
Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 3920

Received: 08/03/2023

Respondent: Mrs Charlotte Smith

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

I object to 220 new houses to be built in Loxwood. It does not take into account the number of houses that have already been given planning permission. So it will be more than 220 and this Plan is not being honest. There will be too many houses that will be built on green fields. They will totally overwhelm the village which has a very limited bus service and no amenities. What about the Crouchlands development? No mention of the 600 houses and new primary school which is only a short distance from Loxwood.

Change suggested by respondent:

I think brown field sites should be found. Development should take place on the outskirts of larger settlements not in small villages that do not have the infrastructure and capacity to cope. North of Chichester council is being unfairly targeted. You have to take into account the problem of sewage disposal and the impact of water usage which will damage the RSPB nature reserves and the rivers. Therefore south of the A27 would be the obvious choice for development/re-development.

Full text:

I object to 220 new houses to be built in Loxwood. It does not take into account the number of houses that have already been given planning permission. So it will be more than 220 and this Plan is not being honest. There will be too many houses that will be built on green fields. They will totally overwhelm the village which has a very limited bus service and no amenities. What about the Crouchlands development? No mention of the 600 houses and new primary school which is only a short distance from Loxwood.