
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5399

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Bellway Homes (Wessex) Ltd

Agent: Chapman Lily Planning

Representation Summary:

Support Policy H1 although concerns over 10,350 meeting local housing needs/doesn't allow for supply buffer. Sympathetic to constraints/capacity of A27 - evident Council undertaken exhaustive search for suitable sites. Agree with SA concerns over development being subject to tilted balance. Understand permanent solution some way-off for A27. Commend Council for seeking to plan positively. Understand rationale behind spatial strategy. Encourage higher density and regard housing numbers on allocations as minimum. Where affordability currently worsening, lack certainty housing need for area will be achieved - recognised shortfall of housing projected despite assurance may be resolved via LSS3. Additional infrastructure required to ensure timely delivery of allocated sites. Reserve position in absence of published trajectory.

Change suggested by respondent:

Pleased to see draft Policy H1express provision as ‘at least’, albeit this should carry through into the title of the right-hand column.

Full text:

See attachment.
