
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 3925

Received: 08/03/2023

Respondent: Loxwood (Mellow) Ltd

Agent: Ms Megan Smith

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

While we support the proposed growth of Loxwood, we wish to highlight that this proposed figure of 220 will not sufficiently meet the objectively assessed need for housing within the District, and should be increased to allow greater housing provision in the North of the Plan Area. In line with our comments on Policy H1 – Meeting Housing Needs, we propose a greater allocation of dwellings to the sustainable settlement of Loxwood, with a minimum of 300 dwellings, based on the findings of the Sustainability Appraisal (Jan 2023).
In addition to this, we do not support the strategic allocation of housing at a Parish/Neighbourhood Plan level, and strongly object to proposed provision of 220 dwellings via parish allocations. This is based on the proposed settlement boundary within the Revised Neighbourhood Plan for Loxwood, not adopting appropriate sites for housing.

Change suggested by respondent:

In line with our comments on Policy H1 – Meeting Housing Needs, we propose a greater allocation of dwellings to the sustainable settlement of Loxwood, with a minimum of 300 dwellings, based on the findings of the Sustainability Appraisal (Jan 2023).
In addition to this, we do not support the strategic allocation of housing at a Parish/Neighbourhood Plan level, and strongly object to proposed provision of 220 dwellings via parish allocations. This is based on the proposed settlement boundary within the Revised Neighbourhood Plan for Loxwood, not adopting appropriate sites for housing.

Policy H2 – Strategic Locations/Allocations should be remove the reliance on the delivery of housing via Neighbourhood Plans and parish allocations, and amend to allowed proposed dwelling allocations to be allocated at a District level, in order to ensure the uptake of appropriate deliverable sites.

Full text:

We acknowledge that the figure of 220 dwellings for Loxwood has been assessed through an approximate blend of scenarios within the Sustainability Appraisal, however the higher growth scenarios allow between 450-1050 dwellings.
While we support the proposed growth of Loxwood, we wish to highlight that this proposed figure of 220 will not sufficiently meet the objectively assessed need for housing within the District, and should be increased to allow greater housing provision in the North of the Plan Area. In line with our comments on Policy H1 – Meeting Housing Needs, we propose a greater allocation of dwellings to the sustainable settlement of Loxwood, with a minimum of 300 dwellings, based on the findings of the Sustainability Appraisal (Jan 2023).
In addition to this, we do not support the strategic allocation of housing at a Parish/Neighbourhood Plan level, and strongly object to proposed provision of 220 dwellings via parish allocations. This is based on the proposed settlement boundary within the Revised Neighbourhood Plan for Loxwood, not adopting appropriate sites for housing.
The Sustainability Appraisal discusses the 10 unit site, HLX0006, and outlines that the site is considered to be suitable, available and achievable within the HELAA. As such, the SA has included the site within the calculated sum of anticipated future dwellings across Loxwood (220). However, the site has been disregarded within the Neighbourhood Plan and sits outside of the proposed settlement boundary, despite being a highly suitable location for housing allocation.
This Policy can therefore, not be considered ‘effective’ within the Draft Local Plan as the housing provision of 220 can be increased to better satisfy the objectively assessed housing need in of the District. Further to this, the Parish Council’s failure to include and allocate appropriate sites at a Neighbourhood Plan level will mean that the housing target of 220 dwellings will not likely be deliverable across the plan period.
The Draft Local Plan is therefore considered to be ‘ineffective’ and ‘unjustified' by failing to provide sufficient housing provision or ensure the delivery of housing in an effective manner. Policy H2 – Strategic Locations/Allocations should be remove the reliance on the delivery of housing via Neighbourhood Plans and parish allocations, and amend to allowed proposed dwelling allocations to be allocated at a District level, in order to ensure the uptake of appropriate deliverable sites.