
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5408

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Landowner at Champions Farm, Wisborough Green

Agent: Southern Planning Practice

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

We are aware that the Wisborough
Neighbourhood Plan is in the late stages of its review, a regulation 14 consultation took place in June 2021, however, there has been a long pause since this time. Whilst the Neighbourhood Plan seeks to allocate some sites for housing, the housing need figure is not specified, and the current proposed allocations would not provide the 75 dwellings which have been indicated. Further, it is considered that the Local Plan is being over reliant on the Neighbourhood Plan process, and the Development Plan should make provision for the identified housing requirement without the need to rely on Neighbourhood Plans bringing forward sites.

Change suggested by respondent:

As such, we would encourage the Council to look to allocate the land at Champions Farm for development within the Local Plan, or at least as a development plan document in order to meet the requirements of this Local Plan and deliver the identified 75 homes in Wisborough Green.

Full text:


Southern Planning Practice Ltd are instructed by the landowner to submit representations to the Proposed Submission version of the Chichester Local Plan 2021- 2039, published in February 2023. Shorewood Homes, a local developer, have an interest in land at Champions Farm, Wisborough Green and are currently working collaboratively with the landowner.

The site is located to the south of Newpound Lane and to the north of Billingshurst Road (A272) in Wisborough Green. The site is located within the northern area of the district and is closely related to the main urban area of Billingshurst, which is located in the neighbouring authority Horsham District Council.

It is understood that the site has not been previously promoted through the Local Plan process. We can confirm on behalf of our client that the site is now available for development.

In order for the Proposed Submission Local Plan to meet the ‘positively prepared’ test of soundness as required by paragraph 35 a) of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the Local Plan Review must:

“provide (ing) a strategy which, as a minimum, seeks to meet the area’s objectively assessed needs; and is informed by agreements with other authorities, so that unmet need from neighbouring areas is accommodated where it is practical to do so and is consistent with achieving sustainable development”.

Whilst the constraints of the northern area of the district are appreciated, there are several sustainable sites, outside of the National Park and other constrained landscapes, which would assist Chichester to meet their identified housing needs. One such site is the land at Champions Farm in Wisborough Green. The western section of the site could be delivered in the short-medium term and the eastern section could be delivered in the longer term which would contribute to Chichester’s future housing supply.

Any new residential development on land at Champions Farm would contribute to the achievement of the 7 strategic objectives of the Local Plan and would also help to boost the housing supply in the short-medium term.