
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 6013

Received: 16/03/2023

Respondent: Chichester District Council Housing Team - Local Housing Authority

Representation Summary:

The strategic locations are broadly located in areas where the Council held Housing Register indicates the highest level of housing need.

Change suggested by respondent:


Full text:

Chichester Local Plan – Proposed Submission
Duty to Co-operate
The Statutory Housing Authority welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Chichester Local Plan 2021 – 2039 and strongly commends the Local Planning Authority on progressing with its plan-making activities at a time when a number of Local Planning Authorities across the country have stalled owing to a state of flux in the national policy picture.
Chichester District Council Housing Authority considers that the Chichester Planning Policy Team have engaged in a pro-active manner in an ongoing basis to meet the needs of our communities. Furthermore, the authority has been consulted throughout in the crafting of the proposed housing policies H1 – H10 and confirm that the Duty to Co-operate has been met in this regard.

Is it legally compliant?
The Housing Authority consider the plan as presented, to be legally compliant and have no specific comments in relation to the Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulations Assessment or the Statement of Community Involvement.

The Housing Authority is satisfied that the plan is positively prepared and seeks to meet the housing need for both market and affordable housing, so far as is practicable, whilst having consideration for the various constraints of the plan area including AONB designation, heritage matters, flooding matters and infrastructure capacity issues. The Housing Authority believe the plan seeks to balance between these competing demands in a sustainable and realistic manner for the plan period 2021 -2039.
The Housing Authority consider the plan provides for a reasonable evidence based strategy which is consistent with national planning policy and guidance and contributes to the delivery of sustainable development, having regard to the reasonable alternatives available.
Meeting housing need
The Housing Authority considers the plan meets housing need so far as is realistically possible considering the constraints of the plan area.
Policy H1, including the Broad Spatial Distribution - is noted.
Policy H2, the strategic locations are broadly located in areas where the Council held Housing Register indicates the highest level of housing need.
Policy H3 - is noted.
Policy H4 – The Housing Authority fully endorse and support the provisions contained in Policy H4.
Policy H5 - The Housing Authority is supportive of the housing mix outlined in policy H5 and the ability to reflect local need where it is appropriate to do so. Furthermore it is right to provide this level of certainty, whilst allowing for some degree of flexibility.
Policy H6 - The Housing Authority are in full support of this policy and fully endorse the opportunity for Neighbourhood Planning groups to bring forward Self and Custom Build serviced plots. The Housing Authority are encouraged by the potential that may arise with the call for sites for such plots. We look forward to working with our colleagues and communities to bring forward Self and Custom Build opportunities within the plan area.
Policy H7 - The Housing Authority recognise the difficulties in bringing forward exception sites for affordable housing and welcome this policy which seeks to enable the needs of our rural communities to be met.
Policy H8 - The Housing Authority strongly advocate for the inclusion of specialist accommodation for older people, and the intention is to secure affordable housing across all specialist accommodation for older people, including Extra Care to meet the needs of those unable to secure such accommodation in the open market.
H9 – The Housing Authority support the policy to retain accommodation for rural workers.

H10-H14 – The Housing Authority has no observations to make in relation to these polices.