Policy H5 Housing Mix

Showing comments and forms 1 to 17 of 17


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 3812

Received: 21/02/2023

Respondent: Mr James Jewell

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Is there any evidence that there is a local demand for 40% of the 220 proposed houses in Loxwood to be social/ affordable? Given the employment and transport obstacles it seems an implausible proposition

Change suggested by respondent:

Recognition that these disjoints between ambition and reality need to be eliminated before permissions to build are given.

Full text:

Is there any evidence that there is a local demand for 40% of the 220 proposed houses in Loxwood to be social/ affordable? Given the employment and transport obstacles it seems an implausible proposition


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4533

Received: 16/03/2023

Respondent: Wisborough Green Parish Council

Representation Summary:

WGPC supports this policy.

Full text:

WGPC supports this policy.


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4561

Received: 16/03/2023

Respondent: Gladman Developments Ltd

Representation Summary:

Gladman is broadly supportive of the policy, but stress that it is important to note that the housing mix identified in the latest evidence is only a snapshot in time and that a flexible approach is required.

Full text:

Gladman recognise the importance of new development opportunities to provide appropriate mixes of housing types, sizes and tenures to meet the identified housing needs of the area. It is important to note that the housing mix as identified in the Council’s latest evidence base only represents a snapshot in time in relation to the current housing needs.

As such, the policy should provide for flexibility going forward so that the Plan is able to respond to changes in circumstances at the time of an application being submitted to the local planning authority so that development opportunities can make better use of the land available whilst responding to the housing needs at that time. In this instance, Gladman support the general approach of the policy, particularly sub-criterion 3 which allows flexibility within the mix and variety of dwellings sizes for market dwellings.


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4635

Received: 16/03/2023

Respondent: Ms Meghan Rossiter

Representation Summary:

The policy text is supported, but to be more effective it would be helpful to provide a broad indication of the likely proportions of house types and sizes that may be acceptable to the Council, in table form. This is shared in many other local plans and used as a baseline against which development can be measured.

Full text:

The policy text is supported, but to be more effective it would be helpful to provide a broad indication of the likely proportions of house types and sizes that may be acceptable to the Council, in table form. This is shared in many other local plans and used as a baseline against which development can be measured.


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4670

Received: 16/03/2023

Respondent: Mr Simon Davenport

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

There is already an imbalance in housing provision and the % of larger and detached dwellings is above national averages. In addressing the remedies for this problem the council needs to ensure that local need is met first and developments using houses as investment, holiday accomodation and second homes are strongly discouraged. Any discounts applied to encourage first time buyers should be strictly controlled and available to purchasers that can demonstrate a history of living in the area; such discounts being repayable if the property is sold within 5 years.

Full text:

There is already an imbalance in housing provision and the % of larger and detached dwellings is above national averages. In addressing the remedies for this problem the council needs to ensure that local need is met first and developments using houses as investment, holiday accomodation and second homes are strongly discouraged. Any discounts applied to encourage first time buyers should be strictly controlled and available to purchasers that can demonstrate a history of living in the area; such discounts being repayable if the property is sold within 5 years.


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4802

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Miller Homes and Vistry Group

Agent: Tetra Tech

Representation Summary:

Generally, we support providing a mix of homes of differing size, types and tenures to meet a range of local needs.

Full text:

Point 1 suggests new market and affordable homes must be delivered in line with the HEDNA. However, point 3 then provides exceptions – it is suggested point 1 references point 3 to avoid confusion.
More generally, we support providing a mix of homes of differing size, types and tenures to meet a range of local needs. However, any such policy has to be flexible enough to recognise the range of needs locally and the specifics of the site and its context. Relying solely on the HEDNA and infrequently published updates to it does not fully provide this flexibility and would not allow home builders to respond effectively to changing market conditions over the plan period, which in the current economic and political climate, can occur quickly. It also does not recognise that, within the district, and particularly on large sites such as West of Chichester, circumstances may exist which require a less prescriptive approach to housing mix on site. Furthermore, the financial viability of providing a given mix also has to be considered and allowed for in any policy wording to reflect that, particularly on larger sites, too heavy a weighting on any particular size of houses can have significant viability implications. The provisions of point 3(a) provide some flexibility but is still considered too rigid to enable sites to quickly adapt to evolving housing demands.



Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4954

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: The Planning Bureau on behalf of McCarthy Stone

Agent: Miss Natasha Styles

Representation Summary:

Policy H5 Housing Mix 1.
We support Policy H5 Housing Mix in its provision to allow older person’s housing schemes to provide an alternative housing mix to that detailed within the most up to date Chichester HEDNA, 2022, Iceni.

Full text:

Policy H5 Housing Mix 1.
We support Policy H5 Housing Mix in its provision to allow older person’s housing schemes to provide an alternative housing mix to that detailed within the most up to date Chichester HEDNA, 2022, Iceni.


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 4997

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: VIVID

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

As for this policy, we are supportive of the form in which it currently stands but would welcome the inclusion or recognition of single storey dwellings to help release larger family homes (but this does have an impact on achieving densities).

Full text:

As for this policy, we are supportive of the form in which it currently stands but would welcome the inclusion or recognition of single storey dwellings to help release larger family homes (but this does have an impact on achieving densities).


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5230

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Mrs Sarah Headlam

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Not entirely sound as makes no mention of population in balance and its effect on housing provision.

Change suggested by respondent:

Should also include that there is a need to rebalance the population mix in Chichester to nearer the national average. The Council expects the percentage of over 65s to increase to 35% by 2035 and that this will challenge health and service provision. Recommend that no open market detached housing be permitted to assist in rebalancing the population mix to nearer the national average.

Full text:

Not entirely sound as makes no mention of population in balance and its effect on housing provision. Should also include that there is a need to rebalance the population mix in Chichester to nearer the national average. The Council expects the percentage of over 65s to increase to 35% by 2035 and that this will challenge health and service provision. Recommend that no open market detached housing be permitted to assist in rebalancing the population mix to nearer the national average.


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5402

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Bellway Homes (Wessex) Ltd

Agent: Chapman Lily Planning

Representation Summary:

Bellway supports draft Policy H5, which requires the delivery of an appropriate type and size, consistent with the most up to date HEDNA. Bellway welcome that planning permission can be granted for an alternative mix subject to a robust evidencing that the proposal addresses any housing imbalance that exists or that it addresses need and demand for affordable housing, self-build housing, older person and specialised housing. Bellway contend that the draft Policy ‘Housing Mix’ as conveyed in the Pre-submission Plan has been positively prepared, is fully justified, effective and consistent with the NPPF.

Change suggested by respondent:

Bellway recommend that criterion 3 also includes reference to need for the housing mix to take into account the location of the site, for example city centre sites are more suitable for a higher density form of development with smaller units vs other sites where a greater proportion of family housing may be appropriate.

Full text:

See attachment.



Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5459

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Mayday! Action Group

Number of people: 8

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

We do not hear much at all about the Housing Register so where is the transparency and indeed how accurate are the housing need figures?

CDC outsources housing need studies to paid, professional consultants.

No statistics are published (or if they are they are not shared widely) which reveal the speed of uptake of new homes built and the housing market in 2023 and perhaps for several years hence is very likely to be less buoyant than it has been for decades.

We need to be certain that CDC is not chasing shadows created by an annual housebuilding target of 300,000 homes per annum – a target that has not ever been reached if CPRE’s findings are correct.

Do we really want to destroy this unique part of the South Coast just because we have an unrealistic and inaccurate target set?

Full text:

Executive Summary

The Local Plan as written lacks ambition and vision, and will be detrimental to the landscape within which the district lies. It is a plan borne out of a need to produce a legal document which will satisfy the regulatory authorities. In terms of Urban Planning it fails “To meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (NPPF).

The development that will consequentially arise from the deployment of such a made Local Plan is not sustainable. It will adversely affect the Character, Amenity and Safety of the built environment, throughout our district.

In particular, the Local Plan is inadequate for the needs of the people in the district both at present and in the future because –

1. It has been written in advance of the District having a properly formed and agreed Climate Emergency Action Plan. It is inconceivable that such a key document will not shape our Local Plan. It is this Action Plan that is needed first in order to provide the long-term strategic view as to how and what the District will look like in the future; this, in turn, will help form and shape the policies outlined in any prospective, Local Plan. The Plan as proposed is moribund, as a result of “cart before the horse” thinking.

2. The Local Plan as written does not adequately address how infrastructure, transport and services are going to be materially and strategically improved to meet the predicted growth and shift to a significantly ageing population. There is presently insufficient capacity to supply services and to have adequate people and environmentally friendly connectivity, as a direct result of decades of neglect towards investing in infrastructure and services to meet the needs of the District’s population. We are led to believe that developers through increased levies in order to gain permission to build will fulfil this need, but all that this will result in is an uncoordinated, dysfunctional mess completely lacking in any future-proof master planning approach. We contend that this will do nothing for the quality of life of Chichester District residents and it will create a vacuum whereby few if indeed any can be held accountable or indeed found liable for shortcomings in the future.

3. The Local Plan as written does not state how it will go about addressing the need to create affordable homes. The District Council’s record on this matter since the last made plan has been inadequate and now the creation of affordable homes has become urgent as political/economic/social factors drive an ever increasing rate of change within the District.

4. Flood risks assessments used in forming the Plan are out of date (last completed in 2018) and any decision to allocate sites is contrary to Environment Agency policy. Additionally, since March 2021 Natural England established a position in relationship to ‘Hold the Line’ vs. ‘Managed Retreat’ in environmentally sensitive areas, of which the Chichester Harbour AONB is a significant example. CDC have failed to set out an appropriate policy within the proposed Local Plan that addresses this requirement.

5. The A27 needs significant investment in order to yield significant benefits for those travelling through the East-West corridor; this is unfunded. Essential improvements to the A27 are key to the success of any Local Plan particularly as the city’s ambitions are to expand significantly in the next two decades. But any ambitions will fall flat if the A27 is not improved before such plans are implemented.. The A259 is an increasingly dangerous so-called ‘resilient road’ with a significant increase in accidents and fatalities in recent years. In 2011, the BBC named the road as the “most crash prone A road” in the UK. There is nothing in the Local Plan that addresses this issue. There is no capacity within the strategic road network serving our district to accommodate the increase in housing planned, and the Local Plan does not guarantee it.

6. There is insufficient wastewater treatment capacity in the District to support the current houses let alone more. The tankering of wastewater from recent developments that Southern Water has not been able to connect to their network and in recent months the required emergency use of tankers to pump out overflowing sewers within our City/District reflects the gross weakness of short-termism dominated thinking at its worst and is an indictment of how broken our water system is. The provision of wastewater treatment is absolutely critical and essential to the well-being of all our residents and the long-term safety of our built environment. The abdication by those in authority, whether that be nationally, regionally or locally, is causing serious harm to the people to whom those in power owe a duty of care and their lack of urgency in dealing properly with this issue is seriously jeopardizing the environment in which we and all wildlife co-exist.

7. Settlement Boundaries should be left to the determination of Parish Councils to make and nobody else. The proposed policy outlined in the Local Plan to allow development on plots of land adjacent to existing settlement boundaries is ill-conceived and will lead to coalescence which is in contradiction of Policy NE3.

8. All the sites allocated in the Strategic Area Based Policies appear to be in the majority of cases Greenfield Sites. The plan makes little, if any reference to the development of Brownfield sites. In fact, there is not a Policy that relates to this source of land within the Local Plan as proposed. Whilst in the 2021 HELAA Report sites identified as being suitable for development in the District as being Brownfield sites were predicted to yield over 4000 new dwellings. Why would our Local Plan not seek to develop these sites ahead of Greenfield sites?

9. The Local Plan does not define the minimum size that a wildlife corridor should be in width. What does close proximity to a wildlife corridor mean? How can you have a policy (NE 4) that suggests you can have development within a wildlife corridor? These exceptions need to have clear measures and accountability for providing evidence of no adverse impact on the wildlife corridor where a development is proposed. Our view is quite clear. Wildlife and indeed nature in the UK is under serious and in the case of far too many species, potentially terminal threat. Natural England has suggested that a Wildlife Corridor should not be less than 100metres wide. The proposed Wildlife Corridors agreed to by CDC must be enlarged and fully protected from any development. This is essential and urgent for those Wildlife Corridors which allow wildlife to achieve essential connectivity between the Chichester Harbour AONB and the South Downs National Park.

10. Biodiversity Policy NE5 - This is an absolute nonsense. If biodiversity is going to be harmed there should be no ability to mitigate or for developers to be able to buy their way out of this situation. This mindset is exactly why we are seeing a significant decline in biodiversity in the District which should be a rich in biodiversity area and why the World Economic Forum Report (2023) cites the UK as one of the worst countries in the world for destroying its biodiversity.

11. In many cases as set out in the Policies the strategic requirements lack being SMART in nature – particularly the M Measurable. These need to be explicit and clear: “you get what you measure”.

12. 65% of the perimeter of the District of Chichester south of the SDNP is coastal in nature. The remainder being land-facing. Policy NE11 does not sufficiently address the impact of building property in close proximity to the area surrounding the harbour, something acknowledged by the Harbour Conservancy in a published report in 2018 reflecting upon how surrounding the harbour with housing was detrimental to it long-term health. And here we are 5 years on and all of the organizations that CDC are saying that they are working in collaboration with, to remedy the decline in the harbour’s condition, are failing to implement the actions necessary in a reasonable timescale. CDC are following when they should be actually taking the lead on the issue. Being followers rather than leaders makes it easy to abdicate responsibility. There must be full and transparent accountability.

13. The very significant space constraints for the plan area must be taken into account. The standard methodology need no longer apply where there are exceptional circumstances and we are certain that our District should be treated as a special case because of the developable land area is severely reduced by the South Downs National Park (SDNP) to the north and the unique marine AONB of Chichester Harbour to the south. A target of 535dpa is way too high. This number should be reduced to reflect the fact that only 30% of the area can be developed and much of that is rural/semi-rural land which provides essential connectivity for wildlife via a number of wildlife corridors running between the SDNP and the AONB. Excessive housebuilding will do irretrievable damage to the environment and lead to a significant deterioration in quality of life for all who reside within the East / West corridor.

14. Many of the sites identified in the Strategic & Area Based Policies could result in Grade 1 ^ 2 farmland being built upon. The UK is not self-sufficient in our food security. It is short-sighted to expect the world to return to what we have come to expect. Our good quality agricultural land should not all be covered with non-environmentally friendly designed homes.



Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5656

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Countryside Properties

Agent: Turley

Representation Summary:

Support inclusion of criterion 3. In addition to evidenced local need, may be other site-specific factors that justify need to provide a different mix of housing for a particular site. This could include for example, viability considerations.

Change suggested by respondent:

Suggest following revision to criterion 3:
‘robust evidence demonstrates that a different mix of dwellings is justified to address particular site-specific factors, or to meet local needs and demand for specific types, tenures and sizes of housing to contribute to the diversity of housing in the local area and help to redress any housing imbalance that exists;'

Full text:

See attachment.



Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5702

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Church Commissioners for England

Agent: Lichfields

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Draft Policy H5 confirms that the housing mix for a development will be based on the most up to date
HEDNA to address identified local needs and market demands.

Change suggested by respondent:

We suggest that the Council considers a
range of criteria, including site characteristics, when determining the housing mix for individual sites
and this should be reflected in wording of Policy H5.

Full text:

We write in response to the above consultation on behalf of our client, the Church Commissioners for England (CCE). CCE owns a large amount of land in the area largely to the south, west and east of Chichester.
We welcome the opportunity to further engage with the Local Plan process. Whilst we support some aspects of the Local Plan, we consider that some changes are likely to be necessary to ensure that the Plan can be found sound.

By way of background, CCE submitted several sites for consideration as part of the Housing Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) in 2021. These sites were previously promoted as part of the Preferred Approach Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation in 2019.
As part of these representations, we take the opportunity to re-promote a number of CCE’s sites, which could assist the Council in delivering much needed housing for the district. CCE has updated its technical work and provide Vision Documents in relation to its landholdings in Southbourne, Oving, and Hunston Parishes to demonstrate how additional housing can be delivered. These Vision Documents are enclosed.
We consider this and other aspects of the emerging Local Plan below.

Chapter 2: Vision & Strategic Objectives

The Local Plan Vision details a positive approach to supporting sustainable development in the context of the climate emergency. CCE welcomes the Vision for Chichester, particularly the importance placed on the delivery of new homes in ‘Objective 3’ and the delivery of new infrastructure to support the new development in ‘Objective 7’.

Chapter 3: Spatial Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy

The Spatial Strategy builds on the previous Local Plan by focussing growth on Chichester city as the main sub-regional centre. Outside Chichester city and its closest settlements, development will focus on the two settlement hubs within the east-west corridor at Tangmere and Southbourne. This approach is supported by CCE.

Policy S1 Spatial Development Strategy

Draft Policy S1 (Spatial Development Strategy) identifies the broad approach to providing sustainable development in the plan area, which includes ensuring that new residential development is distributed in line with the settlement hierarchy, with a greater proportion of development in the larger and more sustainable settlements. We support this strategy, with particular support for development at the settlement hubs of Southbourne (Policy A13) and Tangmere (Policy A14). We also support that provision is made for extant Site Allocations and the Tangmere strategic site remains allocated under draft Policy A14.

Policy A14 continues to allocate Land West of Tangmere for 1,300 dwellings. CCE questions the Council’s decision to not amend the existing settlement boundary of Tangmere to include the land subject to the allocation. Without amending the settlement boundary, the future growth of Tangmere may be hindered. As such, the settlement boundary of Tangmere should be amended to include the allocated site to ensure that the plan is justified.

Draft Policy S1 also refers to development in service villages such as Bosham, Hambrook and Loxwood.
Hunston is excluded from the Spatial Strategy but is identified as a Service Village within the Settlement Hierarchy in draft Policy SP2 (Settlement Hierarchy). The draft Local Plan suggests that the allocation of homes in Hunston has been removed as a result of growth in the Manhood Peninsula. CCE acknowledges that the overall housing numbers across the district have been reduced as a result of local constraints but reiterate that their landholding in Hunston remains a suitable site for housing should the Council need to identify more land for housing. This is discussed further below.

Policy S2 Settlement Hierarchy

As stated in paragraph 3.31 of the draft local plan, ‘The NPPF encourages housing delivery where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities’. Paragraph 79 of the NPPF (2021) states that ‘To promote sustainable development in rural areas, housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities. Planning policies should identify opportunities for villages to grow and thrive, especially where this will support local services. Where there are groups of smaller settlements, development in one village may support services in a village nearby’.

CCE owns substantial land holdings in South Mundham, which is in close proximity to North Mundham/Runcton which is defined as a Service Village. As such, whilst South Mundham does not contain any services, development in the hamlet would enable sustainable growth to support facilities in North Mundham and Runcton. To ensure that the draft plan is consistent with national policy, South Mundham should be considered as part of North Mundham as a Service Village when considering the future pairing/grouping of some settlements where the facilities and services could be shared to capitalise on the close connections some settlements have.
Development outside the settlements listed in the hierarchy in SP2 is restricted to proposals which require a countryside location or meet an essential local rural local need or supports rural diversification in accordance with Policy NE10. To this end, CCE has smaller land holdings in Tangmere, Oving, South Mundham, Birdham, Chidham and Sidlesham, which may be suitable for conversion for residential use or via windfall housing. Location plans for each of the sites can be found in Appendices 1-8.

Chapter 4: Climate Change and the Natural Environment

Policy NE4 Strategic Wildlife Corridors

The East of City strategic wildlife corridor has been relocated to the eastern side of proposed Site Allocation A8 (Land to the East of Chichester). The relocation of this wildlife corridor follows additional evidence that shows that the commuting route for Barbastelle Bats is along Drayton Lane.

CCE owns land to the east of Drayton Lane (immediately adjacent to the wildlife corridor and to the east of draft allocation A8) and surrounding the village of Oving. Its land has been identified in the HELAA (2021) as being developable, including site HOV0017 (Drayton Lane). The land east of Drayton Lane is sustainably located being close to Chichester and its amenities. The site provides an opportunity to sensitively and sustainably provide additional homes for the District. In accordance with Draft Policy NE4, the proposals for the Land East of Drayton Lane will not have an adverse impact on the integrity and function of the wildlife corridor and will not undermine the connectivity and ecological value of the corridor. This Vision Document will be shared under separate cover.

The eastern edge of the relocated wildlife corridor encroaches into CCE land. Any proposal on this land would be required to take the statutory protection for bats and other protected species into consideration and managed as part of a sensitive masterplan for development and on this basis, it is considered unnecessary to extend the wildlife corridor to encroach into the CCE site.

It is also considered that the detail of policy NE4 goes beyond the purpose of the policy, which should be to safeguard wildlife rich habitats and wider ecological networks. The policy is clear that development should only be permitted where it would not create an adverse effect upon the ecological value, function, integrity and connectivity of the corridors. It does not resist development in principle. This therefore makes redundant policy text 1, which seeks to introduce a sequential test for preferable sites outside of a wildlife corridor. It is considered that this test conflicts with the underlying purpose of the policy, which is to safeguard wildlife corridors from harmful impacts that cannot be mitigated, and should therefore be deleted.

Policy NE7 Development and Disturbance of Birds

CCE is broadly supportive of Policy NE7. However, they would like to note that the situation regarding the national guidance on nutrient neutrality is still evolving and therefore, this policy is only relevant to current legislation. Policy NE7 may therefore not be relevant throughout the entirety of the plan period. As such, CCE considers that it is necessary in this instance to ensure that an appropriate reference to changing legislation is included within the policy to prevent it from becoming out of date and would also ensure that the policy remains effective once adopted.

Policy NE10 The Countryside

CCE is supportive of the inclusion of a policy referencing the conversion of existing buildings in the countryside, however, we believe that Policy NE10 is not consistent with national policy. Policy NE10 criteria B states that proposals for the conversion of buildings in the countryside will be permitted where ‘it has been demonstrated that economic and community uses have been considered before residential, with residential uses only permitted if economic and community uses are shown to be inappropriate and unviable’. This policy is not in accordance with Paragraph 152 of the NPPF (2021) which states that the reuse of existing resources should be encouraged, including ‘the conversion of existing buildings’. Under paragraph 152, there is no prerequisite to adopt a sequential approach, or to give preference to other uses. As such, criteria B should be omitted from Policy NE10. Reference to criteria B should also be removed from criteria C.

Chapter 5: Housing

Policy H1 Meeting Housing Needs

The Preferred Approach Local Plan was based on meeting the identified objectively assessed housing needs of the plan area of 638 dwellings per annum. However, due to constraints, particularly the capacity of the A27, the Submission Version of the Local Plan has planned for a housing requirement below the need derived from the standard method. The Plan proposes to deliver 535 dpa in the southern plan area and a further 40 dpa in the northern plan area, a total supply of 10,350 dwellings over the plan period from 2021 – 2039 (575 dpa).

The Planning Inspectorate has previously asked the Council to determine what level of housing could be achieved based on deliverable improvements to the A27 and to consider whether the full housing needs could be met another way. It is acknowledged that the Council has carried out the additional work required and the local constraints have resulted in a proposed lower housing requirement.

The NPPF (2021) confirms that to determine the minimum number of homes needed, strategic policies should be informed by a local housing need assessment, conducted using the standard method in national planning guidance – unless exceptional circumstances justify an alternative approach (para. 61). CCE acknowledges that that housing numbers have been reduced as a result of local constraints and it will be down to the Inspector to determine whether the Council’s exceptional circumstances justify this. Should the Planning Inspector find that the Council requires additional land to meet the housing need using the standard method, CCE’s land at Southbourne, Oving, Drayton Land and Hunston are suitable, available and developable for housing. In addition, CCE’s rural development sites could also contribute to meeting the housing need.

Policy H2 Strategic Allocations

Draft Policy H2 confirms that the Tangmere Strategic Development Location is carried forward from the 2015 Local Plan and this is supported by CCE. Strong support is also given for the Broad Location of Development in Southbourne (Policy A13) for up to 1,050 dwellings.

Policy H5 Housing Mix

Draft Policy H5 confirms that the housing mix for a development will be based on the most up to date HEDNA to address identified local needs and market demands. We suggest that the Council considers a range of criteria, including site characteristics, when determining the housing mix for individual sites and this should be reflected in wording of Policy H5.

Policy H7 Rural and First Homes Exception Sites

Draft Policy H7 relates to rural and first homes exception sites. CCE is supportive of the principle of the inclusion of a rural exceptions policy. However, we have concerns over criteria contained within the policy which limits the amount of development that can be delivered under it.

The NPPF (2021) at paragraph 78 states that planning policies and decisions should be responsive to local circumstances and support housing development that reflect local needs. Furthermore it also states that ‘local planning authorities should support opportunities to bring forward rural exception sites that will provide affordable housing to meet identified local needs’.

The key aspect of the policy is to enable the delivery of rural exception sites which would address an identified local need. Within the policy, there is no limit on the amount of development that can be delivered and therefore, it is considered that if Policy H7 is limited to a maximum of 30 dwellings it could serve to hinder development (especially on slightly larger sites), which would otherwise be sustainable. As such, we consider that the amount of development should not be limited and rather should be dictated on a site and need specific basis. CCE considers that for Policy H7 to be positively prepared and in accordance with National Policy, criteria 2 should be removed.

In addition, criteria 6 states that proposals for affordable housing on rural exception sites will only be supported where ‘the site is located adjacent or as close as possible to the existing settlement boundary and does not result in scattered or isolated development in rural areas’. The NPPF (2021) does not specify the location of rural exception sites. As such, to be consistent with national policy, criteria 6 should also be omitted.

Furthermore, Policy H7 states that ‘applications for first homes exception sites that propose the inclusion of a small proportion of market housing will be expected to provide robust evidence…’.
However, in the policy there is no allowance for the provision of market housing on rural exception sites in addition to first homes exception sites. As a result of this, the requirements of the policy are again not consistent with national policy. Paragraph 78 of the NPPF (2021) is supportive of ‘some market housing’ where it would facilitate the delivery of rural exception sites. As such, CCE considers that Policy H7 should be amended as follows:

‘Applications for rural and first homes exceptions sites that propose the inclusion of a small proportion of market housing will be expected to provide robust evidence that the site would be unviable without such housing being included’.

Policy H8 Specialist Accommodation

Draft Policy H8 confirms that all housing sites over 200 units, including those allocated in this plan, will be required to provide specialist accommodation for older people with a support or care component. We request that this policy is amended to add ‘where appropriate and viable’, acknowledging that viability and site-specific factors need to be taken into consideration.

Chapter 6: Place-making

Policy P3 Density

We support the objective of Draft Policy P3 (Density) to make the most efficient use of land and follow a design led approach to achieve the optimum density for a site. The Policy does not prescribe an appropriate density for the District and this is supported. However, we consider that reference should be made to the fact that density may vary depending upon site specific circumstances and could be higher where transport links and access to services is good.

Chapter 7: Employment and Economy

Policy E3 and E4 Horticultural Development

Chapter 7 of the draft Local Plan confirms that 67 hectares of land is identified to meet the future horticultural land need within four Horticultural Development Areas (HDAs) over the plan period. It is confirmed that an additional 137 hectares of horticultural land is also forecast to be required outside of HDAs to meet future need.

CCE has significant landholdings which could assist the Council in addressing the insufficient availability within the current HDAs. The CCE sites which are considered suitable for horticulture development are listed below and location plans for each of the sites can be found in Appendices 9-13.
• Somerley Farm, NE East Wittering, PO20 7JB
• Fisher Farm, South Mundham, PO20 1ND
• Church & Haise Farm, Sidlesham
• Cowdry Farm, Birdham
• Groves Farm, nr Merston, PO20 2DX / Colworth Manor Farm PO20 2DU.

CCE supports draft Policy E3 which confirms that “approximately 137 hectares of land is also needed outside of HDAs to meet anticipated horticultural and ancillary development land need for the plan period.” Support is also given for draft Policy E4 in relation to land outside HDAs. This Policy confirms that proposals for horticultural development can come forward outside the HDAs, subject to a set of criteria. We would welcome continued discussion with the Council on how these sites could help meet the districts horticultural needs in the future.

Chapter 10: Strategic and Area Based Policies

CCE supports Chichester District Council’s proposal to allocate additional land for housing at
Southbourne and to maintain the existing allocation at Tangmere. We also consider that CCE’s land at Hunston and Oving could assist the Council in meeting its housing needs, should additional housing be required. We consider these opportunities in turn below.

Policy A13 Southbourne Broad Location for Development

CCE supports draft Policy A13 and the allocation of a Broad Location for Development in Southbourne for a mixed-use form of development including 1,050 dwellings.

CCE has significant landholdings around Southbourne which is suitable, available and developable. The land to the north and west of Southbourne measures 70ha and is wholly within CCE’s control. The land adjoins the existing settlement and provides an opportunity for a sustainable extension to Southbourne with the potential to deliver c. 1,200 homes for the village, as well as employment, community uses and a significant amount of new public space and green open space. A new Vision Document is enclosed which explains one way in which this opportunity could be realised. Importantly, it is considered that there are no technical impediments that would prevent development from coming forward on this site.

This site has been promoted throughout the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan process, most recently in the December 2022 consultation. The new Vision Document demonstrates that the CCE site presents the opportunity to provide a comprehensive development that would contain strategic housing growth, significant areas of green infrastructure and open space in a sustainable location. The key access strategy for the site is to provide two new access points from the south A259 Main Road and the east Stein Road. These access points would connect to a spine road which would form a continuous vehicle route around the north-western edge of Southbourne.

The site almost entirely comprises a Secondary Support Area under the Solent Waders and Brent Goose Strategy (SWBGS), which aims to protect the network of non-designated terrestrial wader and brent goose sites that support the Solent Special Protection Areas (SPA) from land take and recreational pressure associated with new development. Due to the designation of the site, discussion was undertaken with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust with a view to determine a suitable approach for the scheme and an appropriate survey effort to establish the use of the site by designated birds. As a result of these discussions, wintering bird surveys are taking place. The aim of these surveys is to explore opportunities for mitigation for this SWBGS support area such that development within the red line can proceed without adverse impacts to the bird populations noted within this strategy. Following the survey, the results and approach will be presented to Natural England for further discussion.

In relation to viability, we note that Policy A13 sets several policy objectives for development at Southbourne. The NPPF (2021) notes that where there are up-to-date policies which have set out the contributions expected from development, planning applications that comply with them should be assumed to be viable (para. 58). With this in mind the policy objectives outlined within Policy A13 will require viability testing to be undertaken to ensure a policy compliant scheme is both viable and deliverable. This is necessary to ensure that the policy is sound.

The Policy suggests that employment opportunities are required to be delivered as part of the allocation but there is no specific reference to the amount of use required. CCE supports this proposed approach as it is sufficiently flexible to enable an amount of employment land to be proposed in response to market conditions at the appropriate time and this will help to support delivery of the allocation.

The scale of development proposed has been reduced from 1,250 to 1,050 dwellings to reflect the proportionate reduction in housing numbers across the parishes in the east west corridor as a consequence of the limit on numbers in the southern plan area. If the Inspector finds that additional housing is required, the Vision Document submitted demonstrates that the CCE site in Southbourne could deliver c. 1,200 homes and so could increase housing without needing to identify additional land for development elsewhere.

To summarise, the site could accommodate approximately 1,200 homes which could be delivered on a phased basis early in the plan period. There are no overriding physical or technical constraints that would act as an impediment to development. There is also a clear access arrangement proposed.

Policy A14 Land West of Tangmere

CCE supports that Policy A14 is carried forward into this Local Plan to facilitate the delivery of a residential-led development of at least 1,300 dwellings.

Additional sites


CCE further promotes land (15.31ha) located east of the B2145 Selsey Road in Hunston for 240 new homes. The land is deliverable and is fully within CCE’s control. The site is highly accessible, located within a maximum of 5-6 minutes walking distance to Selsey Road, where several bus routes connect the village to Chichester.

CCE notes that the Council assessed the HELAA site (ref. HHN0016) as ‘developable’. A Vision Document has previously been prepared and submitted to demonstrate the commitment to it being brought forward for residential development within the plan period. This document is enclosed.

To address the Council’s concerns in relation to flooding, following publication of the Chichester Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA), we have prepared an updated Flood Risk Scoping Study which provides an overview of flood risk constraints across the site from a range of sources. Various mitigation measures are recommended in line with recommendations of the Chichester SFRA and prevailing local and national guidance and best practice. With these measures in place, it is likely that the flood risk could be managed effectively in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF. Detailed data has also been requested from the Environment Agency, which will feed into further technical work that is being carried out.

Should the Inspector conclude that additional housing is required, CCE considers that their site is the most appropriate and sustainable location for development in Hunston. The site provides an opportunity to sensitively and sustainably extend the existing village boundary to provide additional homes to meet an identified housing need.

Land East of Drayton Lane

CCE owns land to the east of Drayton Lane which is bound by Tangmere Road to the north and crosses Oving Road and the railway line to the south. The site is c.1km from the centre of Chichester and comprises 49ha. The site was assessed in the HELAA 2021 as developable ‘HOV0017’. A Vision Document has been prepared and was presented to the Council in 2022. This includes a detailed analysis of the site and its surroundings and provided justification as to why the site is suitable for development. This technical review of the site concludes there are no technical impediments to development.

The Vision Document demonstrates how the proposals for the land east of Drayton Lane could be developed as an extension to the draft allocation A8 (Land to the east of Chichester) for up to 700 new homes. The land east of Drayton Lane is fully within the CCE’s control, is available for development now and is deliverable with some development achievable within the first five years of the plan period. It represents an opportunity to provide new homes, facilities and significant community benefits, through a sensitively designed development that integrates into the surrounding landscape.

The Vision for this site is a landscape and ecology led masterplan which would celebrate the rich wildlife characters of the different surrounding landscapes and uses the connection between countryside and community to generate its character and identity. The Vision Document demonstrates that this is a suitable location for development.

Should the Inspector conclude that additional housing is required, CCE considers that the land east of Drayton Lane would form a natural extension to allocation A8 and is an appropriate and sustainable location for new development.

Appendix C Additional Guidance
Appendix C provides additional guidance on evidence which needs to be submitted in support of certain planning applications related mainly to development in the countryside. As mentioned in the comments above provided in response to Policy NE10, there is no prerequisite contained within the NPPF (2021) that requires an applicant to demonstrate that previous uses were proven unviable prior to the conversion of a building in the countryside to residential use. As such, to be in accordance with national policy, reference to Policy NE10 should be omitted from Appendix C.


CCE welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Local Plan and is keen to continue to engage with the Council, especially in relation to the Broad Location for Development in Southbourne. CCE is supportive of the Council’s aspirations in the Local Plan. However, the changes set out above are considered likely to be necessary to ensure the plan is sound.

CCE is a considerable landowner in Chichester with land largely to the south, west and east of
Chichester which could assist the Council in meeting their housing and development needs throughout the plan period.

See attachments for site information.


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 5854

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Kirdford Parish Council

Agent: Troy Planning + Design

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Policy does not include reference to the ability of neighbourhood plans to be supported by Housing Needs Assessments to provide neighbourhood area / parish level evidence base to inform the housing mix for the neighbourhood area.

Change suggested by respondent:

Text to this effect should be included in Policy given that many neighbourhood plans are now supported by such evidence and use this to inform neighbourhood plan policies on Housing Mix.

Full text:

See attachment.



Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 6015

Received: 16/03/2023

Respondent: Chichester District Council Housing Team - Local Housing Authority

Representation Summary:

The Housing Authority is supportive of the housing mix outlined in policy H5 and the ability to reflect local need where it is appropriate to do so. Furthermore it is right to provide this level of certainty, whilst allowing for some degree of flexibility.

Full text:

Chichester Local Plan – Proposed Submission
Duty to Co-operate
The Statutory Housing Authority welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Chichester Local Plan 2021 – 2039 and strongly commends the Local Planning Authority on progressing with its plan-making activities at a time when a number of Local Planning Authorities across the country have stalled owing to a state of flux in the national policy picture.
Chichester District Council Housing Authority considers that the Chichester Planning Policy Team have engaged in a pro-active manner in an ongoing basis to meet the needs of our communities. Furthermore, the authority has been consulted throughout in the crafting of the proposed housing policies H1 – H10 and confirm that the Duty to Co-operate has been met in this regard.

Is it legally compliant?
The Housing Authority consider the plan as presented, to be legally compliant and have no specific comments in relation to the Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulations Assessment or the Statement of Community Involvement.

The Housing Authority is satisfied that the plan is positively prepared and seeks to meet the housing need for both market and affordable housing, so far as is practicable, whilst having consideration for the various constraints of the plan area including AONB designation, heritage matters, flooding matters and infrastructure capacity issues. The Housing Authority believe the plan seeks to balance between these competing demands in a sustainable and realistic manner for the plan period 2021 -2039.
The Housing Authority consider the plan provides for a reasonable evidence based strategy which is consistent with national planning policy and guidance and contributes to the delivery of sustainable development, having regard to the reasonable alternatives available.
Meeting housing need
The Housing Authority considers the plan meets housing need so far as is realistically possible considering the constraints of the plan area.
Policy H1, including the Broad Spatial Distribution - is noted.
Policy H2, the strategic locations are broadly located in areas where the Council held Housing Register indicates the highest level of housing need.
Policy H3 - is noted.
Policy H4 – The Housing Authority fully endorse and support the provisions contained in Policy H4.
Policy H5 - The Housing Authority is supportive of the housing mix outlined in policy H5 and the ability to reflect local need where it is appropriate to do so. Furthermore it is right to provide this level of certainty, whilst allowing for some degree of flexibility.
Policy H6 - The Housing Authority are in full support of this policy and fully endorse the opportunity for Neighbourhood Planning groups to bring forward Self and Custom Build serviced plots. The Housing Authority are encouraged by the potential that may arise with the call for sites for such plots. We look forward to working with our colleagues and communities to bring forward Self and Custom Build opportunities within the plan area.
Policy H7 - The Housing Authority recognise the difficulties in bringing forward exception sites for affordable housing and welcome this policy which seeks to enable the needs of our rural communities to be met.
Policy H8 - The Housing Authority strongly advocate for the inclusion of specialist accommodation for older people, and the intention is to secure affordable housing across all specialist accommodation for older people, including Extra Care to meet the needs of those unable to secure such accommodation in the open market.
H9 – The Housing Authority support the policy to retain accommodation for rural workers.

H10-H14 – The Housing Authority has no observations to make in relation to these polices.


Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 6036

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: Miller Homes and Vistry Group

Agent: Tetra Tech

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Policy relies too heavily on HEDNA; should enable flexibility to recognize a range of local needs, site specifics and context; within large sites especially circumstances may require a less prescriptive approach; financial viability should be considered and allowed for.

Change suggested by respondent:

Suggest point 1 references exceptions within point 3. Point 3 (a) provides some flexibility but is still considered too rigid to enable sites to quickly adapt to evolving housing demands.

Full text:

Point 1 suggests new market and affordable homes must be delivered in line with the HEDNA. However, point 3 then provides exceptions – it is suggested point 1 references point 3 to avoid confusion.
More generally, we support providing a mix of homes of differing size, types and tenures to meet a range of local needs. However, any such policy has to be flexible enough to recognise the range of needs locally and the specifics of the site and its context. Relying solely on the HEDNA and infrequently published updates to it does not fully provide this flexibility and would not allow home builders to respond effectively to changing market conditions over the plan period, which in the current economic and political climate, can occur quickly. It also does not recognise that, within the district, and particularly on large sites such as West of Chichester, circumstances may exist which require a less prescriptive approach to housing mix on site. Furthermore, the financial viability of providing a given mix also has to be considered and allowed for in any policy wording to reflect that, particularly on larger sites, too heavy a weighting on any particular size of houses can have significant viability implications. The provisions of point 3(a) provide some flexibility but is still considered too rigid to enable sites to quickly adapt to evolving housing demands.



Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039: Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 6071

Received: 17/03/2023

Respondent: VIVID

Representation Summary:

Support in principle

Full text:

As for this policy, we are supportive of the form in which it currently stands but would welcome the inclusion or recognition of single storey dwellings to help release larger family homes (but this does have an impact on achieving densities).