
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4080

Received: 14/03/2023

Respondent: Mr Tim Swann

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

CDC have not consulted on revised housing numbers in North of the district-it quotes the restrictions of the A27 which prevents the southern development however the A281 is a bigger constraint which will also have Dunsfold adding pressure.
Allocation of 220 houses plus a further 91 houses on already allocated sites is not sustainable in rural Loxwood-it a huge Percentage increase and will destroy the village CDC Sustainability Appraisal is weak in its justification for allocation of 220 houses
There is no viable bus, lack of sewerage capacity, a village school, shops to support large increase in housing.

LPC have spent time and effort to create a Revised Neighbourhood Plan which allocates 126 houses plus 17
carried forward from the Made Neighbourhood Plan giving 143 houses. It has reached Regulation 14
consultation stage and is based upon the Preferred Approach Local Plan consultation. The residents
of the Parish and Loxwood Parish Council have satisfied themselves through evidence gathered that 126 homes is a sustainable allocation given the constraints that exist-it should not be ignored due to water neutrality issues.

Change suggested by respondent:

Policy A15 should be removed and Policies H2 and H3 amended to reflect a realistic allocation of 125
houses which is still generous compared to other local area with better services.
Loxwood should not be deemed to be a strategic location-it is a small rural village

Full text:

CDC have not consulted on revised housing numbers in North of the district-it quotes the restrictions of the A27 which prevents the southern development however the A281 is a bigger constraint which will also have Dunsfold adding pressure.
Allocation of 220 houses plus a further 91 houses on already allocated sites is not
sustainable in rural Loxwood-it a huge Percentage increase and will destroy the village
CDC Sustainability Appraisal is weak in its justification for allocation of 220 houses
There is no viable bus, lack of sewerage capacity, a village school, shops
to support large increase in housing