
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 6139

Received: 20/03/2023

Respondent: Peter Tait

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Objection to proposed development within Loxwood of grounds of:
- insufficient supporting infrastructure including:
i) water and sewage;
ii) services including shop, school and medical practice;
ii) issue of power supply
- Impact on landscape and flood risk
- Impact on natural environment
- Lack of consideration of Neighbourhood Plan

Full text:


I would like to register my strong objections to the Local Plan published on 3rd February last, which sets out proposals to develop 220 new homes in Loxwood in addition to the 91 that are under development.

My principle cause for concern about these plans are that it is already demonstrably clear that the infrastructure in Loxwood cannot adequately support the existing developments, let alone this proposal, which contains no mention of any attempts to improve it.

This includes but is not limited to:-

Water & Sewerage: Southern Water have admitted that the capacity in Loxwood is insufficient to deal with even current demand and has no plans to increase it.
I have personally experienced sewage backflow on my property on a number of occasions in the last twelve months, which has been rectified recently by the fitting of a valve system which shifts the problem elsewhere. Furthermore, the “workarounds” in place for recent housing developments lead to unpleasant odours and risk of discharge into the water courses.

Services: Loxwood has no village shop, its school and medical practice are at capacity and there is negligible public transport serving the village. Over development is placing a strain on the electrical grid supply leading to instances of power disruption.

Landscape and flood risk: The conversion of the significant amount of land involved with this proposal from fields to housing plots will add further pressure from rain water flow on the capacity of the River Lox and Loxwood stream, thereby increasing the risk of flooding to many properties (including my own) in the village.

The proposals dig deep into the natural environment that defines the character of the village and its surroundings with footpaths, vistas and natural habitats permanently degraded as a consequence.

Loxwood PC developed a Neighbourhood Plan in 2018 which was revised in 2020; this seems to have been ignored completely by CDC despite central government encouragement of such plans. It appears that CDC’s desire to focus more housing development in the North of its district is leading to draconian disregard for the considered views of local residents reflected in the Neighbourhood Plan.

I ask that you take my points into consideration when this Local Plan Proposal is refined further.