
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5429

Received: 16/03/2023

Respondent: Mr John King

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to development at Loxwood on grounds that: water demand will cause further drop in pressure unless water supply is addressed; as no plan to upgrade wastewater and sewage systems, more tanker shipments will bring increased traffic, danger of spillages and damage to environment; doubtful if reliable and viable adequate bus service could be provided, rural bus services are diminishing not increasing; Medical Centre at or beyond capacity; threat to open views; no manufacturing or service industry of any size in Loxwood or nearby - need to travel for work or shopping not good for Climate Change.

Change suggested by respondent:

Matter of water supply needs to be addressed, water neutrality does not appear to be working.
Increase in population requires a full bus service if traffic reduction is to be achieved in an effort to promote climate control.

Full text:

I refer to the above Local plan as published 3rd February 2023 and in particular to the Strategic and Area Based Policies and sections of Policy A15.
I object to further development of Loxwood Village by the addition of a minimum of 220 houses as included in the above referred to plan.
I make the following comments and observations on which my objection is formed.
1. Water supply. The present water supply to Loxwood village is just about adequate. Whenever a new house is completed we suffer a notable and permanent drop in water pressure so much so that care has to be taken to ensure only one water outlet eg shower is in use at one time. Further water demand will cause further drop in pressure unless the matter of supply is addressed, water neutrality does not appear to be working.
2. Waste water and sewerage. Some is being removed by tankers from recent developments. As there appears to be no plan to upgrade the wastewater and sewage systems more tanker shipments can be anticipated along with increased traffic, danger of spillage and damage to the environment.
3. Public transport. At present we are served by one bus a day on four days a week. Inevitably with an increase in population a full service would be required if traffic reduction is to be achieved in an effort to promote climate control. I doubt if a reliable and viable adequate bus service could be provided. It appears rural bus services are diminishing not increasing.
4. Medical Centre. This appears to be at or beyond capacity given time required to obtain an appointment with a doctor. Doctors seem to change very frequently.
5. Open Views. I can't agree that more building will give greater views.
6. Employment. No manufacturing or service industry of any size in Loxwood or nearby. Any new population would have to travel for work, Similarly no shop means travel for shopping. Not good for Climate Control.

For the above reasons I am against any further housing development in Loxwood.