Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

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Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Policy I1 Infrastructure Provision

Representation ID: 4825

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: B. Yond Homes Ltd

Agent: DMH Stallard LLP

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Boxgrove Church of England (CoE) Primary School currently has capacity for just 70 pupils, 3 classes over 7 years. However, a typical 1 Form of Entry (FE) Primary School in England has a pupil capacity of 210 pupils. Boxgrove is a 1/3 FE School. The existing school site has the potential to increase its size/ pupil capacity, with the adjoining land under the ownership of West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and Boxgrove Parish Council (BPC). Policy A14, Land West of Tangmere includes a new two-form entry primary school and associated development, including provision for an early years setting and a special support centre. Further land is safeguarded to facilitate potential expansion of the two-form entry primary school to three-form entry’, provide ‘open space’, ‘green infrastructure’, ‘community orchard’, ‘playing pitches’, and ‘sport pavilion’. However, the same infrastructure is not being provided for in the Plan for Boxgrove Parish and we would like to see this area of the Infrastructure section re-assessed.

Education infrastructure cannot be cited as a constraint to Boxgrove Parish accommodating a higher (strategic level) of growth and this should be reflected in the Plan, with the existing Boxgrove CoE Primary School having the potential land to extend on-site and/or there being adequate capacity at the proposed 2FE Tangmere Primary School to accommodate a strategic level of growth within Boxgrove Parish.

Full text:

Boxgrove Church of England (CoE) Primary School currently has capacity for just 70 pupils, 3 classes over 7 years. However, a typical 1 Form of Entry (FE) Primary School in England has a pupil capacity of 210 pupils. Boxgrove is a 1/3 FE School. However, the existing school site has the potential to increase its size/ pupil capacity, with the adjoining land under the ownership of West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and Boxgrove Parish Council (BPC).

Evidence shows that 1000 new homes generate circa 210 new Primary School pupils. The proposed 2FE Primary School at Tangmere Parish would accommodate circa 2,000 new pupils. The proposed Strategic Allocation for Tangmere (including the existing adopted Local Plan allocation) proposes 1,300 additional homes at Tangmere, therefore leaving a residual capacity for the proposed 2FE Primary School to accommodate an additional 700 homes within the Tangmere and surrounding Parishes. The pupil catchment map confirms that WSCC have accepted pupils to Boxgrove CoE Primary School from the Tangmere Parish and visa versa.

Our response:

Objection noted.

Tangmere has been allocated 1,300 new homes, whereas Boxgrove has been allocated 50 new homes. It therefore follows that a development of 1,300 new homes will need more new educational infrastructure to be provided than an allocation of 50 new homes, therefore no change to infrastructure is necessary to be re-visited for Boxgrove


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Policy I1 Infrastructure Provision

Representation ID: 4849

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: B. Yond Homes Ltd

Agent: DMH Stallard LLP

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Evidence shows that 1000 new homes generate circa 210 new Primary School pupils. The proposed 2FE Primary School at Tangmere Parish would accommodate circa 2,000 new pupils. The proposed Strategic Allocation for Tangmere (including the existing adopted Local Plan allocation) proposes 1,300 additional homes at Tangmere, therefore leaving a residual capacity for the proposed 2FE Primary School to accommodate an additional 700 homes within the Tangmere and surrounding Parishes. The pupil catchment map confirms that WSCC have accepted pupils to Boxgrove CoE Primary School from the Tangmere Parish and visa versa.

Change suggested by respondent:

Education infrastructure cannot be cited as a constraint to Boxgrove Parish accommodating a higher (strategic level) of growth and this should be reflected in the Plan, with the existing Boxgrove CoE Primary School having the potential land to extend on-site and/ or there being adequate capacity at the proposed 2FE Tangmere Primary School to accommodate a strategic level of growth within Boxgrove Parish.

Full text:

Evidence shows that 1000 new homes generate circa 210 new Primary School pupils. The proposed 2FE Primary School at Tangmere Parish would accommodate circa 2,000 new pupils. The proposed Strategic Allocation for Tangmere (including the existing adopted Local Plan allocation) proposes 1,300 additional homes at Tangmere, therefore leaving a residual capacity for the proposed 2FE Primary School to accommodate an additional 700 homes within the Tangmere and surrounding Parishes. The pupil catchment map confirms that WSCC have accepted pupils to Boxgrove CoE Primary School from the Tangmere Parish and visa versa.

Our response:

Objection noted.

Tangmere has been allocated 1,300 new homes, whereas Boxgrove has been allocated 50 new homes. It therefore follows that a development of 1,300 new homes will need more new educational infrastructure to be provided than an allocation of 50 new homes, therefore no change to infrastructure is necessary to be re-visited for Boxgrove


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Policy I1 Infrastructure Provision

Representation ID: 4857

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: B. Yond Homes Ltd

Agent: DMH Stallard LLP

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Wastewater – Boxgrove drains to Tangmere Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW). The evidence base submitted with Reg 19 confirms that Tangmere WWTW had (as of 01.01.22) remaining dwelling capacity for an additional 3556 new homes (with an Environment Agency discharge licence for 3,000 additional homes).

The proposed housing allocation (to include the adopted Local Plan provision) totalled an additional 1,300 new homes west of Tangmere and would leave a residual capacity of over 2,000 new homes to be accommodated at Tangmere WWTW. Wastewater infrastructure is therefore not a constraint to Boxgrove Parish accommodating a strategic level of growth (i.e circa 200 homes plus). This evidence should be reflected in the Plan.

Full text:

Wastewater – Boxgrove drains to Tangmere Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW). The evidence base submitted with Reg 19 confirms that Tangmere WWTW had (as of 01.01.22) remaining dwelling capacity for an additional 3556 new homes (with an Environment Agency discharge licence for 3,000 additional homes).

Our response:

This is a generic policy and does not mention wastewater constraints at Boxgrove.


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Policy I1 Infrastructure Provision

Representation ID: 4862

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: B. Yond Homes Ltd

Agent: DMH Stallard LLP

Representation Summary:

We agree with the allocation of £100,000 CIL funding for the creation of a bridleway linking Boxgrove Parish to Tinwood Lane. We also support the allocation of £150,000 for the upgrade to bridleways, in conjunction with the Tangmere development.

Full text:

We agree with the allocation of £100,000 CIL funding for the creation of a bridleway linking Boxgrove Parish to Tinwood Lane. We also support the allocation of £150,000 for the upgrade to bridleways, in conjunction with the Tangmere development.

Our response:

Support Noted


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Policy H4 Affordable Housing

Representation ID: 4865

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: B. Yond Homes Ltd

Agent: DMH Stallard LLP

Representation Summary:

In regards to Policy H4 on Affordable Housing, house prices in Chichester District are 14 times the average earnings for those working within it and there is a need for 200 social and affordable rented houses per annum for the Plan period (to 2039). Rydon Homes Ltd agrees that more affordable homes need to be built in the District in order to meet this need.

Full text:

In regards to Policy H4 on Affordable Housing, house prices in Chichester District are 14 times the average earnings for those working within it and there is a need for 200 social and affordable rented houses per annum for the Plan period (to 2039). Rydon Homes Ltd agrees that more affordable homes need to be built in the District in order to meet this need.

Our response:

Comment noted

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