
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 6184

Received: 16/03/2023

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

We welcome the inclusion of policies for the historic environment in the local plan at Policies P9 - P13 that, along with other policies, meet the obligation for preparing the positive strategy required by the NPPF. The key test of the soundness of the plan and the achievement of sustainable development as defined in the NPPF in respect of the elements that relate to the historic environment (paragraph 190), in our view, have been met.

Full text:

As the Government's adviser on the historic environment Historic England is keen to ensure that the protection of the historic environment is fully taken into account at all stages of the planning process. This includes formulation of local development policy and plans, supplementary planning documents, area and site proposals, and the on-going review of policies and plans.

There are many issues and matters in the consultation document that are beyond the remit and concern of Historic England and our comments are, as required, limited to matters relating to the historic environment and heritage assets. In our previous comments (by online submissions dated I - 6 February 2019), Historic England focused on the objective of the National Planning Policy Framework to set out a positive strategy for the conservation, enjoyment and enhancement of the historic environment (now Paragraph 190, NPPF); and contain policies to deliver the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment (now Paragraph 190a, NPPF).

Our comments on the Regulation 18 stage draft Local Plan largely have been addressed in the current Publication version or are, in our view, not now likely to affect the soundness of the Local Plan.

We welcome the inclusion of policies for the historic environment in the local plan at Policies P9 - P13 that, along with other policies, meet the obligation for preparing the positive strategy required by the NPPF. The key test of the soundness of the plan and the achievement of sustainable development as defined in the NPPF in respect of the elements that relate to the historic environment (paragraph 190), in our view, have been met.
