
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4072

Received: 14/03/2023

Respondent: Donnington Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Apuldram WwTW is already currently inadequate per CDC's own admission. Southern Gateway Strategic Allocation AL5 drains to Apuldram WwTW. There are environmental constraints which restrict its capacity to accommodate any further development. Concern about permitting more homes before upgrades to infrastructure are complete. Clear these are necessary for housing growth whilst maintaining and improving water quality of receiving waters. Recent flooding illustrates urgency of upgrades. Southern Water's plans are optimistic and we have concerns this will actually be delivered within 10 years. Across the district the lack of sewage provision is set to worsen until the substantial improvements are delivered.

Change suggested by respondent:

No further development until the necessary infrastructure improvements are delivered.

Full text:

Apuldram WwTW is already currently inadequate per CDC's own admission. Southern Gateway Strategic Allocation AL5 drains to Apuldram WwTW. There are environmental constraints which restrict its capacity to accommodate any further development. Concern about permitting more homes before upgrades to infrastructure are complete. Clear these are necessary for housing growth whilst maintaining and improving water quality of receiving waters. Recent flooding illustrates urgency of upgrades. Southern Water's plans are optimistic and we have concerns this will actually be delivered within 10 years. Across the district the lack of sewage provision is set to worsen until the substantial improvements are delivered.