Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035
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Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035
Policy S5: Parish Housing Requirements 2016-2035
Representation ID: 933
Received: 04/02/2019
Respondent: Pagham Parish Council
Given the current constraints on the roads between Pagham and Chichester the level of housing proposed for Hunston and Mundham is too high. The road network has insufficient capacity to accept more traffic generated by these developments.
It is noted that an allocation of 50 homes is proposed for North Mundham, and Policy AL11 will allocate a minimum of 200 homes for Hunston parish.
The B2166 and Pagham Road are the primary route for traffic travelling from Pagham to Chichester and the A27. The road network between Pagham and North Mundham and Hunston is already congested for much of the day. Traffic from these three villages meets at a small roundabout for the B2166 and B2145 via which access is gained to the A27 and wider strategic road network. There are already delays due to the recent opening of Chichester Free School, mitigation measures for which have not been implemented. To increase the number of homes in this area will exacerbate the problems already encountered by local traffic, which are already at an unacceptable level. The B2166 and Pagham Road are narrow, rural roads which are unsuitable for the current traffic load and it is dangerous to increase this further.
Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035
Policy AL11: Hunston Parish
Representation ID: 934
Received: 04/02/2019
Respondent: Pagham Parish Council
Current local road network will not support this level of development when combined with the proposed changes to the A27
It is noted that an allocation of 50 homes is proposed for North Mundham, and Policy AL11 will allocate a minimum of 200 homes for Hunston parish.
The B2166 and Pagham Road are the primary route for traffic travelling from Pagham to Chichester and the A27. The road network between Pagham and North Mundham and Hunston is already congested for much of the day. Traffic from these three villages meets at a small roundabout for the B2166 and B2145 via which access is gained to the A27 and wider strategic road network. There are already delays due to the recent opening of Chichester Free School, mitigation measures for which have not been implemented. To increase the number of homes in this area will exacerbate the problems already encountered by local traffic, which are already at an unacceptable level. The B2166 and Pagham Road are narrow, rural roads which are unsuitable for the current traffic load and it is dangerous to increase this further.
Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035
Policy S23: Transport and Accessibility
Representation ID: 936
Received: 04/02/2019
Respondent: Pagham Parish Council
The road improvements suggested for A27 will inconvenience current residents. There will also be increased pollution caused by traffic being held at traffic lights. Solution appears to be most beneficial to through traffic, not to the developments it is supposed to be mitigating. It appears to be a rehash of Option 3 from the previous Chichester Bypass Improvement Scheme consultation which was REJECTED by the community
The Parish Council is not in favour of the proposals for junction improvements to the A27. For those wishing to leave the A27 and head towards Pagham, the option is to use the hamburger roundabout then a further 4 way junction between Bognor Road and Vinnetrow Road. This will add to journey times, as the previous option was to take the Whyke roundabout or use the existing Vinnetrow Road junction without the need to access A259. The alternative here is to leave the A27 via the new Stockbridge Link road and use the local road network. As stated previously, these roads are unsuitable for large volumes of traffic and are regularly congested. For those wishing to access the city, there are no right turns at Stockbridge and Whyke. This means that all traffic joining from A259 looking to access will need to cross straight over or travel down the A27 to the new Fishbourne roundabout, therefore encountering signalised junctions and a hamburger roundabout to access Via Ravenna into the city. This is a reduction of 4 access points to 2 and will inevitably lead to additional traffic on these routes. The additional journey time for those using Via Ravenna will not only be inconvenient, it will inevitably cause additional pollution as cars are held at the various traffic lights. This is particularly inappropriate given the existing issues at Stockbridge in terms of Air Quality.
The estimates given to complete these works will mean years of misery for those who use the A27 and local roads which relieve it when there are works or delays for accidents or events at Goodwood. These are unacceptable. In addition, this proposal appears to be for the advantage primarily of through traffic rather than local traffic. It is therefore not effective mitigation for the 1000+ new homes planned for the Manhood Peninsula, and in fact bears a striking resemblance to Option 3 from the Chichester ByPass Improvement Scheme consultation undertaken by Highways England in 2016. This was roundly rejected by the local community following the consultation.
Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035
Policy S23: Transport and Accessibility
Representation ID: 937
Received: 04/02/2019
Respondent: Pagham Parish Council
The proposals for improvements to A27 will inevitably cause additional pollution as cars are held at the various traffic lights. This is particularly inappropriate given the existing issues at Stockbridge in terms of Air Quality. Planned improvements are contrary to Policy S28 Pollution.
The proposals for improvements to A27 will inevitably cause additional pollution as cars are held at the various traffic lights. This is particularly inappropriate given the existing issues at Stockbridge in terms of Air Quality. Planned improvements are contrary to this policy.
Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035
Policy S23: Transport and Accessibility
Representation ID: 939
Received: 04/02/2019
Respondent: Pagham Parish Council
The proposals for the A27 junction improvements will inevitably lead to increased pollution. Are these junction improvements included within the requirements of this policy?
The proposals for the A27 junction improvements will inevitably lead to increased pollution. Are these junction improvements included within the requirements of this policy?