Draft A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Version 2 - May 2024
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Draft A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Version 2 - May 2024
4.0 Planning Contributions
Representation ID: 6554
Received: 04/06/2024
Respondent: West Sussex County Council
The County Council does not have any fundamental concerns about the SPD. However, CDC is requested to consider the following potential improvement (as shown in Section 6):
Paragraph 4.1 of the Draft SPD requires funding to be secured towards delivery of A27 junction mitigation measures, but the evidence base (i.e. Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures) sets out the case for highway and sustainable transport measures to mitigate the impacts of development in the Chichester Local Plan 2014. The Draft SPD currently does not give sufficient emphasis to the sustainable transport measures that form part of the mitigation package, which potentially leads towards delivery of only highway mitigation measures and over-reliance on car-based trips within the network.
There is potential for sustainable transport measures to reduce demands on the highway network and the need for highway mitigation measures, in line with Policy 8 (Transport and Accessibility) of the Adopted Chichester Local Plan. Therefore, it is suggested that Paragraph 4.1 is amended to additionally recognise the potential role of sustainable transport measures in mitigating development and ensure that developer contributions could be directed to highway and/or sustainable transport measures.
This change to the SPD would ensure there is greater flexibility in the strategy and the scale of measures used to mitigate the impacts of development on the transport network, which is likely to be helpful given the level of uncertainty about the cost of highway mitigation measures.
The County Council does not have any fundamental concerns about the SPD. However, CDC is requested to consider the following potential improvement (as shown in Section 6):
Paragraph 4.1 of the Draft SPD requires funding to be secured towards delivery of A27 junction mitigation measures, but the evidence base (i.e. Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures) sets out the case for highway and sustainable transport measures to mitigate the impacts of development in the Chichester Local Plan 2014. The Draft SPD currently does not give sufficient emphasis to the sustainable transport measures that form part of the mitigation package, which potentially leads towards delivery of only highway mitigation measures and over-reliance on car-based trips within the network.
There is potential for sustainable transport measures to reduce demands on the highway network and the need for highway mitigation measures, in line with Policy 8 (Transport and Accessibility) of the Adopted Chichester Local Plan. Therefore, it is suggested that Paragraph 4.1 is amended to additionally recognise the potential role of sustainable transport measures in mitigating development and ensure that developer contributions could be directed to highway and/or sustainable transport measures.
This change to the SPD would ensure there is greater flexibility in the strategy and the scale of measures used to mitigate the impacts of development on the transport network, which is likely to be helpful given the level of uncertainty about the cost of highway mitigation measures.