
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4664

Received: 16/03/2023

Respondent: Mr Roger Marshman

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Looking at Loxwood. There is insufficient infrastructure for drainage, sewage, transport, retail, roads, schools, doctors etc.
Southern Water is already spilling sewage into the river Lox.
This area simply cannot support more housing.

Change suggested by respondent:

The number of houses needs to be reduced.

Full text:

Looking at Loxwood. There is insufficient infrastructure for drainage, sewage, transport, retail, roads, schools, doctors etc.
Southern Water is already spilling sewage into the river Lox.
This area simply cannot support more housing.