PRoW and creation of new PRoW where possible, to allow for a greater number of users to access the network would be beneficial. This is somewhat addressed in Policy T1 which refers only to routes identified in the Local Transport Plan, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Opportunities to these, should not be limited if they arise elsewhere.
It is surprising to see there is no mention of PRoW within Chapter 8 under Active Travel – Walking and Cycling. The PRoW network provides extensive walking and cycling opportunities, often off-road, and important links between places and non-PRoW routes.
This is a safeguarding policy rather than an allocation so does not have the same level of detail as full allocation policies. The West Sussex Joint Minerals Plan forms part of the Development Plan so Policy M9 of that will be applicable in any case. .
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
Policy H8 Specialist accommodation for older people and those with specialised needs
Representation ID: 5094
Received: 16/03/2023
Respondent: West Sussex County Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
It is noted that the plan refers to older person housing as specialist housing. WSCC strategy supports the provision of ‘extra care housing’ while this might be similar development it enables younger people to access the accommodation for whatever medical reason i.e. MS, strokes rather than limiting it to a certain age group. Officers are happy to meet and discuss this further.
The comments included below from WSCC are Holding Objections. We will continue to work with Chichester District Council and as further work is completed will consider if objections can be withdrawn.
Transport Overview
The County Council has worked with Chichester District Council to develop the Chichester Local Plan and its supporting evidence base and will continue to do so. Although the overall direction of the Local Plan is supported, from a highways and transport perspective, there are three key issues remaining that need to be addressed in order to demonstrate that the Plan is sound:
1. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that key infrastructure (i.e. Terminus Road Diversion) will be deliverable;
2. The package of sustainable transport infrastructure and measures is not yet sufficiently well-developed to demonstrate that it is deliverable as part of the monitor and manage process; and
3. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the capacity of the transport network can accommodate the scale of development proposed as part of the Southbourne Broad Location for Development.
The following sections explain; a) the reasons for these issues; b) why they affect the soundness of the Local Plan; and, c) what changes should be made to the Local Plan to remedy the issues.
Deliverability of Key Infrastructure
The recommended transport mitigation strategy, as assessed using the Chichester Area Transport Model for 2039 has been demonstrated to be capable in-principle to prevent the development from resulting in severe residual cumulative impacts on the highways and transport network. However, there are significant risks to deliverability of junction mitigation measures, which have required further work to be undertaken on developing a short to medium term strategy based on phased prioritisation of infrastructure and sustainable transport improvements, to be governed under a monitor and manage approach.
There are three locations where new highway alignments are proposed outside of existing highways boundaries. Two of these may include significant earthworks or structures to be delivered, being Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road diversion. The cost of the mitigation strategy exceeds the likely value of developer contributions and additional funding has not yet been secured.
At the Regulation 18 consultation stage in December 2018 to January 2019 the County Council identified delivery risks with the Stockbridge Link Road and Terminus Road Diversion schemes due to the earthworks likely to be required and to confirm the extent of land take required for both schemes. The County Council stated that feasibility work would need to be undertaken for these improvements prior to Plan submission to confirm that the schemes are deliverable. A brief for such a feasibility study was agreed in 2019, but to date, this work has not been commissioned. It is the County Council’s view that Stockbridge Link Road (SLR) should be disregarded as a potential part of a long-term transport mitigation strategy for 2039 and beyond until such time as it can be demonstrated that the scheme is deliverable. Paragraph 8.14 of the Local Plan acknowledges that the SLR is not deliverable as part of the Local Plan mitigation package.
The Terminus Road Diversion is still identified as part of the highest priority in the Local Plan mitigation package (i.e. A27 Fishbourne Junction) which is expected to be delivered once sufficient funding is collected. The County Council considers that in the absence of this feasibility work, the deliverability of the Terminus Road Diversion cannot be confirmed. In particular, given the recent impacts of inflation in the construction industry, this work will need to robustly estimate the costs and confirm delivery arrangements. In the absence of this feasibility work, there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF as key infrastructure does not appear to be deliverable.
In order to remedy this issue regarding the Terminus Road Diversion, the County Council requests that feasibility work is undertaken prior to the examination to confirm deliverability of the proposed Terminus Road Diversion.
Sustainable Transport Infrastructure & Measures
The transport study modelling for end of Plan period also includes some proposed highways mitigation schemes within Chichester City. The County Council has previously requested that these be replaced by sustainable transport improvements to comply with the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036. However, only limited modification has been made to these proposed schemes, with a suggestion in text at paragraph 7.3.2 of the main transport study that the costs for these schemes can be reallocated to sustainable transport improvements which are not specified. Although this does help to explain how sustainable transport infrastructure schemes and measures can be at least partially funded, it is rare that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions. Furthermore, funding is not the only issue that needs to be overcome to secure delivery of these schemes and measures.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) lists the proposed mitigation measures and in some cases provides information on the rationale, phasing, cost, funding and delivery arrangements. However, there are still many gaps in the information, probably because schemes are currently at an early conceptual stage. The County Council’s experience is that it is unlikely that schemes will be fully funded using developer contributions (because doing so would not be compliant with the CIL regulations) so delivery of these schemes will be partially dependent on securing funding from central Government or other sources. The IDP currently fails to identify the scheme-specific requirements for additional funding and the overall scale of additional funding required.
The County Council considers the level of information currently available on the sustainable transport package to be insufficient to demonstrate deliverability of a credible and coordinated sustainable transport package of improved infrastructure and services. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the Local Plan complies with Paragraphs 11 and 106 of the NPPF.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that further technical work is undertaken to develop the schemes and measures in the sustainable transport package prior to the examination. In particular, this should focus on the following schemes and measures and some cases, this will build on work that has already taken place:
1. St. Paul’s & Parklands cycle routes
2. Improving existing public transport services towards Madgwick Lane
3. Provision of improved bus services for the village serving the development areas of Southbourne Parish
4. Improving cycling connectivity to link the built-out areas of Shopwhyke Lakes with Tangmere and Oving etc
As not all the severely impacted A27 junctions have a reasonable prospect of being physically improved in the Plan period, more investigation into potential public transport enhancements is also required, particularly to strengthen routes that cross the bypass. This may require further amendments to the IDP.
This work should aim to identify options for sustainable transport schemes that can be a priority for investment, provide information to enable safeguarding of routes (e.g. cycle routes) from development and provide a basis for applications for third party funding to support their delivery. The relative priority of such measures would need to be considered under the monitor and manage approach by the proposed Traffic and Infrastructure Management Group for implementation in addition to the proposed improvement at the A27/A259 Fishbourne junction.
To address this issue and support delivery of the sustainable transport package, the County Council also recommends the following minor amendments to Policy T1: Transport Infrastructure:
At bullet point .7 change “other small-scale junction improvements” to read “other sustainable transport and safety focused improvements, including at junctions” and change “These will increase road capacity, reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas” to “These will increase road capacity on strategic roads, and on both strategic and local roads reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and air quality, and improve access to Chichester city from surrounding areas notably by encouraging and prioritising sustainable modes.”
Southbourne Broad Location for Development
The scale of development that can be accommodated at the Southbourne Broad Location will be, at least partially, dependent on the capacity of the transport network to accommodate the associated traffic movements. As the Broad Location spans the railway line, many of these traffic movements would need to cross the railway line. The County Council is concerned that there is currently insufficient capacity of the existing level crossings, notably at Stein Road, to accommodate the additional traffic movements. This could mean that the cumulative impact of development on the traffic network is severe, which is not consistent with Paragraph 111 of the NPPF.
The transport evidence base does not yet provide sufficient assurance that the proposed scale of development can be accommodated. This is because the base level of traffic flow has not been compared to local traffic counts, either in the initial validation of the strategic model or through a new count which the County Council has previously requested, and the assumptions about level crossing downtimes have not been validated against observed data. The County Council is concerned that the assessment of capacity of the local road network to accommodate the quantum of dwellings proposed for the Broad Location may be overoptimistic by underestimating existing flow levels and the duration of level crossing downtime. As a consequence, the proposed quantum may not be deliverable without unacceptable impacts to the conditions on Stein Road and to the level of traffic seeking to use rural lanes to the north of the village to avoid the level crossing.
In order to remedy this issue, the County Council requests that either additional transport evidence is provided prior to the examination to demonstrate that the proposed scale of development is deliverable, or that Policy A13 is changed to remove the proposed scale of development until such evidence is provided.
The following comments from education, minerals and waste, Adults Services and Health, highways & transport and public rights of way, do not affect the soundness of the Plan. However, Chichester District Council should take these into account and, where possible, make minor amendments to the Local Plan and/or evidence base studies before submission of the Local Plan for examination. Officers are happy to meet and discuss any of these comments, and proposed minor amendments to address these comments, ahead of submission:
1) Education
Land West of Chichester
Previous comments have been made requesting that the policy refers to ‘Phase 2 should include expansion of the primary school for the further 1FE of teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND provision’. While it is recognised that reference is made to this in the IDP this is a supporting document to the Local Plan and should not be solely relied on. It is requested that paragraph 10.19 is amended to read: ‘a local centre with retail, community and employment uses (minimum of approximately 2500 sqm E(g)(i) Use Class), two form entry (2FE) primary school and one form entry (1FE) teaching accommodation with nursery and SEND, informal and formal open space (including a country park), allotments,…’
This should also be included in the 3rd bullet point of Policy A6 or the wording of the policy should be drafted to reflect more recent policy requirements i.e. Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
There are some inconsistencies with the wording of the strategic policies, not every policy includes the criterion ‘Provide for infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the most recent Infrastructure Delivery Plan.’ While this may be due to some policies being carried through from the adopted local plan it is inconsistent.
Policy A8 Land East of Chichester
As an education authority WSCC do not request 1FE schools in line with government guidance. As per our earlier comments and discussions we requested a 2 FE primary school for the site.
3rd bullet point of Policy A8 should be amended to read: ‘A neighbourhood centre incorporating local shops, a community centre, flexible space for employment/ small-scale leisure uses and a one-form (expandable to two-form) two form entry primary school with provision for early years/ childcare and special educational needs and disability…’
2) Minerals and Waste
The references to safeguarding minerals is inconsistent and it is suggested that the wording in the email sent to CDC (attached) in relation to Policy AL3 should be used in the policies for the other sites for consistency. Reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure should also be included in some other policies as previously indicated:
• Policy A2 – needs to include reference to safeguarding minerals and waste infrastructure.
• Policy A7 – needs to include reference to safeguarding waste infrastructure.
• Policy A15 (Loxwood) – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding as within the clay MSA.
• Policy A21 – needs to include reference to minerals safeguarding.
Also, the reference to the safeguarding guidance needs to be checked to ensure that it is worded correctly as ‘Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance’.
3) Older Person Housing
It is noted that the plan refers to older person housing as specialist housing. WSCC strategy supports the provision of ‘extra care housing’ while this might be similar development it enables younger people to access the accommodation for whatever medical reason i.e. MS, strokes rather than limiting it to a certain age group. Officers are happy to meet and discuss this further.
4) Highways and Transport
Public Transport Priority Infrastructure
The Public Transport section of the main transport study report starting at paragraph 6.2.7 requires revisiting. There is reference to “an expansion of the bus priority lane system within Chichester City Centre” which does not match the existing bus provision in the City which does not provide bus priority lanes on street. It does have restrictions on motor traffic in the adjoining parts of South Street and West Street which provide for bus and cycle only access in both directions of travel plus access for essential goods vehicle loading in the westbound direction only. In addition, the suggestion in the following paragraph for “a time-based system where certain routes are restricted to public transport only during specific times” is not evidenced or developed and as such considered unlikely to be practical and enforceable at most locations used by bus routes in the City. More developed proposals for additional bus priority, improvements to bus passenger facilities or testing of specific locations for bus-only access would be welcomed as part of developing a costed sustainable transport mitigation package.
Park and Ride
The discussion of possible park and ride facilities for the City at paragraphs 6.2.9 to 6.2.16 of the main transport study should also acknowledge. An important part of making park and ride well used by motorists is increasing the price of city centre parking to provide a financial incentive to take up significantly cheaper park and ride charges for parking and travel. However, if park and ride sites are not provided accessible to all major approach routes to the city, such a charging strategy would not be seen to be equitable, whereas only a single site is proposed in the District Council’s emerging parking strategy and the report acknowledges at 6.2.11 that “locations for potential park and ride sites are also deemed to be limited”. The bullet at 6.2.15 “Cost of schemes compared to benefit are likely to be initially lower than highway schemes” may have been incorrectly worded given that this is listed as an issue rather than a benefit. The text may have been intended to say that the ratio of benefit to cost for park and ride schemes may be lower than for conventional highway schemes?
A286 New Park Road / A286 St Pancras Road (Junction 7)
This junction scheme includes pedestrian crossing facilities which are welcomed and also includes a length of advisory cycle lane starting in the middle of the junction for cyclists remaining on St Pancras. However, the approach to the junction on St Pancras from Eastgate Square remains intimidating to cyclists, so further measures would need to be added to make the layout cycle-friendly or the cycle facility is likely to be of limited benefit. This could include decreasing traffic speeds. Until this is done the conclusion at 8.4.4 of the main transport study; “The mitigation scheme includes improvements for pedestrians and cyclists which will lead to increased use of active travel modes and reduce the need for physical mitigation here” is only supported for pedestrians, not for cyclists.
A259 Via Ravenna / A259 Cathedral Way Roundabout (Junction 8)
It is stated at 7.3.8 of the main transport study that “the mitigation may be required to avoid queuing back towards the A27, as well as for capacity issues”. In light of this potential safety issue for the previous junction on Cathedral Way and for the A27 Fishbourne junction, the proposal at 7.3.6 that the scheme delivery should be tied to the monitor and manage regime to see if and when it is required is accepted. This is different to the approach for other junctions in the City because of the potential safety issue. This monitoring approach would be likely to follow after the A259 Cathedral Way / Fishbourne Road East / Terminus Road (as diverted) (Junction 10) improvement, which is to be brought forward as an integral part of the A27 Fishbourne roundabout mitigation scheme, but may allow for increased eastbound flows on Cathedral Way.
A286 Northgate Gyratory
An additional mitigation scheme is proposed at paragraph 7.3.134 of the main transport study for the A286 Northgate Gyratory along its southern arm from Oaklands Way to Orchard Street. The proposal to add traffic signals is welcomed in concept as it can help to control traffic speeds making the junction more friendly for cyclists and pedestrians. However, the layout shown at figure 7-8 does not maximise the opportunity to improve convenience and safety for pedestrians by providing a priority link to reach the central island, which contains employment space and the fire station, nor to assist crossing the exit towards Orchard Street. The scheme would benefit from further development to prioritise active travel movements and should also be fitted with transponders for bus priority.
Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11)
At paragraphs 7.4.1 to 7.4.2 of the main transport study, the junction of Fishbourne Road West / Appledram Lane South (Junction 11) is considered. The proposal to mitigate impacts at this junction through delivery of the Stockbridge Link Road scheme is not considered deliverable, so the approach at this location requires re-thinking. The County Council would not support measures to increase capacity for through traffic on Appledram Lane South, the approach should be to reduce severance and improve safety and comfort for active travel on Appledram Lane by reducing vehicle speeds and as far as possible volume. This should consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists both for local access and for users of the Salterns Way leisure cycling route.
TEMPro Background Traffic Growth Comparisons
At section 10.2 of the main transport study a comparison is made of the TEMPro 7.2 growth rates used in the study for external traffic with new TEMPro 8.0 growth rates since released by the Department for Transport, which notes that the TEMPro 8.0 rates are significantly lower, if these rates were used then the level of transport impacts could be lower. Unfortunately, a number of highways authorities in the Transport for the South East (TfSE) area including the County Council and Hampshire County Council have concerns that the planning assumptions used in TEMPro v8 core growth scenario underestimate the numbers of additional households forecasted compared to targets in adopted Local Plans for delivering new dwellings. TfSE are currently raising these collective concerns with DfT with a view to obtaining an early update to TEMPro 8 planning assumptions. Although for the purposes of this study TEMPro is not applied to trips produced in Chichester District, from the County Council’s analysis TEMPRo v8 core underestimates the increase in households per year in Arun District by over 50% and in Horsham District by 30% when compared with adopted development plans. On this basis it may be useful to instead compare TEMPro 7.2 with TEMPro 8.0 high growth scenario.
North of District Spatial Scenarios Testing
For the Northern Spatial Scenarios Test provided as an appendix to the main transport study, this had not been updated for the final preferred spatial strategy or in light of the County Council’s previous comments on the March 2022 issue to the District Council. The spatial strategy now is similar but not identical to the Scenario 4: Significant Growth 1 option in the reported tests, totalling 370 dwellings across the four northern parishes, compared to 410 in the test. In both cases the largest allocation is at Loxwood; 220 dwellings were proposed in the Scenario 4 as compared to 200 in this test. Some other tests proposed higher numbers.
The testing in the northern part of the district had used the same trip generation rates per dwelling as in the South of the District, but the County Council considers that in practice private motor vehicle trip generation per dwelling is likely to be higher due to the rural nature of the area, including a lack of local facilities and shops within walking distance of development, a very low level of public transport services and lack of surfaced cycle routes.
The level of development proposed is not at the level capable of delivering transformative transport improvements to match the trip making patterns around Chichester and the A259 corridor to Bosham and Southbourne. This may be offset in part by the lower total amount of development compared to the tested scenario 4. Nonetheless, it would be helpful to adjust the scenario for the spatial strategy now proposed and to provide information on additional traffic movements per peak hour from these parishes using the A272 at junctions at Wisborough Green and reaching the A272/A29 junction at Billingshurst and the A272/A283 junction at the north of Petworth.
Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note
The Neutral Month and Summer Month Comparison Technical Note in the main transport study treats July as a neutral month rather than a summer month. Paragraph 1.3.1 states “The flows were analysed by looking at traffic data for August 2019 this being considered to represent summer traffic. This was compared against traffic data from the neutral months of June, July, September and October also from 2019.” The County Council does not accept this methodology as school summer holidays start part way through July and education traffic is also affected by the formal exam period, whilst there is typically a high level of seasonal leisure traffic including summer outdoor events in this month. It is acceptable to use August alone as the summer comparator month. However, July traffic should be removed from the neutral months analysis and should be substituted with May traffic data from the same year of 2019, provided that sufficient data is available from that month.
5) Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
It is a positive step to see PRoW acknowledged as valued by communities and as part of the area’s green infrastructure. Whilst Policy P14 (Green Infrastructure) states that development proposals should not be detrimental to the network of public rights of way and bridleways (please note bridleways are Public Rights of Way), a more proactively positive approach that seeks enhancements to the network as mitigation, would be welcomed. The improvement, upgrading of existing PRoW and creation of new PRoW where possible, to allow for a greater number of users to access the network would be beneficial. This is somewhat addressed in Policy T1 which refers only to routes identified in the Local Transport Plan, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Opportunities to these, should not be limited if they arise elsewhere.
It is surprising to see there is no mention of PRoW within Chapter 8 under Active Travel – Walking and Cycling. The PRoW network provides extensive walking and cycling opportunities, often off-road, and important links between places and non-PRoW routes.
Subheading to be added and paragraph 5.43 to clarify that policy supports accommodation for those of different ages.