
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5638

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Landowners at Chantry Farm

Agent: Henry Adams LLP

Representation Summary:

The table contained in the policy identifies that 30 additional houses will need to be provided in Westbourne either through a Neighbourhood Plan or subsequent Development Plan Document. Our clients wish to make representations that they support this approach and the proposed housing numbers of 30, with these being increased should supporting evidence be provided.

The clients wish the make the Inspector aware of their considered potential for additional housing on their land, allocated within the Neighbourhood Plan. Furthermore, they consider that any potential shortfall of housing in the Parish could be meet by development on their land.

Full text:

These representations are made on behalf of our client, the owners of Land at Chantry Farm, Westbourne who wish to support Policy H3 of the Chichester Local Plan 2021 – 2039 Proposed Submission Regulation 19 Version but object to Policy NE4.


The owners have been promoting the land in the plan enclosed at Enclosure 1 at all relevant opportunities. The land hatched in blue is allocated in the Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan for 6 houses, the green land is allocated as local green space and the purple is available for either residential development or nitrate/bio diversity offset land for the proposed residential development on the blue land.

The land has been marketed by ourselves, and a developer is looking to purchase all 3 parcels. They will look to submit an application in the shorter term to illustrate that the development will be delivered in the early part of the plan period,

Policy H3

Policy H3 of the Chichester Local Plan relates to the non-strategic parish housing requirements for the plan period. The table contained in the policy identifies that 30 additional houses will need to be provided in Westbourne either through a Neighbourhood Plan or subsequent Development Plan Document. Our clients wish to make representations that they support this approach and the proposed housing numbers of 30, with these being increased should supporting evidence be provided.

The Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan 2017 – 2029 was made by Chichester District Council in September 2021 and allocated 28 houses on 3 separate sites. Our client’s land is allocated under Policy SS3 of the Neighbourhood Plan, Land adjacent to Chantry Hall, Foxbury Lane for a development of 6 dwellings.

Our clients support the housing allocation on their land, however the land is able to accommodate far more than 6 dwellings, perhaps up to 20. Our clients wish for the inspector to be aware of the ability to accommodate additional dwellings, should they feel that Westbourne is a sustainable location for numbers in excess of 30 dwellings.

In addition, we would question whether 30 dwellings need to be provided in addition to the 28 allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan as this predates that Proposed Submission Version of the Local Plan. There is currently an application being considered by Chichester District Council for the land allocated under Policy SS1: Land to the West of Monks Hill Lane under ref. WE/22/00209/FUL which we would assume will be approved prior to the Local Plan being adopted. In addition, there is an application under consideration for the land allocated under Policy SS2: Land at Long Copse Lane under ref. 21/02159/FUL which is currently being appealed by the applicant.

It should be noted that the second site mentioned above, land at Long Copse Lane, is allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan for 16 dwellings. However, the application is for just 7, so below the allocation figure. Although, the Land to the West of Monks Lane is 3 dwellings over the allocation, there is potentially a shortfall of housing already in the Parish with the lower numbers consider at Monks Lane. Our clients land is able to accommodate any shortfall.

Policy NE4

Policy NE4 states that ‘Development proposals within strategic wildlife corridors will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that:
1. There are no sequentially preferable sites available outside the wildlife corridor; and
2. The development will not have an adverse impact on the integrity and function of the wildlife corridor and protects and enhances its features and habitats.’
Part of our client’s land is allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan, so we are concerned that location within the Wildlife corridor will restrict development on a site which is deemed suitable by the Parish and District to accommodate housing.

We would ask that the District and Inspector consider this in the examination of the Local Plan, and that the land allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan, for clarity shown in blue at Enclosure 1, be removed from the wildlife corridor and evidence base considered further as this appears to be absence as to justification of location.

In conclusion, our clients support additional housing in Westbourne but would ask these numbers are seen as a minimum figure. Our clients land is deliverable, with solutions to resolve nitrates and biodiversity on site. Also, we would ask that the Wildlife Corridor is amended to exclude our client’s land that is allocated.
