Green Infrastructure

Showing comments and forms 1 to 4 of 4


Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

Representation ID: 868

Received: 03/02/2019

Respondent: Mr Simon Oakley

Representation Summary:

Para 5.61. Add reference to "Local Green Spaces".
Add new para relating to how Local Green Space designations will be enabled and supported (e.g. via Neighbourhood Plans and Site Allocations DPD).
Ref: NPPF paras 99 - 101.

Full text:

Para 5.61. Add reference to "Local Green Spaces".
Add new para relating to how Local Green Space designations will be enabled and supported (e.g. via Neighbourhood Plans and Site Allocations DPD).
Ref: NPPF paras 99 - 101.


Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

Representation ID: 2748

Received: 07/02/2019

Respondent: Gleeson Strategic Land

Representation Summary:

Agree with inclusion of private gardens, allotments and other features as functional parts of GI. The plan should continue to recognise that development can come forward with a positive impact on biodiversity and can maintain important connections for wildlife through incorporation of suitable GI within new devt.

Full text:

See attachment


Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

Representation ID: 2948

Received: 07/02/2019

Respondent: MR William Sharp

Representation Summary:

Lack of inserted change would result in Policy ostensibly allowing new developments at "Strategic Development Locations" to be planned without regard to green-route connections.

Full text:

See attachment



Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

Representation ID: 3174

Received: 04/02/2019

Respondent: Mrs Sarah Sharp

Representation Summary:

5.63 Change to "The benefit of these spaces for climate change, the economy,...."

Full text:

See attachment
