
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5985

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Peter Thompson

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:


Objection to proposed housing development within Kirdford.

States fewer permissions should be granted for large scale housing in small villages.

Examples given of objection to proposed 70 dwelling Townfield Meadows development considered inappropriate for location (former agricultural land), private (non-rental) housing not addressing local need, lack of supporting infrastructure. Also objection to proposed 54 dwellings within Plaistow Road. Represent potential to increase village size by 55% - out of proportion to local need and surrounding landscape.

Inconsistent with Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan (12 dwellings on Townfield site).

Full text:

I am alarmed that the new Chichester District Local Plan - finishing its' public consultation stage today - has increased the number of houses in Loxwood ward by 50 extra in KIRDFORD. I believe we should be VERY MUCH restricting new housing development on greenfield sites [as does Michael Gove, I believe, from his statements in the press in 2022].

We should have FEWER PERMISSIONS GRANTED for large scale housing developments in small villages than is currently the case, and obviously this element of the proposed CDLP works against this.
In KIRDFORD, we are fighting a proposed 70 house build on Townfield Meadows . . . inappropriate locality on previously fairly recently purposed agricultural land; quantity of private (non-rent) housing not required for local need; lack of local infrastructure; etc. Currently we see the commencement of building works on previous agricultural / green field space in Plaistow Road, Kirdford [Pippins Field] - where there will be a largely uncalled for development of 54 homes. We have already protested that if the proposals for 70 new homes were to come to fruition south of Townfield in Kirdford, it would ‘see our village grow by 55 per cent.’
I understand the updated Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan states only 12 houses could be built on part of the Townfield former agricultural / greenfield site over the plan's lifespan; the proposed allocation of 50 in Kirdford in the new CDLP would be completely out of proportion to both village need and the immediate surrounding country landscape.