
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5602

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Wendy Lockwood

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to housing in north of District on grounds of environmental restraints; water neutrality and sewage issues, lack of infrastructure: public transport, schools and GP surgeries; access; congestion; poor road infrastructure.

Full text:

I am sending this email as a response to the Chichester District Local Plan. I found the complexities of your online consultation process extremely frustrating and instead I wish to make my comments known via email as you have made the whole process so difficult.

Whilst I understand the need for a plan I feel we deserve a better deal for the local villages in the north of the district which include Plaistow, Ifold and Kirdford. The housing numbers that you are now proposing for this area of rural villages have increased so much whilst at the same time the environmental restraints have worsened. Water neutrality and sewage issues have not been resolved and there is not the infrastructure in place to accommodate so many houses.
We have very little public transport to give us an alternative to using our cars. The villages can only be reached via narrow country lanes that struggle to cope already with the current levels of traffic. We do not have pavements for pedestrians and our village lanes are popular for cyclists, horse riders and joggers. Any increase in traffic caused by increased housing numbers would cause our roads to be unsafe for these such users. I am also concerned about the serious issues with our infrastructure. Our local surgeries are struggling to cope with the demands as it is, schools are full and along with the lack of public transport I do not feel the area can cope with the plans for these extra houses. It is not sustainable. Our infrastructure is under huge pressure in the North of the district.

Please take my comments into consideration