
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4797

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Rydon Homes Limited

Agent: DMH Stallard LLP

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

In regards to Plan Policy H2 relating to Strategic Locations/ Allocations 2021 – 2039, we object to the exclusion of Boxgrove Parish from Policy H2. Boxgrove Parish should be listed as a Parish with the potential to accommodate strategic locations for residential development, where Neighbourhood Plans are anticipated to be prepared to identify the site(s) required, alongside the 3 strategic locations currently listed in draft Policy H2 (namely Chichester City, Nutbourne and Hambrook and Loxwood).

Change suggested by respondent:

Nutbourne/ Hambrook and Loxwood are both defined as ‘Services Villages’ under Policy S2 (Settlement Hierarchy). The Boxgrove settlement is within same settlement category (Service Village) as Nutbourne/ Loxwood and Hambrook. The 2021 CDC HELAA assessed the 9 submitted sites as available, suitable and deliverable for Boxgrove Parish (with 6 suitable sites adjacent to the Boxgrove settlement boundary) and 3 further sites at settlements within Boxgrove Parish, totalling 610 potential plots, as outlined earlier in this document. This should be reflected in a revised policy.

Full text:

In regards to Plan Policy H2 relating to Strategic Locations/ Allocations 2021 – 2039, we object to the exclusion of Boxgrove Parish from Policy H2. Boxgrove Parish should be listed as a Parish with the potential to accommodate strategic locations for residential development, where Neighbourhood Plans are anticipated to be prepared to identify the site(s) required, alongside the 3 strategic locations currently listed in draft Policy H2 (namely Chichester City, Nutbourne and Hambrook and Loxwood).