
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4655

Received: 16/03/2023

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth Lancaster

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Loxwood is not a service village. The Post Office has closed, the village shop has closed, there is one bus a day on four days a week. The nearest railway is 6 miles away with no bus connection. The local roads are incapable of taking the increased traffic being considered and the sewage system is inadequate for the recently increased volume of houses built so is the water system with no possibility of improvement for years. You would be destroying our village/rural life and beautiful surroundings,

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove Loxwood allocation.

Full text:

Loxwood is not a service village. The Post Office has closed, the village shop has closed, there is one bus a day on four days a week. The nearest railway is 6 miles away with no bus connection. The local roads are incapable of taking the increased traffic being considered and the sewage system is inadequate for the recently increased volume of houses built so is the water system with no possibility of improvement for years. You would be destroying our village/rural life and beautiful surroundings,