
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5997

Received: 19/03/2023

Respondent: Aaron Beadle

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:


Object to figures in North of the Plan area on grounds of:
- ecological impact;
- traffic / limited transport links
- limited existing supporting infrastructure
- water supply and neutrality issue

Full text:


I object to the quantity of properties proposed in the Local Plan on the following grounds:

Ecological impact:
The increased noise, light pollution and traffic will impact negatively on the biodiversity of the area as fragile local animal habitats are destroyed. Rare species of bats, barn owls, deer, butterflies, badgers and countless other animals benefit from the rural environment. Once this tranquil location is disturbed the ecology of the area will suffer beyond repair.

Loxwood district and the surrounding roads are very quiet with many farms and stables in the immediate vicinity. Horse riders, dog walkers, hikers and cyclists frequent this location and the additional traffic associated with the provision of the proposed number of properties would severely impact upon this beautiful rural area, and the safety of its residents.

Due to the rural location there is very limited public transport in this area meaning that new residents in the proposed developments will need to travel in private vehicles.

Existing residents are struggling to obtain medical appointments and to secure school places already without exacerbating these issues by increasing the permanent population.
There are also the concerns around water neutrality and the depletion of this valuable resource. This Northern more rural parts of the district are struggling with this already without increasing the strain by the addition of further developments.