
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5641

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: The Stickland Family

Agent: Henry Adams LLP

Representation Summary:

In conclusion, our client supports the proposed housing numbers in Policy H3 for Wisborough Green
and that the proposed figure of 75 should be seen as a minimum figure. Our clients will be making
the District and the Parish aware of their land being available. This land is also deliverable, with
potential solutions on site for bio-diversity and water neutrality.

Full text:

Chichester District Council – Reg. 19 Local Plan Consultation – Land to the West of Wisborough Green
These representations are made on behalf of our client, the Stickland Family who wish to support Policy H3 of the Chichester Local Plan 2021 – 2039 Proposed Submission Regulation 19 Version.

The Stickland Family are local landowners who live and farm in Wisborough Green. They own approximately 48 acres of farmland and buildings to west of the village, along Kirdford Road. Their land hasn’t been promoted to either Chichester District Council or Wisborough Green Parish Council previously. However, the site will be submitted for consideration in the next publication of the
Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA). In addition, we will be making contact
with the Parish Council to ensure that they are aware of its availability.

Site suitability
The land comprises a mixture of farmland and buildings which could be redeveloped to meet a local housing need. It is also important to note that, given the nature of the existing use, there could be the potential to offset the resulting water neutrality impact. Ongoing surveys and advice is being taken to confirm feasibility and also capacity.
In addition to this, our Clients recognise that Biodiversity Net Gain is an important consideration going
forward. Should part of their landholdings be developed in the future, they do have the ability to provide net gain accordingly.
Both of these points should be important considerations should additional housing sites need to be identified through the Neighbourhood Plan Review or subsequent Development Plan Document. This site is available and deliverable and thus would assist with meeting future housing need.

Policy H3 - support
Policy H3 of the Chichester Local Plan relates to the non-strategic parish housing requirements for the
plan period. The table contained in the policy identifies that 75 additional houses will need to be provided in Wisborough Green either through a Neighbourhood Plan or subsequent Development Plan Document. Our client wishes to make representations that they support this approach and the proposed housing numbers of 75, with these being increased should supporting evidence be
Wisborough Green Parish Council have commenced with their Neighbourhood Plan review and published the Regulation 14 version in June 2021. This version was based on a lower housing number which was previously identified for the Parish through the Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation.
Therefore, should the Inspector agree with the proposed housing numbers for Wisborough Green, it is assumed that the Parish will continue with their Neighbourhood Plan with the new housing figure.
Our client would like to confirm that their land could provide residential development in line with policy requirements, so the Inspector should not be concerned that there are no additional deliverable sites in the Parish.

In conclusion, our client supports the proposed housing numbers in Policy H3 for Wisborough Green and that the proposed figure of 75 should be seen as a minimum figure. Our clients will be making the District and the Parish aware of their land being available. This land is also deliverable, with potential solutions on site for bio-diversity and water neutrality
