Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

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Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

Strategic Wildlife Corridors

Representation ID: 1263

Received: 06/02/2019

Respondent: North Mundham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

5.66 The wildlife corridor identified on Map 5.2 does not recognise Pagham Rife which is a key wildlife area of flood plain and reed beds penetrating northwards into North Mundham Parish. Ignoring this major migratory zone poses a threat to the integrity of the Pagham SPA.

Full text:

5.66 The wildlife corridor identified on Map 5.2 does not recognise Pagham Rife which is a key wildlife area of flood plain and reed beds penetrating northwards into North Mundham Parish. Ignoring this major migratory zone poses a threat to the integrity of the Pagham SPA.


Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

Policy S31: Wastewater Management and Water Quality

Representation ID: 1264

Received: 06/02/2019

Respondent: North Mundham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Policy should include the large industrial scale horticultural developments which are located within the Chichester and Pagham Harbour Treatment Catchment areas. This includes the Runcton HDA and Selsey were high levels of nitrates and other pollutants may leach into watercourses.

Full text:

The large industrial scale horticultural developments which are located within the Chichester and Pagham Harbour Treatment Catchment areas. This includes the Runcton HDA and Selsey were high levels of nitrates and other pollutants may leach into watercourses.


Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

Policy S32: Design Strategies for Strategic and Major Development Sites

Representation ID: 1265

Received: 06/02/2019

Respondent: North Mundham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Existing settlements area at risk of losing their existing identity and meaning with villages turning into sizeable towns.

Full text:

Existing settlements area at risk of losing their existing identity and meaning with villages turning into sizeable towns.


Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035


Representation ID: 1266

Received: 06/02/2019

Respondent: North Mundham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 6.77 includes the specific matters to be taken into account including "protecting existing views and particularly those of Chichester Cathedral spire and Hunston Copse" and also notes "Particular regard should be made to the designated Site of Nature Conservation Interest and Ancient Woodland known as Hunston Copse". Yet there is no mention of these points in Policy AL11 which specifies the requirements to be taken into account when accessing plans for development.

Full text:

Paragraph 6.77 includes the specific matters to be taken into account including "protecting existing views and particularly those of Chichester Cathedral spire and Hunston Copse" and also notes "Particular regard should be made to the designated Site of Nature Conservation Interest and Ancient Woodland known as Hunston Copse". Yet there is no mention of these points in Policy AL11 which specifies the requirements to be taken into account when accessing plans for development.


Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

Policy AL12: Land North of Park Farm, Selsey

Representation ID: 1268

Received: 06/02/2019

Respondent: North Mundham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

The planned development would be immediately adjacent to the Pagham Harbour SPA and Ramsar site. Policy item 9 requires mitigation to ensure protection but the damage in terms of loss of agricultural land buffer is highly likely to outweigh any possible mitigation and would be contrary to policy S27 - loss of high-quality agricultural land.

Full text:

The planned development would be immediately adjacent to the Pagham Harbour SPA and Ramsar site. Policy item 9 requires mitigation to ensure protection but the damage in terms of loss of agricultural land buffer is highly likely to outweigh any possible mitigation and would be contrary to policy S27 - loss of high-quality agricultural land.


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