
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4681

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Merrow Wood

Agent: Intelligent Land

Representation Summary:

Merrow Wood understand and accept the reasoning set out in the Submission Local Plan for the adoption of a lower housing requirement than that established by the national standard methodology. Nonetheless, the implications of this approach results in over 1,100 less dwellings across the District being planned and delivered, which puts greater pressure on those sites and locations identified for growth to deliver housing.

Full text:

Intelligent Land is instructed by Merrow Wood, who have been selected by the landowner to help promote the site for development, to submit representations on the Chichester Local Plan Review, Submission consultation, relating to land at Prospect Farm, Cutmill View near Bosham.

Merrow Wood understand and accept the reasoning set out in the Submission Local Plan for the adoption of a lower housing requirement than that established by the national standard methodology. Nonetheless, the implications of this approach results in over 1,100 less dwellings across the District being planned and delivered, which puts greater pressure on those sites and locations identified for growth to deliver housing.
This again puts greater emphasis on identifying sustainable locations for growth and ensuring that these can come forward in a timely manner across the plan period.