Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

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Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Policy P1 Design Principles

Representation ID: 5011

Received: 15/03/2023

Respondent: National Grid

Agent: National Grid

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The increasing pressure for development is leading to more development sites being brought forward through the planning process on land that is crossed by NGET.

NGET advocates the high standards of design and sustainable development forms promoted through national planning policy and understands that contemporary planning and urban design agenda require a creative approach to new development around high voltage overhead lines and other NGET assets.

Change suggested by respondent:

Therefore, to ensure that Design Policy P1 is consistent with national policy we would request the inclusion of a policy strand such as:

“x. taking a comprehensive and co-ordinated approach to development including respecting existing site constraints including utilities situated within sites

Full text:

The increasing pressure for development is leading to more development sites being brought forward through the planning process on land that is crossed by NGET.

NGET advocates the high standards of design and sustainable development forms promoted through national planning policy and understands that contemporary planning and urban design agenda require a creative approach to new development around high voltage overhead lines and other NGET assets.

Therefore, to ensure that Design Policy P1 is consistent with national policy we would request the inclusion of a policy strand such as:

“x. taking a comprehensive and co-ordinated approach to development including respecting existing site constraints including utilities situated within sites.”


Our response:

The Council recognises the importance of consultation with the appropriate bodies when considering applications for development around utility infrastructure assets, as per the NPPF reference. It is not considered necessary, however, to restate this requirement within the Local Plan to ensure its soundness

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