Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
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Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission
Policy NE16 Water Management and Water Quality
Representation ID: 4772
Received: 17/03/2023
Respondent: Barton Willmore now Stantec
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
Draft Policy NE16 requires any development outside of Chichester, Fishbourne and Stockbridge to not drain into Apuldram (Chichester) Wastewater Treatment Works, a position which would hold to ransom any strategic sites within the Apuldram WwTW catchment, until a time at which Southern Water make the necessary capacity improvements.
As there is no certainty of the timescale for a deliverable solution for the Thornham catchment, we recommend that the policy wording acknowledges the need for a fallback scenario should the lack of WwTW upgrades not be forthcoming and to recognise the impact this may have on the District’s overall housing trajectory.
There should be an allowance for schemes to demonstrate through their own Ww mitigation strategy and drainage impact assessment that they can operate within the capacity of existing wastewater treatment infrastructure.
Draft Policy NE16 requires any development outside of Chichester, Fishbourne and Stockbridge to not drain into Apuldram (Chichester) Wastewater Treatment Works, a position which would hold to ransom any strategic sites within the Apuldram WwTW catchment, until a time at which Southern Water make the necessary capacity improvements.
As there is no certainty of the timescale for a deliverable solution for the Thornham catchment, we recommend that the policy wording acknowledges the need for a fallback scenario should the lack of WwTW upgrades not be forthcoming and to recognise the impact this may have on the District’s overall housing trajectory.
The Apuldram Position Statement requires no net increase in flows to the works – this could be achieved by connection to an alternative works with capacity or through demonstrating no net increase in flows an alternative way such as through water neutrality.
The proposed change is not necessary as applicants can already do this to demonstrate compliance with the requirements
2. The housing trajectory takes account of the need for upgrades at Thornham during the lifetime of the plan..