Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

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Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035

Policy S16: Development within vicinity of Goodwood Motor Circuit and Airfield

Representation ID: 1995

Received: 05/02/2019

Respondent: March C of E Primary School

Representation Summary:

Concerned that definition of noise-sensitive properties includes reference to educational establishments. The existing noise study does not referenced educational establishments. School playgrounds are assumed to have an average decibel level of about 71dB when in use which is a lot higher than that recorded within 200m of race track during race days. Therefore there is no need to prevent primary schools from being developed within this area. Recommended change: remove educational establishments from definition of noise sensitive development

Full text:

The policy S16 states that There is a general presumption against development proposals for noise-sensitive development within 400m of Goodwood Motor Circuit and Airfield. Whilst there is no definition of noise-sensitive development there is one for Noise sensitive properties which is:

Noise sensitive properties: these include all residential properties, educational establishments, hospitals, hotels, hostels, concert halls and theatres.

Having read the full Goodwood Noise Report Dec 2017 into the justification of this policy we can find no reference to educational establishments only to residential dwellings.

Primary School playgrounds are assumed to have an average decibel level of about 71dB when in use. This is actually higher than a lot of the averaged decibel levels recorded from within 200m of the race track during race days. Therefore there is no need to prevent Primary school playgrounds from being developed within this zone.

The Glossary should have a definition for noise-sensitive development. This definition should not include educational establishment (playgrounds) for the reasoning stated above.

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