
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4092

Received: 15/03/2023

Respondent: Berkeley Strategic Group

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Policy H2 the local plan suggests a further 1,125 homes could be delivered through the allocation of three new sites around Chichester City.

Inclusive of the three proposed site allocations, the total proposed level of housing around Chichester City stands at 4,080 dwellings. Given the length of the plan period, and the strategic importance of Chichester City, as outlined above, Berkeley considers there is greater capacity for development surrounding Chichester City, which can contribute towards the current shortfall, such as land at Lawrence Farm.

Change suggested by respondent:

A greater level of housing needs to be included around Chichester City, given the additional capacity.

Full text:

Policy H2 the local plan suggests a further 1,125 homes could be delivered through the allocation of three new sites around Chichester City.

Inclusive of the three proposed site allocations, the total proposed level of housing around Chichester City stands at 4,080 dwellings. Given the length of the plan period, and the strategic importance of Chichester City, as outlined above, Berkeley considers there is greater capacity for development surrounding Chichester City, which can contribute towards the current shortfall, such as land at Lawrence Farm.