
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 6064

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: The Pick Family

Agent: Henry Adams LLP

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

It is therefore our view that the [housing] figure of 535 should be seen as an absolute minimum and other land should be considered to be allocated.

Change suggested by respondent:

[Consideration of omission site - 15 acres farmland to the west of Birdham]

Full text:

These representations are made on behalf of our client, the Pick Family who wish to make representations with regards to the Chichester Local Plan 2021 – 2039 Proposed Submission Regulation 19 Version.


The Pick Family are local landowners who live and farm in Birdham. They own approximately 15 acres of farmland to the west of Birdham which is edged blue on the plan at Enclosure 1. The land has been promoted at all relevant opportunities to Chichester District Council but they wish to confirm to Chichester District Council and the Inspector that the land is available for development should they consider Birdham as an area for growth.

Site suitability

Our client’s have split their landholding previously, as they appreciate that development of the whole would increase the size of Birdham significantly. However, our client’s front parcel, edged red at Enclosure 2, is well enclosed and views into the site from the AONB are limited. There is a significant hedgerow on its western boundary, screening any potential residential development in this parcel.

This portion of the landholding is approximately 1.05 hectares in size and it is our opinion that a development of 25 units could be achieved at this site. Due to the site constraints, the developer would have to ensure that the scheme is designed sensitively, taking into consideration the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. However, this is not considered to constrain development overall on the site and therefore, the site should be considered sustainable in taking account of the three dimensions for sustainability set out in the NPPF.

Due to our client having a wider landholding, if the Council or the Inspector felt it necessary to allocate the site, our client would be able to offset any nitrate or biodiversity impacts from the front parcel onto his retained land. This illustrates that the site is deliverable.

Policy S1 & H1

Policy S1 of the Draft Local Plan sets out the spatial development strategy for the District and how the Council will achieve sustainable growth over the plan period. Policy H1 sets out the housing target in response to the strategy. Both policies have been informed by the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) dated January 2023 and the Plan objectives, which are set out at paragraph 2.5.2 of the SA and the Council’s HEDNA (April 2022).

The Local Plan then goes on to constrain housing numbers due to an alleged capacity concern along the A27 strategic road network. The Council therefore result in a constrained housing figure by virtue of the standard method ‘steps’ and also due to infrastructure capacity.

In terms of the influence of the A27, this is the key matter that constrains growth within the southern part of the District. This is based on the Transport Study (2023) concludes that the road network cannot accommodate an annual housing figure of more than 535 dpa. This is a fundamental point and one that our clients do not agree and believe there is capacity to accommodate at least the local housing need within the highway network, alongside potential improvements identified for the following reason.

The Transport Study (January 2023) is the key document on which the Council rely upon to constrain their housing figure to 535 dpa. On review of this document, it is clear that the Council’s consultants undertook a sensitivity analysis as to whether the core scenario that supports the 535 dpa position in the local plan could accommodate a higher level of growth. The conclusion in paragraph 5.6.5 and 11.2.3 of the Transport Study appears to be that 700 dpa could be accommodated (in the southern plan area) by the mitigation proposed for the 535 dpa, with some additional (as yet undesigned and not costed), mitigation works beyond those highlighted for the Bognor and Fishbourne roundabouts.

It is therefore our view that the figure of 535 should be seen as an absolute minimum and other land should be considered to be allocated.

We trust our comments will be considered as part of the Local Plan review, and please do not hesitate to make contact if you require anything further
