
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4928

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Arun District Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Arun District Council (ADC) is concerned that the proposed Policy H1 Meeting Housing Needs is not positively prepared or justified. Subject to ongoing Duty to Cooperate discussions with Chichester District Council (CDC), ADC hopes to resolve these matters with a view to securing a Statement of Common Ground and subsequent withdrawal of these objections before the plan is submitted:-

- Level of unmet need for the plan period beyond 2026 is unresolved with potentially significant cross boundary implications

Change suggested by respondent:

Chichester District Council's Regulation 19 Local Plan housing requirement in Policy H1 should account for the cross boundary infrastructure mitigation contributions and take positive steps to secure phased development needs allied to infrastructure to address its unmet need (including via the West Sussex and Greater Brighton Strategic Planning Board i.e. Local Strategic Statement - LSS3 update) as far as possible.

Full text:

Arun District Council (ADC) is concerned that the proposed Policy H1 Meeting Housing Needs is not positively prepared or justified. Subject to ongoing Duty to Cooperate discussions with Chichester District Council (CDC), ADC hopes to resolve these matters with a view to securing a Statement of Common Ground and subsequent withdrawal of these objections before the plan is submitted:-

- Level of unmet need for the plan period beyond 2026 is unresolved with potentially significant cross boundary implications