Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035
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Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035
Policy AL13: Southbourne Parish
Representation ID: 3035
Received: 07/02/2019
Respondent: B. Yond Homes Ltd
Agent: DMH Stallard LLP
Representation Summary:
Believe that the requirement should be increased to around 3000 dwellings.
Suggest development should be to the east of the village.
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Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach 2016-2035
Policy S4: Meeting Housing Needs
Representation ID: 3036
Received: 07/02/2019
Respondent: B. Yond Homes Ltd
Agent: DMH Stallard LLP
Representation Summary:
Plan does not reflect identified needs plus unmet need of the NP. Housing figure should not be capped as the current plan does not meet OAN.
Rydon undertaken only SA to assess impact of 800 dpa and consider that the Council's SA is flawed.
Plan should seek to meet full OAN of 775dpa
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