Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035
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Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035
East of Chichester (Oving Parish)
Representation ID: 438
Received: 28/01/2019
Respondent: The Woodhorn Group
The current allocated site is of reasonable size but the extension all the way to the Drayton road is a massive and significant extension of Chichester that is not acceptable. It is essential that an adequate green gap is kept between Chichester and Oving village and this would not safeguard this.
It is also worth pointing out that not all wildlife refuges are in parks and gardens and the long disused gravel pit/landfill site is an important wildlife habitat that should remain undisturbed and protected.
The current allocated site is of reasonable size but the extension all the way to the Drayton road is a massive and significant extension of Chichester that is not acceptable. It is essential that an adequate green gap is kept between Chichester and Oving village and this would not safeguard this.
It is also worth pointing out that not all wildlife refuges are in parks and gardens and the long disused gravel pit/landfill site is an important wildlife habitat that should remain undisturbed and protected.