
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4882

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Willowfield Farm

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

I object to the increased allocation at Highgrove Farm and the evidence submitted that has arrived at this allocation. I represent The French Gardens (TFG) site which has been incorrectly coloured red on the HELAA and incorrectly assessed on the Sustainability Assessment. These errors have been blindly carried forward reulting in a gross lack of soundness. Briefly 1.TFG is lower grade soil. 2. TFG was preferred by locals in the Village consultation. 3. TFG no impact on East-West coalescence, SDNP and AONB. 4. TFG would result in reinvestment into dilapdated rural business. 5. TFG mitigation available onsite etc.

Change suggested by respondent:

If we accept the proposed 295-300 homes I proposed that this is split more in line with the Village Plan and consultation and which is more sustainable, viable and robust in terms of actual delivery. I suggest that an additional 220 houses are allocated to HighGrove Farm (270 in total) and 25-30 to HBO0003 which adjoins Bosham Station. HBO0003 is considered 'developable' in the HELAA although the map incorrectly colours it red.

Full text:

I object to the increased allocation at Highgrove Farm and the evidence submitted that has arrived at this allocation. I represent The French Gardens (TFG) site which has been incorrectly coloured red on the HELAA and incorrectly assessed on the Sustainability Assessment. These errors have been blindly carried forward reulting in a gross lack of soundness. Briefly 1.TFG is lower grade soil. 2. TFG was preferred by locals in the Village consultation. 3. TFG no impact on East-West coalescence, SDNP and AONB. 4. TFG would result in reinvestment into dilapdated rural business. 5. TFG mitigation available onsite etc.